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Watching countdown on wwe network. Greatest Ic champions. This is the worst one I've seen. Ken shamrock is in the top 10 and neither Bret Hart and HBK are not. Chris Jericho is number 1 lolz

I've never associated HBK with the IC title.

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Watching countdown on wwe network. Greatest Ic champions. This is the worst one I've seen. Ken shamrock is in the top 10 and neither Bret Hart and HBK are not. Chris Jericho is number 1 lolz

I've never associated HBK with the IC title.



Same here. He had good runs with it, but for me it was pretty much a stepping stone for him to the main event and the World title.

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Didn't Jericho hold the title the most times though? Or did someone else surpass his record? And know when he won his seventh I think it was in 2003-ish it was a record.


When Jericho won his 7th he did indeed surpass the record of 6 reigns then held by Jeff Jarrett. When that 7th win came, and indeed what Jericho's record actually is, is a matter of debate if you like a bit of tedious debate about how many times people are given a title belt prop in a fake sport... like I do.


WWE will always tell you that Jericho has had 9 reigns, but I will always consider it 8. When he and Chyna did their double-pin situation and Steph made the preposterous decision that they were co-champions who could defend the belt concurrently, Jericho never lost the title. That reign is uninterrupted, the closest you could come to saying he's lost it is that there the title is disputed, but he has certainly not lost or been stripped of it. When the triangle match (involving random Hardcore Holly) at the Rumble concludes with Jericho becoming "undisputed" Intercontinental Champion, it's all still the same reign, which started when he beat Chyna at Survivors and ends when he loses it to Kurt Angle at No Way Out - at least in my book.


The record-breaking 7th win according to WWE therefore is the one you remember where he takes the vacant title in a ladder match against Christian at Unforgiven 2004. However to me, that's only number 6, and it's actually when he takes it from Wellness-busted Jeff Hardy on a Raw leading into Mania XXIV that he breaks the record and goes into his seventh reign, and he would add his 8th during the Mysterio feud. But WWE will tell you 9th.


Basically, that Chyna thing was bollocks, and I don't recognize it in the slightest.


If you wondering who on the current roster is closest to the record, Wade Barrett has 5 runs and both Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston have 4. KOFI FUCKING KINGSTON.


Same here. He had good runs with it, but for me it was pretty much a stepping stone for him to the main event and the World title.


I can't think of Shawn without thinking of the I title. He was the guy that did it ALL. He was the first Grand Slam winner and the first guy to notch up three Triple Crowns, a feat only Edge has managed since. At the time that Shawn won his 3rd, it tied him with Razor and Double J for the most runs... until the day that he forfeited it and Razor racked up number 4 about ten minutes later. It wasn't until the Attitude Era when titles changed hands virtually every week of 1999 that three runs stopped being for the elite I champions and became more achievable, and obviously now it's a bit of a free-for-all (see above). But I'll always think of Shawn as "one of the best Intercontinental champions ever at the time he was going for it" and he had some utter blinders while he was, with Marty, with Jarrett, and two of the best matches of the 90s with his pal Razor.

Edited by air_raid
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Pedro Morales was the first Grand Slam winner. Did it about 14 years before Michaels.


I always associated Mr Perfect with the IC, personally.

Edited by PowerButchi
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Pedro Morales was the first Grand Slam winner. Did it about 14 years before Michaels.


I don't know what additional, long-forgotten title Pedro must have won outside of the three main (W)WWF titles, but I was referring to the Grand Slam specifically in reference to what Shawn was referring to when he adopted the phrase for use on WWF TV in the first place, that being the WWF title, tag belts, Intercontinental title, and the European title.


Incidentally, anyone who wants to tell me that anybody else has won three "Triple Crowns" if that "Triple Crown" includes the Big Gold Belt instead of the WWF/E title or the United States title instead of the Intercontinental...... nah. That's wrestling's equivalent of Liverpool's "treble" of 2001. You win the three proper ones, or it's not the same.

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A Grand Slam is winning everything available in your quarry, and Pedro did that. There was three titles, and he won them all.  A Gland Slam, in sporting terms, is when you win everything, and Pedro won everything. IC, World, Tag. That's a Grand Slam. In those horrid two tone orange  trunks too.

Edited by PowerButchi
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A Grand Slam is winning everything available in your quarry, and Pedro did that. There was three titles, and he won them all.  A Gland Slam, in sporting terms, is when you win everything, and Pedro won everything. IC, World, Tag. That's a Grand Slam. In those horrid two tone orange  trunks too.


Not to be a nitpick (even though I am), but wasn't the Light Heavyweight Title around during Michaels claim of being the "Grand Slam" champion, and thus isn't really a grand slam. I remember that irritating me at the time.


(P.s. I know it's splitting hairs).

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