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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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What does everyone reckon about the return of all the insider stuff? There seems to be more references to antiqued internet rumours like Triple H not rating Jericho, Cena and Edge and the whole "solid B-plus" stuff and even throwing in the "stack of dimes neck" line (which Vince has been known to use about people with no traps). It seems like they are playing up to HHH's reputation as the devil on the internet and throwing in all this stuff from real life. They did all this in 2011 with CM Punk and it wasn't very good. I suppose it depends how far they go. As long as they don't reference Vanilla Midgets, it cant be as bad.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I guess it'll only be a problem if they start dragging shit in when it doesn't suit the narrative, and they're doing it just to tickle the sack of the Internet fans.


So far, the references have been pretty thick and heavy, but they've suited the angle and story. The big test is if someone who doesn't know shit about that stuff (y'know, a normal human being) finds the product accessible and can watch and not be alienated by in-jokes they don't get.


I think so far they've kept on the right side of the tracks.

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The real genius is that anyone who criticises HHH or Vince for real behind-the-scenes stuff can now easily be dismissed as a mark who's falling for the storyline.


How is that genius unless it makes them money? They dismiss anything they don't like anyway and pretty much always have.

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The real genius is that anyone who criticises HHH or Vince for real behind-the-scenes stuff can now easily be dismissed as a mark who's falling for the storyline.


How is that genius unless it makes them money? They dismiss anything they don't like anyway and pretty much always have.

It was a tongue-in-cheek comment from Lister.

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I thought Jerry came off badly. Sleaze on a girl, get knocked back, throw out the "You're ugly anyway!" line.


Depends really, if he was touching her elbow whilst doing it he probably nailed her afterwards.


I like the 'insider' stuff from Trips'. It's usually all shite bit it's his shit eating smirk whilst he's doing it that wins me over. I'd love for him and big sexy to team up and lay waste to the vanilla midgets, a sort of a one night only deal though. Give them a box like the old guys on the muppets.


If Cesaro isn't careful he'll be feuding with Swagger soon. That giants swing had the crowd ready to pop big, add to that his usual feats of strength and the crowd won't want to boo him before long.

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If Cesaro isn't careful he'll be feuding with Swagger soon. That giants swing had the crowd ready to pop big, add to that his usual feats of strength and the crowd won't want to boo him before long.


This has made me quite want to see them give Cesaro an Edwardian strongman sort of gimmick, along the lines of Phineas and Barnaby from Family Guy:




There's all sorts of fun items he could bring to the ring with him, and at some point you've got a ready-made feud with Mark Henry.

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If Cesaro isn't careful he'll be feuding with Swagger soon. That giants swing had the crowd ready to pop big, add to that his usual feats of strength and the crowd won't want to boo him before long.

The crowd don't want to boo him anyway (or react to him at all). That's why he's in a going-nowhere tag team with Swagger in the first place. Strongman babyface might be his best bet at this point.

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  • Paid Members
What does everyone reckon about the return of all the insider stuff? There seems to be more references to antiqued internet rumours like Triple H not rating Jericho, Cena and Edge and the whole "solid B-plus" stuff and even throwing in the "stack of dimes neck" line (which Vince has been known to use about people with no traps). It seems like they are playing up to HHH's reputation as the devil on the internet and throwing in all this stuff from real life. They did all this in 2011 with CM Punk and it wasn't very good. I suppose it depends how far they go. As long as they don't reference Vanilla Midgets, it cant be as bad.

It's fine because the insider stuff isn't the core of the angle, but is being used to pepper the angle. The Jericho, edge, Cena stuff I didn't know about, but it doesn't matter because it was explained, and the stack of dimes neck comment (a jibe at randy Orton originally, according to meltz) was a one layer thing. It's not like bischoff telling sid he hasn't got any scissors

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Cesaro is a magnificent looking specimen, and a fantastic athlete. He's a good hand and the powers that be seem to acknowledge that by keeping him busy enough on TV, but it's a shame he's just not connecting with the audience.

Shelton Benjamin was the same. Looked great, could pull the house down when he wanted, but there was just something missing.

I for one hope he does eventually connect in some way, as I love watching the man work and it'd be a shame if he got the boot in the next year or so.

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