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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm not totally convinced just yet that it's going to be Strowman/Undertaker for Mania, but it's looking more likely than the Cena match now at this point. It's possible though that they are just trying to show Braun's face in the same place as the current main eventers on a regular basis so that he is seen in that bracket.


Stephanie McMahon is one of the worst things about Raw. Total "go away" heat. She berates all the talent and makes them look like naughty children getting a scolding, and never shows any arse afterwards. Just awful this week.


Apart from Stephanie I liked the start of Raw with Rollins and Braun backstage and the false start to the triple threat match. Rollins and Strowman had a good wee match and the main event was pretty decent as well. It's always great to see Undertaker, and I'm delighted he's in the Rumble.


Other than that though the rest of the show was a slog. The Shawn Michaels segment was dreadful apart from a couple of good lines from Rusev (particularly when he was asked if he could get his leg that high, he measured it up and then said "probably not").


Did I miss something about the whole "is Taker going to be here" thing, as I thought he was definitely advertised last week to be 100% turning up this week?


That New Day segment was shocking as well. Last week and this week I watched their promos, but next week they are back on the fast forward list.


Glad to see Jericho as champion. It gives him something to strut about with, and possibly change the name of the title to the Canadian Championship, while it pretty much guarantees Roman to be taking the belt from Owens at the Royal Rumble. Which is certainly an upgrade.

Edited by WeeAl
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I did not like this show. Even with the adverts cut out (I watched live last week and THAT hurt) it was a big slog with a couple of high points. The first being 'Taker getting some phlegm stuck in his throat and the second being Rusev cos has funny. Smackdown is so much better than Raw.

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I'm not totally convinced just yet that it's going to be Strowman/Undertaker for Mania, but it's looking more likely than the Cena match now at this point. It's possible though that they are just trying to show Braun's face in the same place as the current main eventers on a regular basis so that he is seen in that bracket.

Same, I think Takers winning the rumble followed by weeks of who will he challenge at Mania.


Glad to see Jericho as champion. It gives him something to strut about with, and possibly change the name of the title to the Canadian Championship

The title of Jericho surely.


Again the camera work was weird this week. I got motion sickness in the Sheamus match and I think the camera man was the only person who didn't know taker was going to raise his arm.


We also had a lovely moment where we are going to take at the rated r superstar and I am sure we just went to advert.


Going to give myself a couple of weeks off Raw as it all just feels to tedious.

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Every single HBK segment since his retirement has been fucking shit. It's as though he lost every bit of promo ability he had the second he retired. It was a car crash segment and Enzo wasn't needed out there either - watching him painfully limp around the ring was embarrassing. 


I did enjoy Braun vs Seth and the main event though. Would love Reigns to take the belt at the Rumble as Owens title run has been underwhelming. 


Undertaker being in the Rumble is fine, but the thought of him vs Strowman at Mania doesn't excite me at all. And I like Strowman.

That's complete nonsense. The stuff he did during the build up to Triple H's matches with Taker and Brock was fantastic. Though it's easy to forget that a) he's been retired for seven years and there's a LOT of stuff he's done since then and b) that there was good stuff when it's in with rubbish like this.



Alright, the Undertaker/Triple H stuff was decent but his hammy overacting in the HIAC match almost spoils one of the best Mania matches of all time (although superkick/pedigree is still my favourite nearfall ever). But I couldn't stand his participation in the Brock/Hunter feud, thought he was terrible there.


I will say though, I did enjoy his little heel segment where Bryan tapped him out. Completely forgot about that one earlier.

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Smackdown is so much better than Raw.

It is but the time is such a big part of that. Raw had a hot start, decent Rollins/Strowman match, Undertaker appearance, good main event, good tag title feud progression and reasonable women's match that would have made a really good 2 hour show. Some horrible filter in the middle though. Really drags it down.

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Not as predictable given the title situation on both brands. I can see AJ taking the title to Mania but Owens will definitely be without after the Rumble.


Someone else mentioned the possibility of Cena getting the all time number of titles come Mania which to be honest, he deserves. He's put in more work and had by far a higher number of 4-5 star matches than anyone on the roster. How that plays into what goes down, who knows.


I just can't see the point in Taker being wasted on Strowman. Cena vs Taker 10 years later would be THE match for me.


Raw was poor though.

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Has WWE ever invested in sending their talent to proper acting classes, or even invited a teacher backstage to help?


They use some well-respected acting teachers in NXT, or have done. Sami Zayn said in an interview (I think it was either Jericho's podcast or that English bloke on YouTube who always seems to be at the pre-SummerSlam/Mania media days) that it was a massive help to him when he was there. 

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I think there are some red herrings being thrown in prior to the Rumble. Hopefully it's not Vinnie Mac's panties being twisted in the wrong direction like previous years so he fucks about with planned ideas. I think the stuff last week between Reigns, Strowman and Goldberg are more likely to lead somewhere


I think Taker was purely on RAW to gain ratings and so they can have some kind of confrontation between him and Strowman in the Rumble. I personally think the Rumble will be won by Taker, Strowman or possibly a returning Balor (if that is even still a possible thing).


My predictions at the moment have to be Taker Vs Cena, Reigns Vs Strowman or Balor 


Taker can win the Rumble and Cena win the title on the same night but with Cena down playing his total title wins then I think he isn't coming out here as champ. However They could have Cena win at Elimination Chamber.


Strowman could win and go against Reigns with a Reigns/Goldberg Vs Strowman/ Lesnar match at Fast Lane. AJ Vs Cena is at Elimination Chamber  with the chamber match being for the Mania spot, Taker wins that or you could even swap Taker and Cena around.


What is certain is Raw is still quite dull even through highlights and AJ and Owens will probably not be champions in my books going into Mania. 

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I think Goldberg will win the rumble and go on to wrestlemania and win the title. Simply becuase that is the reason he said he is sticking around in that promo the night after survivor series. Why else would he stick around for? To just have a pointless 3rd match with Lesnar? He's supposed to be a superhero and what he says he has to deliver so if he said he has one last title run in him then i think that will happen. He could face Cena, roman reigns, lesnar or taker at mania for a title. Im sure one of them will be a champion by mania.

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Has WWE ever invested in sending their talent to proper acting classes, or even invited a teacher backstage to help?


Miz went for some acting lessons after the whole Diva Search debacle didn't he? I'm not sure whether it was WWE mandated or something he did off his own back, but he certainly benefitted from it. I'm surprised there isn't an acting coach at the performance centre.


Edit: Turns out there is. That makes sense.


Bayley will make Steph look like a million dollars, while Cole and Graves remind us that she's a former WWE Women's champion...

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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