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NXT - Post NXT Takeover discussion in progress


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What a reaction to that final segment. When was the last time a match announcement got a response that enthusiastic on a WWE show? These girls fully deserve to main event a Takeover show for the work they have done in NXT this year, what a moment it will be for them both. Not seen an Ironman match in WWE for years now, so it's a great stipulation to stick in there.


Aside from that, the show felt pretty flat this week, I feel it is really suffering from a lack of hot angles involving the main event level guys. While I absolutely love the idea of a tag team tournament, it has felt pretty small-time so far. 


Adam Rose might as well be wearing baby blue tights, he looks like a real lost cause now. I noticed on his Twitter account recently he was publicly lobbying for the return of Leo Kruger. He's obviously pretty desperate and upset with the way things have played out for him. It's a shame, because the Adam Rose character was a tonne of fun when it debuted but there was just nowhere for it to go once the novelty wore off.


Dempsey's Bull-Fit gimmick needs far more effort put into it, both from the man himself and the creative team. The original vignettes were funny, but didn't run for long enough. Now he's back and aside from a new t-shirt, he's no different at all. The danger with crowds like those at Full Sail is that they want to be part of the show too much and so a fun chant getting over with them is not the same as a guy getting over through his work. This applies to Tye Dillinger too. A loud and enthusiastic audience always helps the show, but with that lot I often don't feel like it's authentic emotion.


Last week they were calling him Martin Stone, now he's Danny Burch again. Is he sticking around? I hope not, his ring attire is absolutely horrible.

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The thing with Adam Rose as a character was that they could have done something. It was similar to bringing up Emma, she just had the dance, but no substance as to why she was goofy and charming. When Adam Rose debuted on NXT, everyone on here absolutely loved it, now the novelty would wear thin, but WWE didn't even try with him on the main roster. Is he a great worker, not that much, but hey ho so what, his character was something a bit interesting and they just didn't do ANYTHING with him besides beating up a bunny, and then still making him act vaguely face, which cooled any development. Then they had him paired with Rosa Mendes and he began teasing about a 'Masterpiece' but Rosa got pregnant with a Badstreet baby and bagged herself some more years of pay.


Personally, they should have done a split personality gimmick. Might as well have tried. Leo Kruger was the real Adam Rose say. He escaped from being sadist South African nutter by being Adam Rose (even throw in some Mankind style backstory) and you can have the eventual turn or slow struggle with his personality. Then again this is wrestling, and wrestling in it's current form, they just don't try. I have no idea why I care this much tbh, but everyone deserves a fair shake. Look at Xavier Woods.

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Adam Rose strikes me as a guy that needs to be stuck in a tag team for a while. Not just a filler tag a one with a real gimmick and given a run together. I don't see why they can't give him and Maddox some stuff to do

The standard answer is something something Kevin Dunn, which in actuality is something something Michael Hayes. Doesn't he bloody loathe them both. Brad Maddox is the new JTG.

Edited by WWFChilli
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The reaction to the booking of the Bayley Sasha rematch was great stuff. I feel like I would have preferred 2 out of 3 falls to iron-man though, especially a 30 minute version but still terrific stuff. Look forward to it tremendously and needless to say a great decision to have them proper main-eventing and not Stephanie's winky 'first main event' bullshit

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Kana.......so is her name Asuka or Aska? Surely they weren't pronouncing her new name wrong were they?


Loved that devil smile she gave at the end! It was pretty shit up until that point. I hope her spat with Dana & Emma doesn't last too long though.

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I think the u may be silent, a lot of Japanese names are pronounced different to how they are spelt


Yeah, I remember always saying "Great Sasuke" exactly as it is written until he wrestled for ECW and Joey Styles pronounced it "Sass-kay".

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