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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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Variety has a piece on the WWE TV negotiations: http://variety.com/2013/tv/news/wwe-aims-t...ive-1200966579/


Short version is that WWE have intentionally scheduled recent renewals so that all their TV deals come due in the same year. They're now trying to get US networks to bid for the entire package in one contract, including next day online showings (which are currently with Hulu). They've also said they are open to moving Smackdown to another day and doing it live if the money is right.


Should be sorted fairly quickly as apparently WWE has the right to make an offer to NBC (which owns USA, E! and Syfy) for a renewal and NBC has first refusal until Feb 15. Assuming WWE asks for a comically high sum and NBC says no, WWE will be looking for bids by Feb 28 with the intention of making a deal to announce on March 4.

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General theory seems to be that they really want to stay with NBC but want to look like they'd go elsewhere and bump the price up. It's a total bluffing game as NBC definitely want to keep them, so it's really just a case of how convincing WWE are in making it look like they have interest elsewhere.


If WWE does throw out a big number for NBC to shoot down and open up the negotiating process, I wouldn't be surprised if NBC leak the figure in the hope of any other potential bidders immediately saying "Ah, fuck it, we won't even bother."


The one drawback of doing the total package is that the potential rival bidders are mainly sport oriented and I can't see them having any interest in Total Divas.

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Jeremy Deller, an artist who takes inspiration from Adrian Street' was on Hardtalk on BBC News yesterday. He has done a documentary on Street and that photo is the centre point of his latest exhibition by all accounts too


From about 18m 41s in http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03lt..._Deller_Artist/


Excerpt of his Adrian Street Biog: http://vimeo.com/55603074

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Jeremy Deller, an artist who takes inspiration from Adrian Street' was on Hardtalk on BBC News yesterday. He has done a documentary on Street and that photo is the centre point of his latest exhibition by all accounts too


From about 18m 41s in http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03lt..._Deller_Artist/


Excerpt of his Adrian Street Biog: http://vimeo.com/55603074

I saw the documentary in one of the museums in Manchester, they have it playing on a loop alongside a couple of Street's ring robes. Nothing fantastic, but a fun watch.

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