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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Reigns sleeve is indeed delicious. Everything about that man is boss though, really. Punk has some truly shit tattoos though, there's no denying that. Ortons original stuff was really fucking pony but looks a million times better for the extra sleeve stuff he's had since. Really suits him and enhances his ridiculous attractiveness.

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Anyone else dreading the post-Shield outfits of Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins? I remember post-DX Triple H and all those nWo members who needed new shit. It took HHH a while to get a new suit he was comfortable with. Scott Hall just never bothered. And lets not forget Road Dogg and X-Pac pissing about in their DX costumes months after DX broke up. I remember Road Dogg and X-Pac actually wrestling each other wearing the DX duds. The new outfits of the Shield take up way to much of my time during an average day, sadly.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Yes, I keep hoping Ambrose isn't just stuck in some trunks. I don't think he'd suit that as his physique suggests something else. He's meant to be a bit unhinged too, so should have something different. Reigns is the only one I see suiting trunks really. And everyone wears trunks and is a wrestler who can have good matches, so I'm up for something different.

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The great thing about The Shield's outfits is that when they do split up they can each make an immediate impact individually just by changing the way they look. In particular I'm thinking about Roman Reigns here. He's a beast of a man that has been hidden under baggy trousers and a vest for a year. When he finally breaks away, hopefully as a babyface, imagine how awesome the visual will be when he first comes out in some proper wrestling attire showing off his physique.

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They best not cock up their entrance themes either. I do worry for Seth Rollins in particular as a singles wrestler. I really enjoy his matched, but I'm not sure how he'll hold up character wise. I'm not keen on Ambrose's matches unless they're multi-man at the moment either.

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Stick Ambrose in jeans and a wife-beater, let him grow out some facial hair and ramp up the unhinged wackiness. He could be WWE's answer to Trevor from GTA V.


I can't imagine Reigns could be put in anything that would make him look shit. Rollins is fucked though, his NXT gear really emphasised the whole wannabe-CM Punk thing.

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Reigns would look good in Chainmail during his entrance. In fact a toned down version of HHH's Wrestlemania 27 outfit for entrances then trunks after the bell rings could be cool. If not just a bit of Chainmail would do.


Ambrose would look smart in a leather motorcycle jacket. Either trunks are jeans would suit him.


Rollins doesn't suit trunks at all, I think it makes him look lankier than he needs to. Would probably be best sticking to tights

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Reigns should be simple. Keep those cool wrist pads/glove things he has, stick him in black trunks, boots and knee pads that suit his wrist pads. Sorted. One badass motherfucker.


Ambrose has a very unimpressive physique so he should stick to a similar vest/trousers combo. But something dirtier and scummier looking.


Rollins should have a pair of fancy tights and keep his gloves too. Get rid of that blonde in his hair. It works in The Shield but as a singles wrestler...maybe not.

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For another couple of years I'd say. They're still not even a year into their run. The act is over. And there's more you can do with them. A Cena vs Shield program would be good for starters. What better adversary for this superman character than a three-headed monster? Booked smartly, it's a money feud.

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IIRC, the crowd were really into him from Summer 99 until early 00, no doubt that had everything to do with him being in a featured program with the Vince's son and daughter. I remember being miffed that they never gave us a proper Triple H v Test match, but that probably tells you all you need to know about WWEs faith in him to draw them proper money.


Everybody was pretty over around that time though and WWE had the luxury of being picky. Test just wasn't good enough to mix it up with the top stars of mid-99/00.


Also, since we're on about Triple H. His 97/99 DX schtick is so bloody cringe-worthy, I always remember thinking Triple H was least cool member of DX and watching clips back of what he was doing, I can understand why. He seemed to spend his time doing rubbish innuendos about his knob, which only Jerry Lawler seemed to react to.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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