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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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23 hours ago, Mr Kennedy said:

Was Hogan at X8 ever on the table for Austin? I thought The Rock got given that gig and that was that. 

Pritchard said they debated Austin or Rock and felt Rock would get the best out of him and that leaves Austin there for next year....

6 hours ago, BomberPat said:

I don't think they even shared the ring in that match, as far as I can remember.

I've talked about that match before, but it shows how mental WWE were in 2002, and how they must have thought they were untouchable and the good times would never end.

Less than a week before Wrestlemania, they fuck off the chance to say "Hulk Hogan's first match in a WWF ring for X years", and do Rock & Austin vs. the nWo as a sub-10 minute match on RAW - nWo vs. WWF, five of the biggest stars of the '90s in one ring...PPV main event? Nah, stick it on TV. 

Hogan turns face at 'Mania, and they do the Hogan/Rock super-babyface team against Nash & Hall the following night. X-Pac joins, and they do Hogan & Rock vs. Nash, Hall & X-Pac the next week. Throw Kane into the mix, and we get another Hogan and Rock vs. nWo tag the same week on Smackdown. 

A good six months to a year's worth of PPV main events, or big matches at least, pissed away on TV in the space of a fortnight, but by the PPV after Wrestlemania the nWo are fucking about with Bradshaw.

They did in fact for about 50 seconds, just Hogan beating on Austin, one of my favorite minutes in pro Wrestling history purely because of what it is.

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7 hours ago, BomberPat said:

I don't think they even shared the ring in that match, as far as I can remember.

I've talked about that match before, but it shows how mental WWE were in 2002, and how they must have thought they were untouchable and the good times would never end.

Less than a week before Wrestlemania, they fuck off the chance to say "Hulk Hogan's first match in a WWF ring for X years", and do Rock & Austin vs. the nWo as a sub-10 minute match on RAW - nWo vs. WWF, five of the biggest stars of the '90s in one ring...PPV main event? Nah, stick it on TV. 

Hogan turns face at 'Mania, and they do the Hogan/Rock super-babyface team against Nash & Hall the following night. X-Pac joins, and they do Hogan & Rock vs. Nash, Hall & X-Pac the next week. Throw Kane into the mix, and we get another Hogan and Rock vs. nWo tag the same week on Smackdown. 

A good six months to a year's worth of PPV main events, or big matches at least, pissed away on TV in the space of a fortnight, but by the PPV after Wrestlemania the nWo are fucking about with Bradshaw.

I reckon they didn't know how long all those guys would last, and in retrospect they were right.  Hall and Austin were gone in months, Nash blew a quad.  Ironically Hogan was the one with his working boots on.

That Hogan run was amazing.  He really worked hard, had great matches and put people over.  He MADE Lesnar with that blade job and submission.

The guy deserved a proper send off, should have retired at the end of that contact.  By the time he came back to wrestle Michaels the injuries had emptied his tank.

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