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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I reckon Cersei gets the chop quite early in the next series. She's clearly not the main baddie as she's too obvious and not subtle. As Mr Danger says, she won't put up much of a fight and Littlefinger will finally fulfil his role as the biggest shit in the seven kingdoms.


No chance. I reckon the final fight will be Cersei and Dany having a full on cat scrap on the steps of the Throne.

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Im torn with cersei, not sure if I want her assassinated by arya while the mountain is taken out by the hound, killed by Jamie after she threatens to blow up rest of city with wildfire or killed by Danieries just before she takes throne

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She seems to lump all the usurpers in to one, and she knows the Lannisters were instrumental in the down fall of her family. She didn't take kindly to Tyrion when he first showed up - also she has him in her ear as far as Cersei goes and he's unlikely to be pro keeping her alive.

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I think Cersei is in until the end also, she is the big bad of Kings Landing now and will be the one trying to hold back Dany's army.


How do people see the story being paced out? I see season 7 being the battle for Kings Landing whilst Season 7 will be the People united v the Whitewalkers. I can picture season 7 kind of having a happy ending where all is right in the land. And then the walls comes down and Jon Snow puts down his glass of wine and  draws his sword and we cut to black (or something along them lines)

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Cersei is dead by the end of next season surely. Even The Mountain can't protect her from dragon fire. We've seen the shot from Dany's vision in the tower at Qarth of her walking into a fire damaged throne room in Kings Landing with Snow falling through the roof. That must happen next season after they take Kings Landing.


Next season has to end in the North. They've been alternating from the start. The last shot of next year has to be the Night King lowering his arms and the wall crashing down.

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The more I think about it, the more I see the White Walkers winning in the end. The moral of the tale being "whether you're good or you're bad, death will come and fuck you up" or something.


The Lannisters go first, Jon, Dany et al. fall at the end.


Littlefinger gets the "Miz in the ladder match at Wrestlemania" moment, looking like he's finally weaselled his way to the win, but just as he's about to put his arse on the Iron Throne, the Night King fucks him up and sits down himself. 


It'd be a kind of depressing ending (a bit like that Mortal Kombat series that got cancelled so they just had all the heroes killed and the Earth conquered in the last episode), but I think the show's brave enough to do it.

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