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Black people can't wear pointy hats?

It was probably a joke about them having frizzy hair.


Carbomb is one seriously self-hating black dude.


I'm such a cunt.

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I think I preferred the mafia games when I thought it was an online role playing game type thing. Those descriptions posted here (with the exception of Kenny's) have sucked what little fun there seemed to be in them and somehow made them worse. Was honestly thinking of giving one a go for shits and giggles but on the basis of the last few pages? No thanks.

I played in a couple of the first mafia games and it was fairly fun just going along with a plan and seeing if you could cover your tracks or trying to find those that aren't. What killed it for me was when people started getting all Aspergers about it. Shit like people looking at your profile to see if you have logged on to the forum and then waving their FINGER OF SHAME at you if you hadn't posted in the thread. Mike Castle's diatribes on the smallest of detail. People getting upset over a mod count that isn't there even though they blatantly know what the fucking count is.


It totally stopped being any kind of fun what so ever.

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Ah right, so it's a case of "The game is as good as the players"?


The reason our game of soggy biscuit is the best ever, Keith.

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Ah right, so it's a case of "The game is as good as the players"?


The reason our game of soggy biscuit is the best ever, Keith.

Probably explains why Green is putting on so much weight as well.

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  • Paid Members
Ah right, so it's a case of "The game is as good as the players"?


The reason our game of soggy biscuit is the best ever, Keith.

Probably explains why Green is putting on so much weight as well.

Hey I broke down in tears before the end so it wasn't me left with the biscuit.

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  • Paid Members
Hey I broke down in tears before the end so it wasn't me left with the biscuit.


You've been saying that a lot lately. Keen to throw others off the scent, or Serbian Jew double-bluff? Tricky one.


Vote : Gladstone has the biscuit

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  • Paid Members
Hey I broke down in tears before the end so it wasn't me left with the biscuit.


You've been saying that a lot lately. Keen to throw others off the scent, or Serbian Jew double-bluff? Tricky one.


Vote : Gladstone has the biscuit


Finger of Suspicion




Well, I sure hope its a finger.

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