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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Random musing.  I was thinking that Roman Reigns needs new music and attire otherwise he just looks like he hasnt moved on from the Shield and found his own identity.  But then I was watching a Bret Hart match and realised he kept his tag team gear and music.  I cant think of many single stars who have broke out keeping their original look/music/gimmick from when they were in a tag team. 


Yer, but that said, Neidhart wasn't expected to do much after they split the Hart Foundation. Besides, he ended up changing to the neon/checker-flag design in the New Foundation with Owen, before shunting that to Hi Energy, so it was OK for Bret to keep the Pink & Black. On the other hand, all three members of The Shield have gone on to have their own identities and (theoretically) rising careers, so keeping the original riot gear makes Reigns look a bit like he's fallen behind the other two in imagination.


Besides, someone else summed it up: he should ditch the gear, so that when we do have the big Shield reunion, the crowd'll pop when they see all three of them back in the riot clobber for the one-off/mini-run.

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So who is clinging on to their last slivers of relevance to modern day WWE the tightest... Lance Storm, Mick Foley or Jim Ross? Man, these guys would surely be a lot happier pursuing other interests at this point.

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So who is clinging on to their last slivers of relevance to modern day WWE the tightest... Lance Storm, Mick Foley or Jim Ross? Man, these guys would surely be a lot happier pursuing other interests at this point.


Does Lance Storm do this? I don't do twitter or anything so there is probably something i'm missing but I quite like his website commentaries. They're usually show reviews, either old PPVs or, occasionally, a current Raw or iMpact (which he does usually slate, but often for logical reasons rather than trying to get himself over).

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He has a training school so probably has to keep his name out there to remain relevant and keep getting students to stump up a few grand, plus I doubt he made anywhere near the money Foley or Ross made in their careers. JR just likes the sound of his voice, and Foley's a creepy attention whore.

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Yes, but why does he bother? If he's that concerned about the product quality and/or direction, get back in the company and try and do something about it.


I'm not sure how WWE works but I don't think you can just rock up to their office and say 'Hi I think one of your segments on Raw was a bit daft this week so employ me to fix it'.  He comments on them as a fan and points out the odd logic flaw which most people will also have noticed.  I don't think he's that 'concerned', just bringing out discussion points like we do on here.  Stuff like faces acting heelish which is a discussion we had on here recently with the Ziggler/Lana stuff, as an example. I've never read them and thought they scream 'look at me I used to be someone' like some of the stuff you see from/about Foley.

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Lance Storm makes bi-weekly appearances on Figure Four Daily, where he's asked all about the current wrestling. I imagine that - and keeping up with the current product is pretty necessary if you're sending trainees there - is a big reason why,

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I am sure there would be a place for Lance Storm within the Performance Centre, though I understand he is happy and settled in Canada. Just seems so naff to be doing blogs etc. about the product from the outsider as an ex-worker. If he was getting paid good money to do so, a la an ex-footballer on Sky Sports as a pundit, I could understand it.

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I am sure there would be a place for Lance Storm within the Performance Centre, though I understand he is happy and settled in Canada. Just seems so naff to be doing blogs etc. about the product from the outsider as an ex-worker. If he was getting paid good money to do so, a la an ex-footballer on Sky Sports as a pundit, I could understand it.

He's been down to the performance centre a few times as a guest trainer, in terms of it being "naff" doing his commentaries on his site and making appearances on FFD keeps his name out there as free advertising for his wrestling school, not that hard to understand really

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I can see the advertising point, but as for being a fan... man, have some dignity Lance Storm! You don't get Ian Rush doing blogs about Liverpool ballsing up their season. Just seems so small-time.

Edited by AshC
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I don't mind Lance giving his opinion on stuff maybe because of my perception of him it comes across as someone who isn't commenting with an agenda and to be honest I agree with most of my opinions so it doesn't antagonise me as much

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As long as there are people reading/listening to what he has to say, what's the problem? Wrestling doesn't have an equivalent of Football Focus where huge numbers of retired performers can be cycled in and out to give their honest opinions on what's happening today even if their own success was relatively modest or short-lived. Well, apart from shite like WrestleTalk TV. We all love to talk about what we love - shit, if I thought anyone gave a toss about what I think about last week's Raw or New Japan's latest, I'd start a podcast tomorrow, but they don't. Someone who's actually worked in the industry including for the biggest company on the planet at least can give insight that most of us will never have and juxtapose what's happening today to his own experiences.


I really don't know where dignity comes into it, to be honest. What's undignified about a company alumnus giving their take on the current output? People interested in what he has to say will read it, people that couldn't care less, won't. It's not like he's doing 60 minute YouTubes ranting on the company being morons for not putting him in the main event of WrestleMania, accusing Trip of being a kiddy fiddler and pointing to his crotch and shouting "Suck it, Vince!"

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