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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Cage match rules are pretty stupid and inconsistent at the best of times though. Winning by running away and escaping goes against the whole concept and reason for throwing two guys in cage. It's essentially a cowardly, weaselly act, only apt for heels. They should always have the option of pins/submissions imo and that's what the babyfaces should be going for.

That's true, but there's also the "two men enter, one man leaves" thing. In a grudge match, the babyface should want to decimate his hated enemy and leave the cage victorious, rather than trying to outclimb him.


Exactly. The logic of the cage match is perfectly sound - the point is to be able to beat your opponent down to the point where he can't get up to stop you leaving the cage. That's also why I have a problem with the door thing.


WAW do an interesting take on the cage match, called the Builder's Cage - you lose by leaving. It's effectively tapping out - leaving because you can't take any more.

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By having the other guy's arse on your knees whilst you're standing and falling backwards, the other guy does catapult. The jump part may look silly, but the catapult itself is more plausible.


Yeah, as one of my old mates experienced to his cost by doing a catapult with his brother into a wall, knocking him silly. He was 12 at the time. You really do catapult.


Not too many grapplers do a catapult into the ground rather than the turnbuckle now. Malenko used to do it. Needs to come back.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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For me, the biggest thing that pisses me off is when two guys are fighting on the ropes and one falls backwards and either lands PERFECTLY positioned for a splash/elbow etc....or he lies there shuffling around till he is in position...surely the guy up top could adapt his jump slightly if his opponent isnt dead on where he wants him.....

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For me, the biggest thing that pisses me off is when two guys are fighting on the ropes and one falls backwards and either lands PERFECTLY positioned for a splash/elbow etc....or he lies there shuffling around till he is in position...surely the guy up top could adapt his jump slightly if his opponent isnt dead on where he wants him.....


Reminds of a video where Shane Douglas took a bump and his opponent was going for a moonsault, but Douglas had to get up and re-adjust the way he was lying.

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I think the only move/spot that has ever bugged me, is one that you dont see much anymore. Where one man is on the outside of the ropes(on the apron), and the other is on the inside. The guy on the outside shoulder barges the other one in the gut, then sunset flips over for a pin. The bit that riles me, is that most of the time the bloke on the inside would bend and hold the middle rope, waiting for the flip. At least sell the fact you have been winded and hold your gut or something!

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I think my tolerance for that sort of thing is a lot higher due to deathmatch wrestling. My favourite is when the ref actively helps them set up tables etc, bonus points if he also sells the spot - "oh god, how could you put him through that burning table covered in broken glass that I just set up"

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Today's vintage Wrestling Observer tidbit, from October 1992: a "Brian Heffron" appears in the Readers' Pages, asking for Memphis wrestling info. Heffron would, of course, go on to become The Blue Meanie

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Question:  was HBK briefly in the nWo?  And was this before his official return to the WWE (when he had his 'first match back' with HHH)?  How did all that go down?  My memory is fuzzy.

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Question:  was HBK briefly in the nWo?  And was this before his official return to the WWE (when he had his 'first match back' with HHH)?  How did all that go down?  My memory is fuzzy.

Yeah, just after Hogan left, and X-Pac, Big Show and Booker T joined, I think. They did an angle where he became the "leader" in a way, and superkicked Booker T out of the group, saying Booker was the problem with the nWo, always trying to overshadow everyone. Was roughly around the time they did the storyline of Goldust trying to join to keep his team with Booker, leading to the hilarious stuff from the resultant feud.


I got the impression they were looking to have HBK feuding with Triple H through him refusing to join the nWo, but then switched it when they realised both Trips' face run and the nWo run weren't doing particularly well.

Edited by Carbomb
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Has anyone in the history of British wrestling ever donned a silver mask, cape & tights, and come out to this:




as "The Silver Vision"?


If not, they totally should. They'd be the most over person in the building instantly.


Ideal for a "nudge nudge, wink wink" return after a loser leaves town match.


BritWres promoters - you can have that one for free, if it's an original idea.

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I always thought that'd be a fantastic theme. If I'd have stuck with wrestling longer than 5 matches I'd have probabaly used it. (If I ever got to the stage I was alllowed entrance music that is).

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