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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Duke Nukem does it better. Roddy Piper's is "chew bubblegum and kick ass' which sounds more clumsy to me too. Awful delivery.

I always preferred Duke's version. I do love They Live though.

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There was a short period of time in school when my friend Adam was nicknamed The One because of an incident during an art homework assignment where he got his sister to draw a portrait of him rather than do it himself, and upon revealing it to us as this beautiful pencil drawing lovingly done as a favour by a family member that he was sure to get top marks for it turned out that it looked less like him and was more a spot on rendition of Billy Gunn in his then current 'The One' gimmick and thus was subject to occasional outbursts of "I GOT IT AAAAAAAAAAAALL"

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Dammit, I went looking for that hilarious Tri.Moon sitcom intro video done to that "I've got it all" song and can't find it anywhere.


Whoever told him to get an earring with that short haircut in 2000 had quite the sense of humour.

Edited by Liam O'Rourke
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Billy Gunn's fashion sense is a discussion all in itself. He's never looked right. He had a mullet and a tashe in the mid-90s and his latest run he had long stringy balding hair. Everything else in between was horrendous as well. His pig tails in TNA were the worst.


His Torrie Wilson tribute had to be his worst, though.


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Billy Gunn's fashion sense is a discussion all in itself. He's never looked right. He had a mullet and a tashe in the mid-90s and his latest run he had long stringy balding hair. Everything else in between was horrendous as well. His pig tails in TNA were the worst.


His Torrie Wilson tribute had to be his worst, though.



Wow. Did he raid The Beautiful People’s locker room for those?

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Duke Nukem does it better. Roddy Piper's is "chew bubblegum and kick ass' which sounds more clumsy to me too. Awful delivery.

And too slow.



Could be wrong, but I believe Pier ad libbed that line, not that I'm excusing how badly its delivered.


Sorry mate but you are. Carpenter saw the line on a list Piper had written out for wrestling promos and suggested he use it.

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That Billy Gunn comeback was a heartbreaker for me. I totally bought into the weekly JR hype of how he was the next big thing, so spent his entire recovery time anticipating him to be either the hit and run driver, or the next babyface worldbeater. The sharks at the top of the card back then had gobbled him up before his gammy arm had even healed.

IIRC, that stunner was basically a big 'it's not Billy Gunn, fuck that, mate!' segment, wasn't it? Austin well and truly ruined WWF in 2000, for sure.

I think it's more to do with Kreski leaving and Stephanie taking over creative than Austin coming back.

Oh aye, I'm not putting ALL of it on his lap, but the return of his character was certainly representative of the shift away from the fun and varied roster to 18 segments of Steve Austin being hacked off with something or another and somehow managing to gobble up the heat of both babyfaces and heels.


As a heel in 01, at least that made broadly entertaining telly, as a babyface in 2000 with substantially more dynamic characters already bedded in, it was dire beyond one stunner a week.

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