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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Other than the fantastic post match visual of Harper vs Cena, this week was all about the matches rather than any Wrestlemania build for me. The fatal four way for an IC title match was much more enjoyable than it had any right to be based on who was in it. I thought Cena and Harper had a belter, I never thought an arena would chant 'Let's go Harper' and it definitely added to the lunacy of Harper's assault. The Shield vs Real Americans was fantastic too. Ambrose's addition of the Nigel Mcguiness/Les Kellett bouncy ropey lariat thing was great and Rollins is turning it up a few notches every week.


Wrestlemania doesn't look overly must see but the roster are out there every week putting on cracking matches so you can't fault the talent.


Cena vs Wyatt is the match to see in two weeks time.

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This dipshit referee should be raped in the shower for getting Bray Wyatt in his Scooby Doo mark out picture.



Speaking of dipshits, in a radio interview last week Nikki Bella randomly mentioned to the host that Wyatt was apologising profusely to her backstage for the 'plastic girlfriend' comment. Either intentionally demeaning his character or more likely she's an absolute idiot.

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As I was watching this tired, I had an odd vision of Lesnar opening the casket only to find himself in it. That could actually be pulled off if it were a backstage bit.


I'm sure they've done that with someone else before but i'm drawing a blank on who.


They did it during the Taker/Orton feud in 05.



Diesel in 95 too

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I have literally no idea why they've started doing it. It really winds me up, from a kayfabe perspective I can't work out why the character would have made that change.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I can't believe how little they've put into building Taker/Lesnar. I know some matches sell for themselves, but at least put a bit of effort into it! What have we seen so far?


- Lesnar wanting the title, not getting his way, and settling for Taker instead

- Taker being interrupted by Heyman (quality promo) and saying a few words

- Lesnar killing Henry, which was pretty good

- Taker saying the same stuff he said a few weeks ago

- The first confrontation before the initial one had spooky stuff, and we see Brock Lesnar, UFC Champ, the beast, the anomaly, getting spooked out by a casket.


Maybe it's my expectations. At the very least I thought they'd play on Lesnar killing Taker when they've met in the past (they did it on WWE.com, why not have Heyman mention it on Raw?)


No doubt the match will still be great, probably the best on the night, but the build up has been so pointless. At least last year we had Punk being a total dick and we were just gagging for him to get his comeuppance.

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Watched RAW last night & agree about the Taker/Brock build up being a bit of a damp squib. The initial contract signing was really good but since then it's been pretty disappointing. Loving Cena/Wyatt though, despite Cena's shitty promo last week this week the match & the whole post match with Cena tied up in the ropes was brilliant. Batista & Orton are still utter wank though.


So impressed with WWE at the moment, can't help but think that if RAW were 2hrs (as it was when I was watching last) & a lot of the filler shit was trimmed the current product would be deemed as good as anything they've done.

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I don't know what more you could do with Taker and Lesnar really, Taker shouldn't be doing long promos or getting too physical. Complaining Brock was spooked by the casket is weird, The biggest star since the attitude era has admitted to being scared of a totally unproven Bray Wyatt, Lesnar can't no-sell Taker's 25 year supernatural gimmick.

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I get what you're saying, but Lesnar gets portrayed as a completely different character to Cena. He's made out to be a 'real' ass kicker. Remember that promo against Cena? 'This is real, etc etc'. He shouldn't be shitting himself cause of a couple of druids and a casket.

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I think its as simple as they are so overworked (JBL even cracked a joke about someone - apparently Vince- falling a sleep at work on Raw the other week) that they've taken the easy option of "just stick him in a coffin and scare him" route. With the Network and trying to get the biggest TV rights deal in their history and the stock never being higher and Scooby Doo and the Flintstones and Slam City and the Performance Centre and the CM Punk stuff and pampering Arnie and promoting WrestleMania all over the county and testing out the live stream and launching all these new shows for the network, added to the fact Triple H and Stephanie (who oversee creative) are heavy into their own storylines (both on and off screen), its properly just a case they are focusing on Daniel Bryan's storyline and the John Cena angle and everything else can play out itself. The Lesnar and Undertaker stuff is as simple as you can get. There looks to be no thought put into it. I could easy see Vince, Triple H and Stephanie in a creative meeting so tired that when Lesnar and Undertaker comes up they just go "have them do interviews, people only care about the match anyway".


It shouldn't be over looked that this is the busiest time in WWE since Bischoff was raiding their talent and the WWF were taking water coolers out of the offices. This period is so big for them. There's a million things happening. In the conference call the other week Vince said he wasn't going to be sleeping the week of WrestleMania. Storylines may not be A-star or anything, but fair play to them when it comes to the other side of the company. Things are going great for them.


Vince hasn't returned this year. He was supposed to be in a main storyline, but he hasn't been back in months. That tells you all you need to know about how busy things are. There's a big chance he'll show up Monday, but he was supposed to be back the night after the Royal Rumble. But he has bigger fish to fry. Looking at the show, it could easily be a great WrestleMania. Bryan and HHH will be great, Lesnar and Undertaker will be as well. The three way will be probably be class. Wyatt and Cena will bring it. The six man will no doubt be good with the Shield in it. The Battle Royal will be hammy enough. I cant see a dud on there, so you are going to get a good card.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I don't mind all the supernatural stuff, it is The Undertaker he's feuding with (an MMA cowboy zombie). It's the fact they've reduced the appeal of Lesnar, the big dominating monster. He's a great man when he's portrayed as the big shark in the roster.

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