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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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It felt like a bit of a damp squib of an ending. As an episode of TV, there was no real pacing or story to it. It was just one or two scenes per character to tie up or transition to something next year.I really kind of hate Daenerys as well. Partly because she's a bad actress, partly because she just doesn't look right (I think it's the bleached hair and dark eyebrows), and partly because the character's story this year is just crap. All season, she's landed somewhere, defeated the overlords and freed the slaves. Usually sat in a tent. I get that she's army-building, but it's not terribly interesting to see repeated.

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Her wig isn't particularly convincing is it? Not as bad as Daario Naharis' though.


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I didn't mind this episode. Had some nice human moments, Tywin Lannister being excellent, a little taster of murderous Arya and some fun stuff set up for series four. Pretty much exactly what I expected after episode nine being so mental. I'm glad Sam has made it back so we don't have to watch him on his way there any more though. He is so fucking shit. I still don't give a toss about Bran either; I hate magical/psychic children in things.


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Not as bad as Daario Naharis' though.

I struggle to take him seriously because he reminds me so much of a late-80's/early-90's Saturday Night jobber.Not a specific one, but he just has that look.
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That was a bit disappointing actually.They should have made Episode #9 the season finale, that would have been a far more impactful and exciting ending than what we got here, doesn't even leave me particularly excited for the next season.

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Her wig isn't particularly convincing is it? Not as bad as Daario Naharis' though.

Strangely though, it makes her about a million times more attractive than she looks with her own hair. You can all fuck off with your hate, Daenerys Targaryen bossily shouting at people in High Valyrian is about the hottest thing on TV these days :love: But yeah, an anti-climatic wrap up there. I know it's hard to follow the sack of Astapor in the fourth episode, but they could've made the taking of the last two cities a lot more dramatic - even saving last week's Dany scenes for this week if need be, given they weren't especially needed in last week's episode. A minor quibble really, it's been a great series on the whole.
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I didn't mind the lack of pace and climax this week, I needed a break from the drama after last week. I find Varys to be one of the more compelling characters in that he's one of the few 'good' ones who are clever enough not to let there nobility undo them. I can see him having a big part to play in Joffrey's downfall, unless Joffrey is burnt to a crisp by a dragon. I can also see Tyrrion swindling his family/kingdom out of a fortune, heading north with Sansa and kicking things off again but seeing as he's probably the last guy I'm rooting for he'll no doubt be offed in ep 9 of season 4.

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I'm thinking The Lord of Light is always a good bet. Stannis named Rob Stark, Baylon Greyjoy and Joffrey Baratheon when he burned those leeches. We've lost one of those already and I can't see the other two making it out of next season. I'm also hoping this means we get to see more of Stannis next season too, the mad bastard.Just a theory mind, I haven't read the books and if I had wouldn't be discussing them here anyway.I agree with the underwhelming ending but it does end halfway through a novel as opposed to the others, so the ending wasn't going to be as punchy. Besides they seem to have a pattern in episode 9 being the shit goes down episode with 10 being the episode that sets up each characters' story for the next season.

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Besides they seem to have a pattern in episode 9 being the shit goes down episode with 10 being the episode that sets up each characters' story for the next season.

This is true, but previous finales have seen big, defining moments that really injected something and made you think there were big things ahead. "Fire And Blood" had the obvious Dany enduring the flame and coming out the Unburned, Mother of Dragons, only after finding out she had lost her baby then having to euthanize her brain dead Khal, but it also had Robb & Cat's grief and subsequently Cat's killer scene with Jaime and then Robb being raised up to "King in the North" by his bannermen, and the Night's Watch marching beyond the Wall, not content to wait and see what was coming. All three of those were impactful. I personally really liked Robb's ascension, I found it pretty stirring. Mike from Casualty was great as the Greatjon in that scene, and Cat's face told a brilliant story of "I'm so proud of him, but I'm still scared that my little boy is leading men to war."Last year "Valar Morghulis" felt like a non-stop procession of great finales to various stories. Tyrion waking up to new lodgings, disfigurement and finding out where he stands with Shae, Arya realizing Jaqen is a Faceless Man, Jaime and Brienne starting their trek and Brienne getting to kill some knobheads, Jon being prepped to meet the King Beyond The Wall, Stannis seeing his future glory in the fire - all nice hors d'ouvres. Then BAM! Dany burns the Scottish warlock - OMG Dragons have started killing already. BAM! Robb marries nurse bint. BAM! Dany locks the-richest-man-in-Qaarth-the-greatest-city-that-ever-was-and-ever-will-be and Roxanne from Hollyoaks in a vault and has gold to buy a ship to (it's implied) sail to Westeros. And finally - what the fuck is that? The Others are heading towards the Wall. Shit. There were a good three times where I thought "that's a great point to end on, that must be the end" but it carried on delivering."Mhysa" didn't really hold up. Dany's deal aside, the Ramsay reveal felt rushed and unimaginative, the Jaime/Cersei reunion should have been bigger and was curtailed before you really saw the outpouring of emotion that you could expect from both, nobody gives a fuck about Bran and they've done a woeful job with him bleating "I have to find the three-eyed raven" and no reason whatsoever as to why that's more important than getting to his brother and relative safety, and fuck knows why they think the scene with Balon & Yara would resonate when they neglected to use either character all series and I expect some casual fans upon first sight had forgotten who they even are. The only bits that I thought were really good were the chaos at The Twins adding an exclamation point to last week's horror, Jon's return, wounded back at Castle Black and reuniting with his mates, and the continuation of Arya's transformation into a hardened stone cold killer.But yeah, at least we know there are big things to come, for Stannis and Davos at the very least, and another wedding to look forward to.
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