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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Utterly astonished that the bloke playing Robett Glover was Fucking Captain Darling in Blackadder.

I watched the episode at my dad's place and we spent the whole time he was on screen going "is it him?" "no it can't be" "I think it's him" "no he looks too tough but it really looks like him" etc

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My mate clocked McInnery straight away. I didn't believe him until the credits rolled. Tragically fate prevented us from getting Flasheart involved too.

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People seem to be able to move places much quicker this series. Previously it'd take an entire season to pop from Kings Landing to Riverun but they're moving at montage pace this series.


Don't get me started on the time it took the Greyjoys to reach Volantis!


This episode was one of the best the series. Looking forward to The Hound going postal. 

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Davos' "For fuck sake" when the fight broke out at the camp had me in stitches. He's tied with Bronn for awesomeness!

Speaking of Bronn, this from the latest episode was great as well and made me laugh:



To add to the many mini-seires/spin-offs we would love to see come out of Game of Thrones, "The Adventures of Jamie and Bronn" would be something I would like to see.

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Doing the rounds that Arya passes a look alike before being stabbed suggesting that she's put her face on someone else to avoid the Waif.

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Doing the rounds that Arya passes a look alike before being stabbed suggesting that she's put her face on someone else to avoid the Waif.

There are many theories going around: the Fight Club theory as mentioned earlier, the theory above, and the Arya was actually Jaqen H’ghar theory, are just some I have read so far.

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