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No complaints here. Combined with the Kangaroo vid and the Itchweeed stuff it was thoroughly great. I love the gimmick swapping lake! I still wanna know what happened to Bram since Decay kidnapped him. Time to go to their compound where maybe he and Senor Benjamin are......


Jessie Godderz was excellent in his tournament match. It's an interesting concept if they can stick it out.

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Yeah, I've actually been watching Impact weekly for the last three or four weeks now (for the first time in years) and have been really enjoying it. As mentioned earlier, you can't say they aren't putting the effort in trying to do different/new things and I find it a lot more entertaining than WWE programming right now. Delete or Decay was superb as well, not Final Deletion level but I don't think anyone was expecting that. Though the Hardy stuff is awesome and the most compelling and fun thing going in wrestling at the moment in my opinion.

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I still wanna know what happened to Bram since Decay kidnapped him.

He was in Scunthorpe last Friday night, it that helps.
Probably negotiating his latest multi year deal.

Sometimes it's just too easy. Lol


By the way, it doesn't appear to have been mentioned, but a couple of weeks ago, Billy Corgan confirmed that what we're seeing now on TNA (though he is a part of the process) is still as planned by the old set up. And that the TNA vision under him will kick off at Bound For Glory.


I guess that accords with something he is reported to have said about slightly changing the look of the Impact Zone.

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