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I wouldn't mind if Jeff got the strap again - he's not had it for years, and can be a pretty good blue-eye or villain. Would be good to give the title scene a shake-up, anyway. I've not watched TNA for a couple of months now, but Jeff back might just get me watching semi-casually again.

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I wouldn't mind if Jeff got the strap again - he's not had it for years, and can be a pretty good blue-eye or villain. Would be good to give the title scene a shake-up, anyway. I've not watched TNA for a couple of months now, but Jeff back might just get me watching semi-casually again.


At the time Jarrett had the belt for what seemed like ages, I fucking hated him. Now he's not there, I wish he was Champ and it would probably get me watching again - you don't know what you've got till it's gone as they say.

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Where do you guys see TNA in 5 years time? Do you think it will still be around?


Let's put it this way - I haven't bought a ticket for the January tour yet, because I'm not 100% sure it will take place.

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TNA was back in Universal tonight. In a different sound stage than they used to have. They just shifted the set they used on the road into the studio and it looks no different to when they were on the road. Which is obviously a positive. The crowds were so small in the last few months and they pushed the entrance way so forward, it looked tiny anyway. At least now they aren't pissing about for months on end losing millions.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Uh-oh. :(


TNA has announced that Genesis, which was previously announced to be one of the four remaining live PPVs earlier in the year, will in fact be a special episode of Impact. The show will take place on January 16 in Huntsville, Alabama.
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I wouldn't cancel PPVs, personally. It can be a source of decent revenue, if they can get somebody in charge that can somehow make a small percentage of their TV audience care enough to buy their shit 4 times a year. Granted, it's a mighty task, seeing how they've trained their audience not to bother.

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I imagine they could get away with scaling back to one a year, and just doing a huge build for Bound For Glory if they booked their feuds in the right way to build to a crescendo there, and possibly make some money, but their current model is not conducive to making that happen.


They really do need a complete re-fresh, which I'm hoping will happen at some stage soon. I really am pulling for TNA, if nothing else so there is a viable alternative (not a competitor, mind), because looking at the other options outside of WWE it's pretty slim pickings for a company that could fill that void.

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According to her most recent interview, Dixie says that TNA's been paying its own way in the last few years.


-- Carter on Panda Energy's Spike TV era role: "Once we got on Spike, we changed a lot of things and our revenues grew. We've been cash flow positive for the last four or five years. After that point, Panda stopped putting money in the company. We've funded it with every dollar we've made and maybe that's kept us from growing quite as fast."


If that's true, it makes the recent changes a bit less apocalyptic than have been reported.

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