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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Didn't know where to ask


I have a massive poster from Nottingham arena from the 2011 TNA Tour with Sting on it


Not looking at selling just out of interest


Anyone know if this has a value?

Nah, not much. Prob between £800-£900 with no sig.
£900 isn't much?? Am I missing something? Is it a magic poster?

I'm taking the piss. It's probably worth £2.
I'll keep it for pure sentimental reasons then,

Seems to be the way with most memorabilia

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What the hell was up with that Battle Royal on (Challenge? Superstars?) which was just the Rock vs a bunch of jobbers?


This must have been a month or so before he won the belt. I can't imagine something like that being booked nowadays.  


It was Shotgun. It was taped on the same night as the 14th September 1998 Raw in front of a MENTAL crowd at San Jose who also went fucking insane when Rock pinned Kane (which at the time was still a big deal which only Undertaker and Austin had managed on TV). It was one night after (IIRC) the Heat (back when stuff still happened on Heat) aired where Rocky ostensibly turned babyface by telling Taker and Kane he was going to kick both their heads in.


The battle royal likely existed purely to reinforce to the TV viewers that "Look! Rocky is a good guy now!" Fucking worked for me, I still have a tape which has the Kane match and that battle royal on it. Hilarious listening to Michael Cole say he thinks "DOA" is going to win (because he doesn't know whether it's 8-Ball or Skull) and Kevin Kelly reply "I like Dennis Knight's chances myself" when it's down to the two of them and The Rock. JAPES!


Didn't Rocky lose his PPV match as a face to Mark Henry as well? Seems like a strange booking decision. 

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Not really a fan of replicas either but if you're getting one it's gotta be the big gold.

That and the undisputed championship belt. Loved that belt.



Yeah the Undisputed Championship was great. Not in a financial position to get it but I just had a curiosity look on the WWE Shop site and they only appear to have a kid's version. I want the adult sized proper replica, dammit, so I can hold the belt like Brock at Summerslam 2002:




And No Mercy 2002 (for the nerds- technically the WWE Championship at this point, but the same physical belt):



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Is it just me or is anyone else hugely enjoying the mic time they are giving to R-Truth these last few weeks?


He's bloody funny on commentary and all his interactions over the IC Title with Ambrose, Harper etc have been great. Of course we all knew he had more to offer than just "What's Up", thanks to his short run as a mad heel a few years ago, but it's very easy to forget all that when his default mode is that of a boring, annoying turd.


It's a real shame that he's been mostly a total waste of air time for about ten years, when there is clearly a much funnier and more interesting guy in there. Is there any reason he became a one-note joke, rather than being trusted to do other things? I never thought I'd feel this way, but R-Truth seems like a case of massive wasted potential. It actually makes me a little angry that he could have been actually entertaining and relevant for a decade but instead he's been (for about 95% of the time) one of the worst and most repetitive acts in the company.

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Didn't Evan Bourne dob him in for smoking weed and that pretty much killed his push stone dead? I've always enjoyed him on the mic. He's pretty much always entertained me in some fashion since his return to WWE which is more than I can say for 90% of their roster.

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I've got some money to blow and no random crap in my flat. Where would be a decent place to get a fancy replica belt from? Wanted one when I was 14, and I seem to have accomplished everything else I wanted to when I was that age so I might as well just get one now

Why don't you have a custom belt made which combines your love/work of art/tattooing and wrestling. You could have it at home or work and you could even take it to conventions as well. It would be something different to have than a bog standard replica.

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Didn't Rocky lose his PPV match as a face to Mark Henry as well? Seems like a strange booking decision. 


Yes. After Breakdown, The Rock's first PPV singles match as a new babyface against then-useless clumsy oaf Mark Henry at Judgement Day was a pinfall loss down to interference from D'Lo. The best reason I can think to hand Rock that particular loss, was to try and make Mizark look a gigantic obstacle because they already had the "Rocky has to beat Mark Henry to get into the Deadly Game tournament" scenario planned out. Which in theory is genius, although in practice even as kids on that particular night we knew there was not a Jammy Dodger's chance in hell that Rock wasn't going to be in that tournament, and I imagine a good portion of us expected him to win it.


My and my mate were both convinced that the only reason they'd taken it off Austin and then NOT given it straight to Undertaker or Kane at Judgement Day was that they were actually going to let Rocky have a run as top babyface. The two turns on the night of first Shane O'Mac and then The Rock himself are incidents we still talk about today, even though he's as lapsed a "casual fan" as you can imagine. Great stuff.

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Rise and Fall of WWE, as posted on /r/SquaredCircle (which, if you ever wanted to see exactly who Pitcos is talking about when he talks about Dem Wans and neverkisseds, is where you want to go.)

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If Daniel Bryan had been in last years Rumble and won it instead of Big Dave, do you reckon the Roman Reigns incident this year would have happened? I'm thinking...no. Last years Royal Rumble may have fucked every Rumble for the next 5 or so years.

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