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Facebook updates that blow your mind


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Someone in my area got frustrated with trying to advertise a vacancy through the Job Centre and started a Facebook group to try and help people into work. The original idea was that everybody in the group, whether they are in a work or not, shares all the vacancies they see with the rest of the group but now employers are starting to advertise directly. It's a really good idea and I'm sure that it's helped a lot of people.


In saying that, the amount of people who just post "Any jobs going?" and expect one to be handed to them is mindblowing. Is "too lazy to scroll down" really the impression you want to give potential employers? It's similar with the adverts themselves. I tagged my mate in one post and got crap loads of notifications from people asking questions that were already answered in the original advert.

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Just had a picture of the little girl from here (might be distressing for some - a 3 year old with bruised/bloodied face) with the text 'Are you against CHILD ABUSE? LIKE = YES! IGNORE = NO :/' over it.


Because liking the picture will surely end all child abuse and not liking it means I batter kids as a hobby.

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Not about statuses per se, but do Facebook publish anywhere details of how their 'People you may know' algorithm works?  It's fucking terrifying.


Loathe and despise Facebook, but had to register on there to create the business page, did so with a clean email address and the people it's throwing up are bang on, but not via mutual connections or anything.  Genuinely find it unsettling, and would love to know how they are doing it.

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Facebook's reach extends far beyond Facebook.com (as do most large sites now).


Through advertising cookies and similar, you are 'known' to Facebook and other advertisers. Through machine learning it can deduce your network of contacts based on activities around other sites. Your email address is the final key that locks together who you are.


I was at a seminar with Facebook last month. They plan to have an identity for every web user within the next three years.


Adobe are other fiends for it. They already have the largest database of known users on the web encompassing about 40% of it. Their greatest weapon for obtaining information has been PDF Reader.

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Fascinating, and indeed even more terrifying.  In my still surprised state, it was naive of me to think beyond Facebook in terms of how they might be gathering data, but i'd say even given that knowledge some of the results they are churning up are pretty remarkable.


A former work colleage that I havent communicated with in about 5 years, other than through an email address which isnt linked to my account.


A former youth team player whom i've had no communication with online or otherwise in over 8 years, and whom I share no mutual contacts with.

An old school friend who admittedly i've recently gotten back in touch with through Twitter, but in no other forums. 


It's undeniably clever but christ, it dosent half make getting shot of people hard work these days.

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It's undeniably clever but christ, it dosent half make getting shot of people hard work these days.




Facebook is adamant I might want to connect with one of my ex's dad!? Not seen/spoke to them (her or the family) in over 3 & a half years and no mutual friends.  Interestingly I do have mutual friends with her and her brother but it never suggests them, just their dad.

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Facebook's reach extends far beyond Facebook.com (as do most large sites now).


Through advertising cookies and similar, you are 'known' to Facebook and other advertisers. Through machine learning it can deduce your network of contacts based on activities around other sites. Your email address is the final key that locks together who you are.


I was at a seminar with Facebook last month. They plan to have an identity for every web user within the next three years.


Adobe are other fiends for it. They already have the largest database of known users on the web encompassing about 40% of it. Their greatest weapon for obtaining information has been PDF Reader.


I've actually just moved into this area with my current employer. The amount of information we can target is amazing. Gender, nationality, languages spoken, interests, income etc etc.


Recently I sold someone banner adverts that can target people who can speak Chinese, have an interesting in baking and are looking for a job. I am not kidding. 


But keep in mind that all this information is anonymous. We can't, for example, take a name or email address and find information about that person. It's all numbers and data. Ironically in this way, cookies actually ensure anonymity, unlike a originally proposed system that links people via email addresses.


If you want to learn more, Google 'Data Management Platforms'.

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