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It's not like Rock or Vince came out and were like "Austin slapped Debra around".

For some reason this image was irresistibly funny to me. Just the thought of The Rock and Vince McMahon walking to the ring together and cutting the promo is hilarious.

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Name one babyface she has gotten over.

Daniel Bryan





Yeah, not sure what Tiger's on about there. HHH, Orton and Bluetista were the ones who took the fall at 'Mania. Steph just being a bit mad that he won isn't getting him over, it's just being there and doing nothing.


It was months and months of build against the Authority, include many verbal bashings from Steph and Trips that just made people love Bryan more and more. Bryan didn't get over one night, he got that one night because he got over. Way over.


Credit where it's due. And he's one of only two stars The Authority has made along with Rollins.

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Daniel Bryan beat John Cena for the title clean at SummerSlam before Stephanie McMahon even showed up on TV. If anything, constantly bashing the guy people loved got Stephanie and Triple H over as heels. Not the other way around. Unless we're going to pretend Bryan became a star in late 2013 when he was getting told if he was champion in 1998 WCW would have won the war.

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I think what this seems to boiling down to is that people don't think a heel is getting their comeuppance unless they're physically beaten up? I don't get that. Some of my favourite memories of Vince getting his payback were not him being physically abused by watching him break down when his guys were getting foiled by Austin or Rock.


What it boils down to is she had an argument with Paul Heyman backstage a decade ago or something, so some people have had a weird grudge ever since and everything she ever does will be wrong -- at least in the cases where the people complaining she doesn't get her comeuppance (which she does, as you've covered) are the same ones who complain when Cena wins his feuds. 

This is potentially the most moronic post I've read in some time. Genuinely lousy trolling.

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Daniel Bryan beat John Cena for the title clean at SummerSlam before Stephanie McMahon even showed up on TV. If anything, constantly bashing the guy people loved got Stephanie and Triple H over as heels. Not the other way around. Unless we're going to pretend Bryan became a star in late 2013 when he was getting told if he was champion in 1998 WCW would have won the war.

Going back even further people started to love Daniel Bryan during the excellent series with The Sheild, where he would lose every week but he managed to make the fans love him any way. Team Hell No being awesome. The Mania crowd that went mental for the Yes chant and turned it into an over night sensation.


To say Steph got Bryan over is mental

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I think she played a part in getting Bryan over huge. I didn't say she was the sole reason because that would be mental but it's an example of effective use of her character to get a babyface over more than they were before.

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I would say Batista coming in was the big push that made the fans really get 100% beind Bryan. If Stephanie was never involved I can't see things playing out any differently.

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What it really boils down to is that for the most part WWE booking seems to completely neuter most the babyfaces.



Now that's a more interesting, cogent point than the apparent wild hatred for Stephanie McMahon. 


When Vince was at the peak of his onscreen character he showed arse every single week but was good enough that he still managed to keep his character strong while getting everyone else around him over.



There are fundamental conceptual differences between the Vince era and the HHH/Stephanie era -- for starters, the dynamic is different. Vince was never really the dominant overlord and Austin was never really the underdog, the feud started because Austin was being a cunt to Vince rather than the other way around. The thrust of the feud was "wouldn't it be great to batter your boss?" With The Authority, it's that they've got total power and there isn't an Austin to counter them. Cena sometimes, but it's absurdly occasional that they'll all remember they hate each other and feud for a month then drop it. For the most part, they're creating underdogs, and they should definitely be doing a much better job of getting people over, but that still wouldn't mean Stephanie getting a 3D through a table. Like Sherri, Vickie (after about 2008) and most non-attitude heel manager women, her comeuppance won't be and shouldn't be physical abuse.


There's also the "reality era" bollocks making it different. TV taping fans react to stupid backstage rumours as much as they do on-screen characters, and WWE encourages that and plays up to it. Stephanie talking about Daniel Bryan being a B+ and all that business absolutely got certain fans behind him even more and made Bryan's eventual win bigger. Bryan isn't good enough to be a Stone Cold Steve Austin type matching wits and promos with them every week, but he is small and scruffy enough to believe Triple H and Steph don't believe he's worthy of winning the big belt. To deny her part in heating that storyline is silly, and really, she's a better talker than Kane and often better than Triple H, so her doing a share of the Authority's mic work is absolutely a good thing.


And the biggest difference is that at the time Vince was doing it, we hadn't seen nearly twenty years solid of the evil authority figure crap. Obviously Triple H and Stephanie are not as good as Vinnie Mac was, and none of the babyfaces bar Cena are as good as the main ones from Vince's time either. And we're two decades older and more jaded, so it'll generally never compare to Friday nights watching Raw as a kid. But seeing Daniel Bryan overcome the obstacles they put in front of him and main event WrestleMania was pretty ace.

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Following Tammy Sytch on Facebook is not a pleasant experience.


I added her last week and since then she has done numerous statuses on how much people she thought were friends are just using her, other people she thought were friends don't care that she's been ill, Madusa is her best friend in the world (for now), and this morning she posted: "It's been almost 10 years and if you don't know what I'm talking about I WILL DELETE YOU".

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Just watching a SNME from 88 ( the one with the twin referees) and there is a Hogan training montage but the music is Jake the Snakes music from...whenever he had music. I guess there was a year or two gap before Jake had it. Just seemed weird, took me out of the moment of the montage

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Just watching a SNME from 88 ( the one with the twin referees) and there is a Hogan training montage but the music is Jake the Snakes music from...whenever he had music. I guess there was a year or two gap before Jake had it. Just seemed weird, took me out of the moment of the montage


I had that experience when I watched an ancient episode of the TNA weekly PPV when Monty Brown came out to the music that was eventually given to Abyss, which really confused me. Probably doesn't mean anything to many other people because, well, it's TNA, and doesn't compare to the sight of Hogan pumping iron to Snake Bit. Monty of course ended up having a pretty decent theme, the TNA "tribute to" Down With The Sickness.


Of course, the KING of "really weird use of a theme before the guy that made it famous had it" was when Glacier wrestled Pat Tanaka on Nitro and the former Bad Company/Orient Express chap came out to what became Goldberg's theme.

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