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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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I seen the Wyatt guys perform for the first time on Friday night. Really wasn't all that impressed.


I googled them after the show and was surprised to see they're both in the game circa 10 years.


Makes you wonder why some guys get that contract and push and others with more skill don't even get a deal.

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I'm a fan of Harper and Rowan. Yeah, Rowan seems too quick in the ring and doesn't take in the crowd, but I'm wondering if he's been told to be like that. He's comes across like a big imbred half-tard. He looks like the sort of bloke that if you were in the same training school as him, he's the one no one wants to get in the ring with because he'll kick you in the head and not realise its fake. But his style is obviously safe enough.

Edited by PSF
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I'm a fan of Harper and Rowan. Yeah, Rowan seems too quick in the ring and doesn't take in the crowd, but I'm wondering if he's been told to be like that. He's comes across like a big imbred half-tard. He looks like the sort of bloke that if you were in the same training school as him, he's the one no one wants to get in the ring with because he'll kick you in the head and not realise its fake. But his style is obviously safe enough.


Watching Rowan in the ring i've always thought the same thing, in regards to him being told to be like that any how. As i've never seen his pre WWE stuff, i can't say for sure. But his style really suits his character. Much like Harper's more composed and deliberate style suits him. It's very subtle, but you get the sense Harper knows what he is doing in the ring, wheras Rowan just swings at everything. Throw Bray in the mix and it's a good dynamic. Bray is the star of the group without question, but they're a decent backing band to his act. It gives a definite 'he's the leader, they're just his big angry followers' dynamic. I don't think that would be as black and white if they were wrestling a more 'skilled' style.

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Agreed. They have to strike a balance between fighting as the character that they're portraying and putting on good matches. You don't get many blokes who are supposed to be from some cult or whatever going out and throwing slick arm drags and drop toe holds. But then again you don't want to watch some big bloke club someone on the back for fifteen minutes.


It's difficult, but in think they're just about on the right track.

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Looking back at some clips of heel Rock in 2003, I remembered just how much I loved King's commentary when he was sucking up to The Rock. He really was hilarious.


This clip in particular had me cracking up


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That's the thing right there, Max. They need to look like backwoods hillbillys who just want to kick the shit outta people. No finesse, fancy moves or a sense of wherewithal. Just 2 big meatheads going out and clobbering folk. It wouldn't look right if they were supposed to be these uneducated, brainwashed followers then bust out moves like Steamboat or HBK. Harper with his muttering 'yeah yeah yeah' and Rowan just ignoring the crowd is good in that they have slightly different personalities, yet have the same mission. I enjoy what they do. A good solid, weirdo mid card act that's easy to follow.

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I dont think Erick Rowan should be anywhere near a ring on TV. He's just shit. He should have stayed in developmental as a single to learn the craft more. His role should be to stand there with his mask on and occasionally come in the ring hit a big move for the finish. He isn't ready to be working the type of matches this act needs. Harper is alright with the right opponent in there, but Rowan is such a useless bastard. Are standards that low people think he should be working like that? He should be hitting a move and pausing to let us soak up the impact. He should be pulling mean faces and letting us know we should be scared of him. He should show some aggression in there. But he doesn't. He doesn't carry himself well at all. He runs about like he's left the gas on and comes across like he hasn't a clue what he's going to do next. His offense is rotten.


Harper and Rowan have been a detriment to the act. Bray hasn't had the best of starts, but his promos are excellent. Thing is, this pair haven't been delivering on what Bray has been saying. They should be a pair of destroyers. They actually remind me of the Harris Brothers. Same shitty clotheslines and chokeholds and all that good stuff.


Luke Harper is growing on me after seeing a bit more of him on TV and NXT. He's progressing his act nicely by adding his weird "yeah yeahhh yeahhhyeahhh" thing and doing the croc wrestling roll stuff. I'm a sucker for discus lariats too.

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I hope if Cena does turn heel that he comes out to Bad Man at least once.


I watched Cena vs. Taker at Vengeance for the first time since it was on live. It was a good match. Taker played the whole 'respect' character really well. If Cena does face Taker at Mania and turns heel, I think WWE should have a plant that jumps the rails and is held back by security. Maybe have some plants that throw shit at him too. I suppose you run the risk of others joining in and it getting a bit out of control, but it'd be a great sight. One thing I've been considering is that WWE like to send the crowd home happy at Mania. Cena beating Taker by screwy means could really send the crowd home unhappy.

Edited by Sphinx
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Not that I'm really keen on turning Cena heel but I don't think the sending people home happy would factor much. If its a moment then they'll do it.


I was reading that Ribera steak house article on WWE.com and god Punk lives the gimmick doesn't he:


PUNK: Somewhere along the line, it got a little bit soiled because
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Was the Bryan/Punk vs Wyatts feud a last-minute decision? If it was planned, then it seems stupid to have had Harper and Rowan lose to the Rhodes brothers and Usos in the weeks before this rivalry started. It was only on Smackdown and nobody remembers those matches, but still. It seems like WWE lost interest in the Wyatts, then Hell in a Cell finished and someone got flustered that there was nothing for Punk or Bryan going forward.

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