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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently 3 - The Final Insult

Devon Malcolm

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2 hours ago, Scott Malbranque said:

Completely understand D-Mal, this type of stuff isn't your gig.

I did watch the first one out of curiosity because everyone said it was different and, well, I didn't think it was really. But the taxi driver was funny and there's always Baccarin, so it wasn't a total dead loss.

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1 hour ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

 Watched The Edge Of Seventeen last night. I think it was @Devon Malcolm who recommended it when it came out, but I second the recommendation completely. Great film.

It really is good, I'd recommend Lady Bird too if you haven't seen that. One of the better explorations of a Mother/Daughter relationship I've seen.

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I think I slightly preferred The Edge of Seventeen but I also think Lady Bird would hold up better to a rewatch. Both are absolutely superb.

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4 minutes ago, Ralphy said:

is ichi the killer worth my time to watch? i watch about 3 new (to me) films a year, i have a short attention span and tend to stick to my favourites 

I enjoyed it, it's one of the "extreme" movies of the period I find that still stands up. Just be prepared that it's violent and weird as hell.

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No it's rubbish. Don't waste one of your three a year on that.

Watched The Roommate last night thanks to the good people at Poundland. It's a pretty standard bunny boiler with a very pretty cast. It's a bit long in getting to the point and anyone who's seen Hand That Rocks the Cradle and Fatal Attraction has seen it all before. That said I've seen much worse and I'm in love with Aly Michalka.

Deadpool 2 was funny and well worth a watch but a bit too silly for me. Hard to get a sense of jeapordy. Look forward to seeing it again though.

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I'm sure I first read about it on here but I wasn't expecting it to be what it was. Without spoiling anything, it starts as a documentary about Competitive Extreme Tickling but it gets weird and dark and weird again pretty sharpish. Fascinating and baffling in equal measure.

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Just back from Solo. I was worried about this one beforehand - turns out I needn’t have been. It’s loads and loads of fun, does a good job at keeping away from predictability and while it’s not perfect it’s really enjoyable throughout. Great stuff!

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I managed to snag a free ticket for some time next month so I'll eventually see it, I just wish Gambino wrote it as well as acted in it. But yeah reviews have me thinking it'll be a fun but inconsequential bit of fluff.

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I think that’ll be commonplace with the ‘A Star Wars Story’ films. You’ve got that core fan base who’ll watch anything Star Wars related then complain about childhoods being ruined before watching the next thing, but these can work fine just as standalone movies for casuals. My wife said she’d go watch it with me after we saw the trailer the other night and she’s never watched Star Wars in her life, but she knows who Han, Chewie and Lando are. I’ve got a feeling I’ll come out of it similar to when I watched Rogue One - not essential viewing but enough fun if you’re a Star Wars fan with plenty of little nods to the main story, yet accessible enough if you’re new to it.

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