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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Asking Alexandria are also on RAW tonight. Such a weird mix of celebs! Sadly I'm most excited for Scooby Doo :)


This is weird.... I went to school with the singer of this band, used to go out with his sister. I knew they were getting big (mainly from the fact they did that 'Warrior Show' last year) but I didn't think they were 'WWE RAW big'.

they are one of the rare British bands that cracked America before they got anywhere over here, they're getting big here now as well though.

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Why do they sound familiar? I swear the only time I've ever heard of them has been due to wrestling. Have they done anything wrestling related before?


This I imagine.

Ah yes, that'll be it, cheers! I knew the only only reason I'd know a metalcore (whatever the fuck that is) band would be due to wrestling.

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I've decided I've not enjoyed this Brock/Taker build at all. I want a bit more than 'grr, we're both dead hard, let's fight'. At least Heyman is fleshing it out a bit, but when they're both in the arena, I'm actually bored by it. It's different than when they did it for the first HHH/Taker match, such as the silent looking at the sign promo, because there was a shitload more context and for me personally, the allure of the two men facing off was far greater. It's felt a bit lazy to me, and just like Punk last year, there's a sum total of fuck all they can do to make me doubt the outcome, so I'm just not feeling it.


On the flip side, Cena/Wyatt had a fantastic week again. I had no faith in them being to able to build this, but Cena's showing plenty of weakness and I'm well up for this one, nor do I know who will win. Perfect.

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I've decided I've not enjoyed this Brock/Taker build at all. I want a bit more than 'grr, we're both dead hard, let's fight'. At least Heyman is fleshing it out a bit, but when they're both in the arena, I'm actually bored by it. It's different than when they did it for the first HHH/Taker match, such as the silent looking at the sign promo, because there was a shitload more context and for me personally, the allure of the two men facing off was far greater. It's felt a bit lazy to me, and just like Punk last year, there's a sum total of fuck all they can do to make me doubt the outcome, so I'm just not feeling it.

At the very least they built it up in such a way that you were paying to watch that match to see Punk get his arse kicked and 'Taker getting his urn back, rather than The Streak ending.


This Lesnar/Taker build is all over the place. Heyman did a good job a couple of weeks ago pointing out how special The Streak is, but he's now just repeating himself. Also, we've got 'Taker beating up Lesnar every other week and making him look less and less like the beast they like to market him as. No idea what they're up to, as they've sort of made Lesnar less of a threat as this has went on.


I enjoyed the Triple H and Cena stuff. Triple H is in great form, at the minute, he's really trying his hardest to be the biggest bastard he can be.


Cena/Wyatt is tremendous. The visual of Cena hung up on the ropes with the sheep mask on was a brilliant idea.


It's a shame Lesnar/Taker is pants, as the other angles are ticking along nicely. This time last year it felt like they peaked too early with most of their stuff.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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It feels like they're trying to trick us in to believing Lesnar will come out on top at 'Mania by having 'Taker so dominant in the build up. They're not doing a great job in presenting Lesnar as the all conquering beast, his win ratio must be 50/50 at best. Hopefully they get him in for a short run of squash matches before his eventual title match.

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Another one here who isn't really feeling the build for Brock/Taker, I have no doubt the match itself will be excellent, but Lesnar has done pretty much bugger all since January. I know Lesnar shouldn't be throwing Taker around before Mania but surely he should be presented as a threat to the streak and demolishing a few undercard guys.


The HHH stuff was great on this show again, as was the opening Batista/Orton/Steph segment. It was totally the right thing for Bryan not to be on this show too.


The visual of the screen cutting back to seeing Cena tied up in the rope in the sheeps mask but utterly brilliant and a fantastic visual. I wasnt old on this being a Mania match at first but it is now probably the match I am most looking forward to.


Some good wrestling on this show too, The 4 way was good, and The Sheid/Real Americans stuff was great too, it makes me sad to think we will be getting a toned down Shield match at Mania.

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