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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Gorilla Monsoon and Alfred Hayes too.


Very true; also added Andre and Joey Marella. 


Apart from the 20 above who were at WM7 you can add at least another 60 former WWWF/WWF/WWE performers that have passed since '91. 

Edited by Maikeru
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WWENetwork on Instagram just posted a video of three years ago, Daniel Bryan vs. Dean Ambrose. I know it's hardly news, but still. Seeing Ambrose as a heel in his riot gear, all the potential in the world, it's so sad to think what he became.

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I still have no idea why anyone thought Ambrose had potential to be huge. The ridiculous look and build along with the constant over acting in his promos made me convinced that he would never amount to anything.

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I still have no idea why anyone thought Ambrose had potential to be huge. The ridiculous look and build along with the constant over acting in his promos made me convinced that he would never amount to anything.

To be fair he has been very good in his role the last two weeks on Smackdown. Not to the point where he looks like he will be a huge star or anything, but it has been a vast improvement over how he has been previously and for most of this year.

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I still have no idea why anyone thought Ambrose had potential to be huge. The ridiculous look and build along with the constant over acting in his promos made me convinced that he would never amount to anything.

Whatever his look, and whatever you thought about his promos, I don't think there's any denying that the feud with Seth Rollins suggested he could be massive for them.


Some of the reactions he was getting, particularly at Summerslam in that (fucking incredible!) Lumberjack Match, and then when he got out of that cab and caused hell at Night of Champions. That was the most natural connection with the crowd and genuine upwards momentum that anyone has had in ages. I'll never understand why they spent the next few years booking him to lose and look a dickhead against everyone on the roster. I still can't believe they ended a pay per view with him essentially jobbing to an exploding monitor. He looked like such a knob.


Even as recent as earlier this year though, when he had that mini-feud with Triple H, you could see he was still salvageable and there was something there that no-one else had. Them deciding to go with Roman instead, combined and that shit match he had with Lesnar at Wrestlemania, pretty much sealed his deal. He's never really recovered, title win or not.


But yeah, I think he could have gone all the way. All three of The Shield have been massively wasted, but I'd argue Dean is the biggest waste of them all.




How they managed to fuck all three of these guys up is an absolute tragedy.

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It's a shame WWE haven't been a bit more disciplined with the Shield in terms of their eventual reunion. They wasted a big moment by having them reunite for their triple powerbomb on a B PPV (that fatal 4 way with Orton) and Dean and Roman have been glued at the hip up until the brand split.


It'll still be a great moment, but unless they wait another year or two without any Roman/Dean/Seth interaction, it'll lack the gravitas it could have. If done right, I genuinely think it would be one of the biggest reactions of the current era (not involving a returning 90s star).

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It's a shame WWE haven't been a bit more disciplined with the Shield in terms of their eventual reunion. They wasted a big moment by having them reunite for their triple powerbomb on a B PPV (that fatal 4 way with Orton) and Dean and Roman have been glued at the hip up until the brand split.


It'll still be a great moment, but unless they wait another year or two without any Roman/Dean/Seth interaction, it'll lack the gravitas it could have. If done right, I genuinely think it would be one of the biggest reactions of the current era (not involving a returning 90s star).

I echo what you say and I also think Roman still using the Shield music takes away a big part of gravitas when it eventually happens.

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Supremo's post above re. Ambrose/The Shield just made me think that once you have all the big names retire eventually, Cena, HHH, Undertaker and so on, you're gonna be left with a roster of Dolph Zigglers. They've basically followed the 'Ziggler Handbook to Creating Midcard Forgettable Wrestlers' for the last I don't know how many years now, their specialty nowadays seems to be able to take the biggest names and make them look rubbish. There's never gonna be another big name when you look at it, when there could so easily have been plenty, any guy in The Shield for a start, as mentioned.

Edited by digitalversicolor
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