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The worst thing about this is that Jeff could actually be a star in wrestling and potentially make a difference but I get the feeling he is happy with pissing about in TNA though and doesn't crave fame and acceptance like his brother. Matt deserves to be where he is but, from a fans point of view, it's a shame seeing Jeff do this for a company like TNA.

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The worst thing about this is that Jeff could actually be a star in wrestling and potentially make a difference but I get the feeling he is happy with pissing about in TNA though and doesn't crave fame and acceptance like his brother. Matt deserves to be where he is but, from a fans point of view, it's a shame seeing Jeff do this for a company like TNA.

I know this has been commented on a number of times in the past, but do we think that WWE would be interested in bringing Jeff back on a short-term or part-time contract?

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If he can prove that he is clean, I could see them maybe doing a short term deal with him but I can't envision him coming back full time. Having knowledge of his past issues, I think WWE would have it in his contract that if he relapses/fails a single wellness then the deal is off

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I was disappointed overall by the show, the main event I enjoyed, Lashley as champ is whatever.


The Hardy's match was utter fucking garbage.


What the hell happened to TNA's tag division, I have watched for a long time and I don't quite know when or why but there basically isn't one, Wolves are gone due to injury and Eddie won the X-Div title on this show, Bobby Roode fucked off to NXT leaving Storm pissing in the wind, Bromans are shit. It's fucking Grado and Sheera up next isn't it :laugh:

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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 Bromans are shit. It's fucking Grado and Sheera up next isn't it :laugh:


Grado's probably one of the biggest draws they have, even according to the ratings in America.


That well winds up the Mecca Mutants. Fuck 'em. Grado is ace. I loved it when he did the hardcore match vs Abyss and the crowd went apeshit for him as the mutants bitched massively about it, then at the end begrudgingly gave the man the credit he deserved. Before going back to crying him about him the nexgt week.


Fuck I hate TNA Mecca. I only read it to see my arse.

Edited by PowerButchi
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TNA's in bad shape. Their CFO's even chimed in with how gloomy it is.

While TNA Slammiversary was a very good show and TNA will produce a number of hours of Impact Wrestling for a "live" broadcast tonight as well as future episodes of Pop, perhaps their biggest accomplishment was even getting the tapings to take place.

According to a post made by Dean Broadhead, the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of TNA, on his personal Facebook page on Saturday morning, he had to "secure interim financing" with a 12 hour window in order for "production trucks to roll" for this weekend's events.

Broadhead wrote that between Thursday and Friday of last week, he logged over 80 phone calls on his cell phone to attorneys, vendors, bankers and employees. Broadhead noted he had a 12 hour timeframe to deal with lawyers, bankers, accountants and owners and given that they were spread out over the world, that required all of his phone calls.

Broadhead commented, "Maybe it's time to retire. But maybe not until everything is in it's right place."

Should Broadhead follow through with that, it would be a major loss for TNA as we've heard from sources that Broadhead's financial management is a major reason the company has been able to exist the way it has the last few years.

Aroluxe had been handling the financial end of TNA's TV production, so it may have been a case of the company having to reimburse them in order to have them to move forward with producing the PPV and TV. As we broke over the weekend, Billy Corgan is either close to or has come on board as a new minority owner in the company, so it's possible his investment helped the company salvage the weekend.

TNA has been meeting with a number of potential investors and "strategic partners" in recent months. Obviously, they need to strike a deal soon because there's only so many bullets they can continue to duck before they end up getting hit.

Why are they even bothering to continue with the promotion? If there's no money coming in and you cant afford to pay the staff, is it all worth it in the end? I get the appeal of chilling with the Hulkster and being pals with Big Kev if you're losing money, but those days are long gone. The company has very little upward mobility at this stage. Makes you wonder what anyone is getting out of it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Billy Corgan is either close to or has come on board as a new minority owner in the company

Homer Simpson, smiling politely.


That's finally happened then. Billy Corgan as an on air wrestling authority figure flanked by the Harris Boys is a realistic enough hypothetical, isn't it. What a mental stable that would be. Maybe they'll crowdfund aspects of the production in exchange for bits of creative power. Turn the whole thing into the interactive nuclear winter it so clearly deserves to be.

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I'm really quite disappointed in the choice for this years TNAHOF inductee they've chose Gail Kim


As much as I think she deserves to be a future TNAHOF I think it's not the right time where is the recognition for those who helped build tna in the early days surely the likes of Jerry Lynn, Raven & AMW are more deserving first

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Oh yeah? How do you justify Sting going in first then? Barely anyone remembers anything about his first run, and his second run came years after TNA had got going. Angle was second in, and whilst he helped the company further along, he wasn't one of its early pioneers either.


Kim was at the very least a pioneer for the KOs division, and at one point the women were the most viewed segment on Impact.

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