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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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According to Regal's twitter, Englands Robbie Brookside is currently in Florida, scouting talent and helping train FCW/NXT wrestlers.


Also, it seems Raquel Diaz, aka Shaul Guerrero, has asked for, and been granted, her release and is no longer with the company.

Great news regarding Brookside, and bit of a shame about Diaz- she seemed alright in NXT.

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WWE released the SummerSlam buyrate today and this years is up 49,000 buys with a grand total of 350,000.


I wouldn't call it grand looking at those other main events that had more buys. You'd think that a part time recently-returned big name with crossover name value, in only his second match back, wrestling against one of the biggest names of the last 15 years in an incredibly personal match, a first time match no less, which they didn't promote during Lesnars first run, would have done bigger box office. Although maybe it should be considered a credible number for appearing to win back some buys lost between the previous two years events and reversing the trend of declining buys for SummerSlam?


Don't forget that WWE vs Nexus also had Bret Hart involved so he would have helped with the buyrate


Not for anyone that saw Mania 26 he fucking didn't.


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From what I saw of her, she looked like she'd make a decent addition to the Divas roster, and being a Guerrero wouldn't have hurt her chances either. Ring work means fuck all- looks and personality are what matter where the girls are concerned and she was passable on both counts. However, the gimmick they had her playing on NXT was wank, just a clumsy rip-off of the Beautiful People in TNA and LayCool.

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A WWE release




Shaul Guerrero aka Raquel Diaz asked to be released from her WWE developmental contract. She was considered to have excellent potential as a talker, the best of any woman on the roster, although her ring work was not nearly as advanced.


WWE officials have stated today that Guerrero is still under contract.


Houston, we have a new Carlito. Only far shitter. And he was shit.

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According to Regal's twitter, Englands Robbie Brookside is currently in Florida, scouting talent and helping train FCW/NXT wrestlers.


Paige tweeted a photo of him sat in a restaurant yesterday, I was going to ask if anyone knew if he was doing something at FCW/NXT and now I know. :thumbsup:


Disappointing he probably won't be at the All-Star show at my local town hall next weekend though. Lincolnshire loves The Liverpool Lads.

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Seems Sunny's fessed up to shagging our very own Davey Boy Smith in a recent interview.....


Courtesy of lordsofpain.net....


In a new trailer for her YouShoot with Kayfabe Commentaries, WWE Hall of Famer Sunny reveals that she had affairs with Shawn Michaels and The British Bulldog while working for WWE years ago.



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With a heavy emphasis on allegedly, Ric Flair allegedly has a new girlfriend, as pictured with him earlier this year:




Not the first time they've been photographed together. Here's one from 20 years ago (spot who's aged better):




Yep, it's FiFi the Maid.




I wonder if Slick Ric's got his feet under the table yet.





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I'm currently in Vegas... just walking past Mandalay Bay hotel and hear some 'rock' music blaring out. Start to move closer to get a look, turning to my girlfriend... "Hey, that singer looks a lot like the wrestler Chris Jericho". Get a bit closer still, turn to her again... "fuck, that is Chris Jericho". There was some sort of rock/metal gig going on to promote a new energy drink and there in all their glory, Fozzy!


Oh yeah, main point I bring this up. Jericho is now sporting a new tattoo(s) across his arm. I'll try get a picture up when my gf's transferred her photo's to the laptop. That is all, i'm now off to lose a small fortune!

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