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Richie Freebird

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Brian Kendrick? Wouldn't be that surprised if they thought about Haas and Benjamin, can't see them doing much though.


I'd like to see a return of Kendrick. He didn't fulfil his potential.


If they could pry some talent from TNA, I'd be well up for that. Bully Ray is an obvious choice but I think he re-signed, didn't he?


John Morrison was good to have around, though he became stale. I was always sick of hearing his music after an advert break. He just couldn't cut a promo, but had the tools otherwise to do well for himself. Except Starship Pain should have been a nearfall spectacle rather than a finish. And it needed a different name.


On that note, is Miz's finish still called the Skull Crushing Finale?

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I was going to mention Tajiri but I thought that was unlikely due to his organisation, didn't realise it had folded. Would love to see him back. Always enjoyed Tajiri for some reason too.


Did think of Masters but forgot to mention him. I think MVP, Carlito, Tajiri and Haas and Benjamin would all be useful additions. The first 3 would flesh out the mid-card nicely and are all decent hands and all have a look and persona that seperates them from everyone else. And I really would love MVP and Carlito turning up at the Rumble. Always hoped MVP would get another crack. Morrison is probably a decent shout for a surprise Rumble return too which would be pretty good too actually.


I'd welcome Kendrick back if he returned doing his The Brian Kendrick dealy. With big Zeke as his bodyguard again. Is Zeke still with them? He's obviously not doing anything if he is and that's the sort of role he's most useful in.


Haas and Benjamin I'd have just to flesh out the tag scene and help establish other guys like the Prime Times.

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Just me that thought MVP was shit, then? Well, shit is probably the wrong word. I just want to punch him in the face.


Except Starship Pain should have been a nearfall spectacle rather than a finish.


REALLY? As far as I can see it was 100% the end every time, if he could guarantee to actually land properly on his opponent rather than just graze them. If they're kicking out of that, it's 630 Moonbomb time, isn't it?


On that note, is Miz's finish still called the Skull Crushing Finale?



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Benjamin's run in WWE seemed to last forever and he was no better by the end of it than he was when he started. I don't want him back. I doubt he's worked on his charisma much since he's been working for RoH. Same goes for Haas. As much as I love proper tag teams, these guys just don't do it for me.


Kendrick never did much for me either, outside of his team with Paul London.


If these rumours of hiring old midcarders that are good hands hold any truth, then Masters has to be top of that list surely? Carlito, MVP and Morrison are all strong shouts given that TNA hasn't picked them up and they're all still active and well recognised by the WWE fanbase.

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What's Mark Jindrak up to these days? Still down in Mexico?


He's in one of the big trios in CMLL, working alongside Rush and Maximo. They're called Love Buffet. He's damn over too. He mainly swivels his hips, laughs as Maximo sexually abuses homophobics and runs down the ramp, leaps over the top rope and hits a crossbody/clothesline (although he might have stopped doing that, don't think he did it in the last match I saw of him). I get the impression things are pretty cushty for him in CMLL. He looks a bit unwell though, has done since he's returned. I don't know what it is. The women seem to think he's the sexiest thing alive but I tend to think he looks close to death. Maybe that's just me.


Actually the WWE should just bring in the whole trio. Rush looks like he's stpped out of the 80s and is CMLL's version of John Cena (fans continue to boo him as a good guy even though he's clearly awesome) and Maximo is the WWE's idea of homosexuality.

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If these rumours of hiring old midcarders that are good hands hold any truth, then Masters has to be top of that list surely? Carlito, MVP and Morrison are all strong shouts given that TNA hasn't picked them up and they're all still active and well recognised by the WWE fanbase.


Masters should never be let near WWE ever again. Crap in-ring, crap on the mic, zero charisma. Nein danke. I'm fairly neutral towards the others. If it meant not having repeat matches every bloody week, then maybe it wouldn't hurt, though none of them are that memorable. Carlito is probably my favourite of that bunch.

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Just me that thought MVP was shit, then?

I was never a fan either, didn't like many of the guys coming through back then. Really didn't like Carlito much, but I'd definitely give him a run now he's worked on his physique a lot. He's in the shape of his life.


Goldust, Big Vis, New Age Outlaws, Hardcore Holly, Tajiri- bring them all back I say. Though if this was 12 months ago I would've included Albert too. Whoops.


Looking at that recent pic of Tito Santana when he wrestled Mantaur, I'd have him back too.

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If these rumours of hiring old midcarders that are good hands hold any truth, then Masters has to be top of that list surely? Carlito, MVP and Morrison are all strong shouts given that TNA hasn't picked them up and they're all still active and well recognised by the WWE fanbase.


Masters should never be let near WWE ever again. Crap in-ring, crap on the mic, zero charisma. Nein danke.


Uh oh.

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Masters should never be let near WWE ever again. Crap in-ring


Bollocks. He was pulling up trees in his second run! His match vs Drew McIntyre from Superstars in May of 2011 was a fucking brilliant TV match. One of the best of 2011 in fact. He also carried Tyler Reks to about 70000 decent matches during that time as well. A fucking superb babyface, his selling was some of the best in the world at that point.

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