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Richie Freebird

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I've said it before on here but would love Heyman to say something like "If you want to face my client Brock Lesnar, you will need to prove that you are the man you once was and repeat the streak' with a view of Goldberg having to do a streak again all the way to Mania if he is to face Brock Lesnar, then you could do the Braun Strowman somewhere around February almost as the last roadblock (if that is still the PPV? I have no idea). 


If you do that he 100% becomes Boo-berg by the time we get to Mania. Batista '14 all over again.


Wrestling is silly now.




^^This.   How do you do a streak with  Goldberg?  There isn't the time or the roster to properly recreate the original vibe.  


5 hours of WWE on TV every week and there isn't enough time? They could easily have Goldberg do streak matches for 3-4 months, I know the rosters could be on the short side but your looking at 16 wrestlers he would have to face. The idea may be shit but you cannot say there isn't enough talent or time to do it. 

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Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan are expecting their 1st Child


That's fucking brilliant news. Delighted for those two, I know it'll be a huge deal for them and it's great they've been able to conceive relatively quickly by the sounds of things. Just hope Bryan gets a bit of paternity leave.

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Fuck, that's sad. However much of a prick Dynamite apparently was back in the day he was an incredible performer and that is upsetting to see.

Incredible performer or not, if the stories about him are true, such the "one day it will be loaded" shotgun story, I can't say I'd feel much sympathy for him. Like I say, if they're true, he's a scumbag whose getting some sort of deserved karma

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When you take that many drugs and completely ignore doctors advice, things come back to haunt you. I'd like to think he is a product of his era and this sort of thing won't happen anymore. The Daniel Bryan situation is a good example. Hopefully he takes notice of situations like this, those of his peers and listens to WWEs doctors and doesn't start headbutting Japanese wrestlers with his marshmallow brain once his WWE contract is up.

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For some reason I'd completely forgotten for ages that Dynamite Kid is still amongst the living. It's quite a grouchy old feat when you consider the context of his life and the peers he had around him.


I'm totally naive to his work. Best matches are in Japan I'm guessing. Any promotions? I take it he doesn't have much if anything on the Network.

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The one thing I always forget about Dynamite is how young he is and what a short career he had. His career was over in 1996 (well his last match was – it could be argued that his career was finished a few years before that) and that since then he’s been stuck with all those health problems pretty much making him housebound.

When you see pictures of him (and his dodgy Sky box) you always presume he’s some grizzled old veteran in his 60’s or 70’s – but he was 38 when he gave it all up. It’s the same age I am now and it’s crazy thinking I wonder what it would be like for my life to pretty much be over now and spend my days sitting around indoors. That must have been just fucked-up for him, having gone from the sheer amount of money he was making, being a proper celebrity and then ending up with nothing – and he wasn’t even 40!

I know there’s a lot of negatives about Dynamite but fair play to him he’s never kicked the arse out of doing signings and conventions and he gave us one of the best wrestling books ever written.

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Good point. Not sure on that. I know that every year the British Wrestlers Reunion invited him to their get-together in August and, in later years when his walking was bad, offered to pay for transport and have him delivered door-to-door but he always turned them down.

I'd like to know Vince's thoughts are on him are.

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