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Richie Freebird

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Put me in the "bring back Chris Masters" crowd. I think one of the reasons I like him so much is that he worked tremendously hard to improve as a wrestler and his graft paid dividends. He was never a natural like Shawn Michaels or a more modern example of say, Dolph Ziggler. He started off shit and steroid bound. At some point, he really got his head down and learned to work. I don't think he will ever be a huge star but I certainly think he's worthy of being a midcarder in WWE.

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Liquid Snake is spot on. Masters was pushed too hard too soon when he first appeared in WWE, which is something you can't blame the guy for. He was only in his early twenties, he looked phenomenal but was as green as grass. Some people seem to think he's still the same wrestler now that he was in 2005, but he's improved leaps and bounds since then and he's still a young guy. He's not one of these bodybuilders that got into wrestling just to make a mint, he's in it because he has a love for it too. He wants to do well. It's impossible not to like guys like Masters. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want him back in the big league.

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After seeing Masters last night in Preston I am sold even more so on him making a return to WWE, the guy can put on a fantastic show and he is great at involving the crowd whether he cocky or being the crowd favorite. Plus he has some dashing mutton chops now too, swoon. Fuck, the current crop of guys, he's a ready made star sat on the sidelines.

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I remember reading a story in Jericho's second book where he says back in 2000 all the wrestlers were staying at the same hotel as a professional kickboxing tournament and the kickboxers talked a bunch of shit about the wrestlers and how they were phony pussies. Finally at the end of the night the police turned up because all the WWF wrestlers beat the living shit about of the kickboxers and caused complete havoc while doing so.


It just got me thinking if the same thing happened now the kickboxers would have wiped the floor with all the bloody little nancy boys on the roster these days.

Edited by LaGoosh
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yeah, a few years ago at the Hilton in Birmingham, right?


ETA http://www.talkwrestlingonline.com/forum/a...hp/t-20647.html


here was something of a fight at the Birmingham, England hotel where the WWE Raw wrestlers were staying. According to several sources I spoke to, the actual hotel was understaffed since there were WWE performers staying as well as a contingent of what was described to me as "kickboxing fans" who were in town for an event promoted by the International Kickboxing Federation on 4/24 in Birmingham.


The hotel lobby was said to have resembled a nightclub, with security completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people inside. Several of the kickboxing fans had "way too much to drink" and ended up having words with WWE referee Jack Doan and "trying to show what tough guys they were to the fake pro wrestlers."


After Doan was physically struck by one of the fans, a number of WWE wrestlers descended upon the kickboxing fans and restrained them, warning them to calm down. I was told it was more a situation where the fans were taken down and stretched to restrain them, as opposed to a full fledged assault on the kickboxing fans.


When the kickboxing fans didn't calm down and started up again, the wrestlers and hotel security all physically removed them from the hotel. No police were called and there was no further incident.

Seems the WWE guys handled themselves quite well.


Fans, rather than kickboxers themselves then.

Edited by sockospice
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In Jericho's book he said it was kickboxers. Best part is him describing Viscera laughing hysterically while sitting on top of a crying man.


EDIT: Though I love Dave "Demon from the deep" Bautista in the above article.

Edited by LaGoosh
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I remember reading a story in Jericho's second book where he says back in 2000 all the wrestlers were staying at the same hotel as a professional kickboxing tournament and the kickboxers talked a bunch of shit about the wrestlers and how they were phony pussies. Finally at the end of the night the police turned up because all the WWF wrestlers beat the living shit about of the kickboxers and caused complete havoc while doing so.


It just got me thinking if the same thing happened now the kickboxers would have wiped the floor with all the bloody little nancy boys on the roster these days.


is that undisputed? if so i've got to find that part again because i cant remember it

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Though I love Dave "Demon from the deep" Bautista in the above article.


In fairness, that was his nickname in OVW. Did The Sun have a wrestling page in 2005? It seems odd that they'd throw that in there, they probably looked on the Internet for his nicknames and thought that one sounded best. Or corniest.

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Thoughts on names being thrown around :


Carlito - good hand, and despite sometimes seeming like a bit of a prick, always comes across as intelligent and smart to how the business works. Definitely worth a call.


Masters - good worker and popular in his last run. Even in the early days as a lump of clay yet to be moulded, he had a great match with Shawn and via his Masterlock was able to look a genuine threat in segments with Cena. Theoretically still young enough to make it as an upper midcarder.


MVP - hated his persona, hated his "big" moves, and generally thought he was a good wrestler trapped inside a relatively lazy bloke. He's really gone off the boil in New Japan too, they got bored of him as well.


Helms - honestly, other than when he was used as a vehicle for The Rock to make me laugh, I only ever liked him when he was Cruiserweight Champion in WcW when all I cared about were flashy MOVEZ and I loved the Nightmare On Helms Street and Vertebreaker. Back when the two best wrestlers in the world were Kanyon and Nova. Plus he had that interminable match with Lawler. I wouldn't want him back if he could wrestle again, which he probably can't.


If he wasn't another trip to rehab waiting to happen, I'd say get Waltman back immediately. "If he can't work with Kid, he can't work with anyone."

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