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Wrestling Pod Casts / Radio Interviews


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Jericho had Sheamus on this week, it's a decent enough listen. Jericho, of course managed to shoehorn a few references to being undisputed champion and he also didn't know what I.T. stood for, and actually thought Ryanair sold standing seats and charged for using the toilet.

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I'm pretty knew when it comes to listening to podcasts and have recently downloaded a handful of Talk Is Jericho episodes. Twenty minutes into my first episode and poor stuff so far (it's the Paige episode but she isn't on yet). I've gone for episodes where the guest appeals to me (Natalya, Chris Nowinski, Rhodes brothers, Paige, Pat Patterson and Regal) but I really hope things pick up.

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In fairness to him, Ryanair did propose having standing seats a few years back - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8779388.stm


Can't say I've heard of the paying for the toilet idea, although that is still the case in loads of train stations across the country


They've 'proposed' both ideas. In both cases, it's clearly a publicity stunt.

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  • Paid Members

I'm pretty knew when it comes to listening to podcasts and have recently downloaded a handful of Talk Is Jericho episodes. Twenty minutes into my first episode and poor stuff so far (it's the Paige episode but she isn't on yet). I've gone for episodes where the guest appeals to me (Natalya, Chris Nowinski, Rhodes brothers, Paige, Pat Patterson and Regal) but I really hope things pick up.


For the sake of your own sanity, always fast-forward to the start of the interview. Lots of Jericho's conversations have been very good, but if you listen to all the preamble you'll very quickly grow to hate him.

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Austin has to be on the outs with WWE. I know that's the rumour, but they seemed to have banned any guests anyone would feel are worth listening to. No WWE guests in ages it seems. I think Bray Wyatt was the last WWE guest who wasnt someone like Shawn Michaels who does what he likes. All it is now is Wade Keller and his mate who he goes hunting with. Hadn't listened to Austin in ages until the cracking Shane Douglas interview last week. But he seems to be really struggling for guests at the minute. He needs to step it up. There's only so many hours in the day, and as much as I love Stone Cold, I cant be listening to phone in shows with so much content out there.

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Agreed, when he has Kellar on and is quoting sites I have never heard of, then the barrel is being scraped

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Yeah, I was looking for something to listen to at work last week and remembered how much I enjoy Austin. I was shocked to see how rubbish his guest list was in recent weeks.


IIRC, Meltzer was saying WWE were proper pissed off when he brought up Chyna to Triple H, seeing as it led to her resurfacing and saying all sorts of nasty stuff about our man, Triple H.

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