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Cena beats Brock at Rumble while Reigns wins the Rumble itself with Bryan somehow getting screwed by Lesnar in the Rumble to set up Cena/Reigns and Bryan/Lesnar at Mania sounds good except: why would Lesnar, in preparation for a title match, even have Daniel Bryan on his mind?

All you need is a simple backstage segment between the two befor after the title match, but before the rumble match. Ala Brock/Goldberg
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Cena beats Brock at Rumble while Reigns wins the Rumble itself with Bryan somehow getting screwed by Lesnar in the Rumble to set up Cena/Reigns and Bryan/Lesnar at Mania sounds good except: why would Lesnar, in preparation for a title match, even have Daniel Bryan on his mind?

All you need is a simple backstage segment between the two befor after the title match, but bso Bryan on his own in the ring doing his "Yes" schtick when a pissed off Lesnar runs down and destroys him, leaving him as easy prey for the next guy. Out walks Seth Rollins...


I'd still go Reigns-Lesnar but I agree with Supremo that they might get itchy feet.


The Reigns isn't ready stuff is bullshit. Even worse when it comes from people who've complained about the lack of genuine stars. He's got most of what you need. Stick a rocket to his back and see how much more he finds.


What chance Rollins walks out of the Rumble with the title?

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Easiest thing to do is go for Bryan/Lesnar and then a Rollins/Ambrose/Reigns three-way. They've already established that Bryan hasn't been cleared by the doctors, he's just decided to return. So the idea of the monster destroyer Lesnar against the much smaller and potentially career-threatened with injury Daniel Bryan is a fantastic story that writes itself.


Ambrose hasn't had his retribution against Rollins so they can build to that. It wouldn't be a stretch to shoehorn Reigns into it. Potentially they could have Reigns pissed off that Ambrose completely ditched The Shield after Rollins left. Maybe Reigns can accidentally cost Ambrose a match against Rollins. Ambrose is known to hold a grudge against those that wronged him (his feuds with Rollins & Wyatt have both started with "you beat me up, now I'm going to beat you up")


I know they want Reigns to be the next megastar, but for the time being, WWE still have the ultimate megastar in Cena, so until then, he should be a silent vigilante type, who just comes out, smashes people up and then leaves. Like what happened at TLC.

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Easiest way to turn Reigns heel would be for him to join The Authority. Would also create potential matches with Ambrose and tension in the Authority. Would be easy for him to turn back face.

Easiest way to turn Reigns heel would be for him to join The Authority. Would also create potential matches with Ambrose and tension in the Authority. Would be easy for him to turn back face.

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The Reigns isn't ready stuff is bullshit. Even worse when it comes from people who've complained about the lack of genuine stars. He's got most of what you need. Stick a rocket to his back and see how much more he finds.



I've been worse than most for this. I'll try and clarify why. In an ideal world, I'd like to see Reigns go clean over all the big names. Really push him as the top dog, regardless of the boos he'd get at first. However, WWE is far from a perfect world and we all know there's a real chance that he'd beat Lesnar and Cena today and in a year's time be trading the mid-card belts with Sheamus, The Miz and Dolph Ziggler on Smackdown.


Ian hit the nail on the head. We saw it with Swagger, Del Rio, The Miz, Ziggler and Sheamus. All their careers peaked before they really got over proper. I'm worried the same will happen to Ambrose, Reigns, Rollins and co. Is Reigns ready to beat the man who ended the Streak? In an ideal world, yes. I don't think it's that simple in practice though. There's the real possibility that the fans would turn on him and WWE would give up on him by Summerslam.


Reigns has the look. His work in the ring and on the mic are good, but far from great. A year ago I was his biggest fan but like so many before him, stepping up to the top level exposed flaws in him that we'd not seen before. He doesn't have that IT factor *yet* that Lesnar, Cena, Rock, Triple H or even CM Punk or Daniel Bryan have. That isn't to say that he shouldn't be given the chance to reach the top of WWE one day but I don't think Wrestlemania 31 is the right time for it to happen. We need to have a bit of patience here. Better to have him take 3 more years to get to the top than have him crash and burn now.

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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I'm into Reigns as the next bloke, and I'd only be worried about him not having the "IT factor" if he's drowning during the final month or two of his story (remember there is still 3/4 months of build to come, he's hopefully yet to peak). If he fails it's not the end of the World, they have alternatives.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Think i'm in the minority with this, but I wasn't into that Ryback promo at all. At least, I wasn't up until the point where he credited a fucking self help book that teaches you the power of positive thinking and harnessing good energy to get all that you desire, at which point I started pissing myself laughing.


I'm not his biggest fan in the first place, but sincerely going on about fucking space magic, particularly when he's supposed to be some invincible nails bastard cokehead bouncer from fucking hell, is absolutely demented. No wonder the guy seemed like such a head the ball all these years - he is.

Edited by Cannibal Man
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Think i'm in the minority with this, but I wasn't into that Ryback promo at all. At least, I wasn't up until the point where he credited a fucking self help book that teaches you the power of positive thinking and harnessing good energy to get all that you desire, at which point I started pissing myself laughing.


I'm not his biggest fan in the first place, but sincerely going on about fucking space magic, particularly when he's supposed to be some invincible nails bastard cokehead bouncer from fucking hell, is absolutely demented. No wonder the guy seemed like such a head the ball all these years - he is.


He was talking about it on Jericho's Podcast recently. He has a poster on his wall with the goals he wants to achieve on them and how this self help book changed his life.

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Rollins was superb in that final segment. My favourite guy in wrestling at the moment. His mic work can be a bit patchy at times but I thought he really excelled here.


As for the rest, well it's great that Daniel Bryan is returning to action. He has to win the rumble now surely?


My only complaint is that they should have done more with Brock Lesnar. The guy makes limited appearances as we all know, yet he didn't really do anything.

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I loved Rollins "Ah hell you know me, I'm gonna kill him anyway" bit at the end. He drones on a bit too much but with some fine tuning will be the hottest heel in the company. Can't wait for his hopefully long title reign. He really is the future in my book.

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