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The Random/Weird/Quirky Photo Thread


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It says "Arena Mexico" on the poster. It was just a gimmick night.

It never actually happened as it was supposed to be a charity night, but the kids charity as well as the British Embassy publically withdrew support at the last minute, so CMLL must've been at it.


Would've been interesting to see what they'd come up with too, considering there's nothing remotely British about anything in CMLL, other than prelim guy Hooligan having a union jack on his mask many moons ago.


To add to that according to Wiki (I know) the event was to include British musicians, a red double decker buys and Buckingham Palace guards. The main event (this bit I know is true) was scheduled to be Ultimate Guerrero vs. La Sombra for the 'Crown Jewels'. That match still happened and was just for a random trophy instead. CMLL love their trophies.


Knowing CMLL, it probably would've amounted to a red phonebox being dumped in the aisleway.


And somebody diving off it.


If Mr. Sloan does want to contact CMLL about coming to the UK though... :p

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The proud history of wrestling in mugshot form




Can anyone fill in the blanks out of curiosity?


DiBiase, Luger, MVP, Jericho, X-Pac, Bagwell, ??, Sid, Is that Wade Barrett??,??, Michaels.

Eddie, Angle, Vito, Booker, ??, Brian Christopher?, Steiner, ??, ??, Horace Hogan??, Sunny.

O'Haire, Helms, Andre, Daniels, Nash, hall, Jeff, Awesome Kong, ??, Lesnar, Billy Gunn.

Santino, Flair, ??, Sandman, ??, Jannetty, Show, Neidhart, Austin, ??, Matt Hardy.

Tomko, Lita, Kanyon, ??, ??, ??, ??, Test, Is that Sharmell??, Swagger, ??.


No doubt Im missing a few obvious ones (Took me a while to recgonise santino!).


Dan Spivey before HBK,Alex Riley is next to Steiner,Daffney is next to Flair,Lucky Cannon beside Austin,Serena (CM Punk's bald SES lady) before the Uso lad,Jillian Hall before Test,Maven after Swagger.

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I thought this one was really cool. There's a couple on there I couldn't get though:



Courtesy Lanny Poffo's facebook account.


The last I heard, he had become a gym / fitness coach in his town.

He probably just enjoys hustling out his photos for a bit of pocket money then. As I thought, it's nowhere near as

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The proud history of wrestling in mugshot form




Can anyone fill in the blanks out of curiosity?


DiBiase, Luger, MVP, Jericho, X-Pac, Bagwell, ??, Sid, Is that Wade Barrett??,??, Michaels.

Eddie, Angle, Vito, Booker, ??, Brian Christopher?, Steiner, ??, ??, Horace Hogan??, Sunny.

O'Haire, Helms, Andre, Daniels, Nash, hall, Jeff, Awesome Kong, ??, Lesnar, Billy Gunn.

Santino, Flair, ??, Sandman, ??, Jannetty, Show, Neidhart, Austin, ??, Matt Hardy.

Tomko, Lita, Kanyon, ??, ??, ??, ??, Test, Is that Sharmell??, Swagger, ??.


No doubt Im missing a few obvious ones (Took me a while to recgonise santino!).


Dan Spivey before HBK,Alex Riley is next to Steiner,Daffney is next to Flair,Lucky Cannon beside Austin,Serena (CM Punk's bald SES lady) before the Uso lad,Jillian Hall before Test,Maven after Swagger.


Whos between Serena and Kanyon on the bottom row? Looks like a hobo'd John Kreese from Karate Kid.

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