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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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  • 3 weeks later...

Probably the oddest bit of trivia was solved thanks to the Network last week, turns out the soundbite asking the listener if they are ready for the Survivor Series on the iconic Wrestemania song was provided by none other than Freebird Jimmy 'Jam' Garvin who uttered the immortal sentence during a filmed but unused appearance at the taping of the 1992 Survivor Series Showdown special. The Network has the full special plus the Garvin segment and a bunch of matches that were taped but not used including Bret defending the WWE title twice, first against the Mountie then again against Papa Shango, two Nailz matches against Warrior and BossMan, Razor against Savage and Virgil against Bam Bam

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