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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Can't see any of the roster having complete free reign over their segments or gimmick, maybe a little leeway but I'd imagine that the more over they got the more Vince would have wanted creative control over them. And of course the writers' response to this would be having them do what got them over, ad infitum, with zero character or story development and have them involved in as many angles/segments as possible until they reach the point of over exposure where no one can be arsed with them anymore.

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Isn't the whole point of New Day that it was the writers actually letting them do what they wanted to do, and that what they want to do just isn't that funny when repeated every week at 20mins a promo?


Yeah, that's how I saw it. I get the impression that New Day are very much in control of the content in their promos, which is why they got over and their shtick is actually pretty funny and their pop culture references aren't fifteen years out of date. Then once they got noticed, Creative demands they go out there every single show to ensure the fun of it is absolutely run into the ground within a few months with no development or progression for any of the talent, which is where we are now.


Edit: Just noticed that this is pretty much exactly what Stumobir's said, so yeah.

Edited by Arch Stanton
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New Day were more entertaining at first but like everything which gets over organically (like how the fans chanted along to Fandango's theme) once WWE takes note of it they ram it down the fans throats and add their spin to it where anything really good about it vanishes almost immediately, since you're inadvertently made to like it since it has their seal of approval. It's kinda like the equivalent of liking an underground band/Hip Hop artist and thinking it's cool because it's new & different, until everyone starts to like it too and you quickly go on to the next thing, which is why the Fandango thing fizzled out, why Zack Ryder never got pushed anymore etc. Going back to New Day, they seem to be turning up the level of wackiness week by week, now they've got the Unicorn headbands and such. Maybe if they turned babyface their schtick would work much better & have more of a place since you'd know it's targeted towards a younger audience, plus they could sell a ton more merchandise too. 

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Isn't the whole point of New Day that it was the writers actually letting them do what they wanted to do, and that what they want to do just isn't that funny when repeated every week at 20mins a promo?



Yeah, that's how I saw it. I get the impression that New Day are very much in control of the content in their promos, which is why they got over and their shtick is actually pretty funny and their pop culture references aren't fifteen years out of date. Then once they got noticed, Creative demands they go out there every single show to ensure the fun of it is absolutely run into the ground within a few months with no development or progression for any of the talent, which is where we are now.


Edit: Just noticed that this is pretty much exactly what Stumobir's said, so yeah.

Originally that's what it seemed like, and is why they seemed to get over. Now that they're actually been noticed, it's obvious that they're either having shit wrote for them or being forced to do the same thing every week because someone finds it funny.


It seems everyone that gets over by themselves or organically somehow gets less popular and more shit as soon as the company gets behind them. It's the opposite of the Midas touch really.

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I'm not saying it's necessarily an incorrect assumption, but it's interesting when something is good we're falling all over ourselves to commend the wrestlers for bucking the system, but then when it takes a bit of a dip in form it's all "bloody Vince and his hollywood writers!"


Maybe they've just ran out of steam slightly. Maybe they just had a lot of good ideas at the start and we're going through a rough patch. Maybe just the novelty wore off. I don't think any of us really know if anything has changed on the inside.

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Their recent record of reverse Midas touch is quite interesting. The Fandango thing, while it was always going to have a limited shelf life, died on its arse immediately when they had Lawler go in the ring and "introduce" it to the crowd. With the New Day, they'd turned themselves heel because the original gimmick was getting (rightfully) shat on by the crowds. Then they started showing the charisma and humour, and suddenly they were almost the most over act on the show. I think where they've dropped the ball here is keeping them heel/tweener, whilst at the same time over exposing their act. They were so over as babyfaces a few months ago, they should have turned them then. Maybe theyre a little light on heel tag teams but fuck, like I'm ever going to care about The Usos. Bright orange shorts and face paint does not an interesting tag team make.

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If they'd turned them then, the thread by now would be talking about how WWE ruined everything that was good about them by turning them babyface. We're never going to like anything for more than about a month, even if it's good. Although it'd be nice if WWE at least put enough effort in to test that theory.

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Went back to Dropkick, although sadly without my camera, as we ran into a very friendly Kota Ibushi, Tetsuya Endo, and Hiroshi Fukuda. Had a brief chat (they admired my Mecha Godzilla shirt), really would recommend DropKick if you're ever in Tokyo, a very cool bar!

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We're never going to like anything for more than about a month, even if it's good.

What a load of shit. They just don't understand that less is more.

It's down to a lack of depth and hot acts, in an ideal world WWE would have several Midcard acts at that popularity and would have them all interacting with eachother, keeping all those acts fresh. Instead it's just been New Day doing the same thing every week with a growing amount of screen time.


I do find it pretty funny that all Pitcos does is moan about how everyone just moans.

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It's the fire that never runs out of fuel. Although I'd be pretty screwed on that front if WWE actually listened and started doing things fans want, like bringing The Rock back bringing Brock Lesnar back letting wrestlers bleed in matches again focusing on more workrate, less promos and characters stop letting HHH have power over the onscreen product pushing indie workers replacing John Cena as the top babyface.

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It's very difficult to keep talents away from being over-exposed when WWE have so many hours of TV to fill a week. I've felt that's the main problem for a long time now.


It's fine for someone like Lesnar on a part-time basis but it's not like you can have all talent like that.

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It's the fire that never runs out of fuel. Although I'd be pretty screwed on that front if WWE actually listened and started doing things fans want, like bringing The Rock back bringing Brock Lesnar back letting wrestlers bleed in matches again focusing on more workrate, less promos and characters stop letting HHH have power over the onscreen product pushing indie workers replacing John Cena as the top babyface.

Take that shit to reddit.

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Stop imitating reddit, Dizzy.


It's very difficult to keep talents away from being over-exposed when WWE have so many hours of TV to fill a week. I've felt that's the main problem for a long time now.


It's probably nigh-on impossible, but they don't seem to try hard. Million Dollar Man could get years out of the gimmick because you only saw him for five minutes maybe twice a month, doing a little promo and beating a jobber, and expectations were different. We see Dolph Ziggler for about half an hour a week across the two shows, and we've lived through the attitude era where development happened at a breakneck pace (which is, oddly enough, Ziggler's preferred wrestling speed)... And yet, nothing of note changes. And he's trying, with his ill-advised hair metal makeover. Like Cesaro tries to develop his character by grabbing new entrance gear from the lost and found every fortnight when he's active. But none of that means anything unless you're doing something of note.


The amount of time they have to fill makes it very hard to keep things fresh, but that's no excuse for seemingly putting so little effort into it. The show should absolutely reek from the amount of fecal matter thrown at its wall to fill those hours, but it's got no aroma at all most of the time.

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