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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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No bastard can sit the Iron Throne.

There's already been two incestuous bastards sat on it.

The only way for the lineage as is to continue would be for Cersai to marry and have another child, correct?


It's going to end with Jon on the throne surely, otherwise the revelation of his parentage is a massive swerve if he's to be killed off again

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Loved the finale. The last two episodes have been up there with my favourite and this season is by far my favourite.


One thing that has me confused.. was Cersei's plan all along to sit on the iron throne in the last episode? I'm thinking it was.. but then why did she stop Tommen from going to the trial? She can't have predicted he'd kill himself?


I'm probably reading too much into it..

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Nah I don't think it was her plan all along. But as soon as she saw Tommen's body she thought 'fuck it, I knew all my children were going to die anyway' and then decided to take it for herself.

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I can't see Dany or Jon Snow ending up on the throne. George RR Martin always said that the ending is going to be bittersweet. I think it will be something ridiculous like Dany getting too big for her boots and ending up getting killed at the very end and Jon getting in a predicament with the Walkers and ending up getting saved by Sam or someone else with Valyrian steel. Jon will become the rightful heir but as he's never really bee bothered about it he'll give it up to who ever saves them and become Hand of the King or something like that.


Sam is bound to find out something very important while reading a book and either he will die before telling the person or the person will die before he gets to them. Either way, he'll end up killing his Dad with that sword first.

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No. Jon Skywalker will marry Aunty Princess Dany and have lovely inbred babies, like her father would have wanted.


I think the Jon being Targaryan thing will be purely to do with being able to ride a dragon in to battle.

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No bastard can sit the Iron Throne.

There's already been two incestuous bastards sat on it.

The only way for the lineage as is to continue would be for Cersai to marry and have another child, correct?


It's going to end with Jon on the throne surely, otherwise the revelation of his parentage is a massive swerve if he's to be killed off again



The current lineage begins with Cersei.


Being the last King's Mum isn't a legitimate claim to the Throne. Her claim is that she blew up anybody who would've opposed her. She wasn't even crowned as Cersei Baratheon. It was Lannister. Which technically makes Jaime her heir.


But, aye, I can't see them revealing that the poor, downtrodden bastard has been the rightful King all along, and then never sitting on the Throne. That might happen in the books but not the show.


I want to know what's going to happen to Jaime when Daenerys lands. Tyrion still loves him but Dany can hardly let the fucking Kingslayer live can she? Who is Tyrion going to side with there?

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Night's Watch could do with a bloke like him as Lord Commander. Tyrion's influence prevents his brother being executed if he takes the black - like Ned should have been allowed to do - and Jaime goes full face as he goes up against the Walkers, only to die heroically. Possibly after Bran pushes him off the Wall as revenge.


Probably not that last sentence. But this scenario could invite a Jaime/Bran meeting, which would be interesting after all this time.

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A bunch of different sites went through the lineage a few weeks ago to figure out who was rightful heir to the Iron Throne, when the -- unlikely -- question was raised of what would happen if Tommen died. Cersei was the legitimate heir, but once she goes, in terms of non-Dany characters kicking around that side of the Narrow Sea, I have no idea. You'd probably have to go way back in the family trees and end up on some Lannister we've never seen called Ian or something.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Just to clairfy?


The sparrow that got shanked and found the wildfire, he was a Lannister right? The son of Tommens hand of the king, who was Tywenns brother. Both died in the mega explosion.


Was that Sparrow the same Lannister that was held captive and freed by the Starks that was originally played by Robert Sugden from Emmerdale?

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Was that Sparrow the same Lannister that was held captive and freed by the Starks that was originally played by Robert Sugden from Emmerdale?


Nah. Bobby Sugden was Alton Lannister, who was the guy they sent back and forth to negotiate between Robb Stark and Cersei in the second season before Jaime strangled him to escape captivity.


Lancel Lannister, the church fella, is the one who was shagging Cersei whilst Jaime was away.

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Was it some sort of sparrow frame-up with Lancel being the one in the wildfire chamber? A "they were plotting, or are just suicidal fanatics" thing?


Some yank right wingers were moaning today about it being an attack on religion. For fucks sake, if you see your own religion that way, that's your problem.

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