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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Just echoing what everyone has said about This Is 40. I loved Knocked Up, but this was an absolute travesty. Apatow clearly had no idea what he wanted out of this so it just turns into a film about nothing, especially the birthday party which is surely a contender for worst act of all time. Leslie Mann's character is the worst, almost no redeeming features at all. Not even Paul Rudd could save this.

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Watched Parked last night, which was alright. Standard Irish indie fare. It's about an old guy that's come back to Dublin after living in England for years, and he's living in his car. He meets a young druggie fella living in the same car park who helps him sort his life out. The story played out pretty predictably, but Colm Meaney and the young guy had a good chemistry.


Also watched Shame, which was a massive letdown. There was no story, nothing to the characters, and the sex scenes weren't up to much either. Fassbender had nice hair, that's about it. At least fellow overrated piece of shit Drive had some style to paper over its lack of substance. I hate Carey Mulligan because of those two films.

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Yep, Shame was dire. A film for the sake of trying to be arty and deep without any real substance to it. That scene with Carey Mulligan singing New York, New York is hilariously bad. Plus, Michael Fassbender's dick is too big.

Shame in an apt name. I felt plenty of that when I saw Fassbenders dick.

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I thought Shame was a fine film. I can see why people wouldn't enjoy it but I really liked it. Carey Mulligan is an absolutely brilliant actress - you could put her in any kind of film and she would knock it out of the park.


I don't know why people pick on the scene where she sings. The whole point of it was that it was supposed to show Fassbender's embarrassment, which it did.


Oh yeah, massive cock as well.

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I managed to Meet Said Dennison Ramalho at a horror festival last year as he was bringing out this beautiful set of short films



Director: Dennison Ramalho | 1998 | 11 mins



Director: Dennison Ramalho | 2003 | 21 mins



Director: Dennison Ramalho | 2010 | 23 mins


To say they were amazing is a understatement :)


Were you at Celluloid Screams?

Ninjas and Love From Mother Only are brilliant, I cant wait for his first solo feature. Dennison was a super nice guy as well. when I saw the copy of At Midnight Ill Take Your Soul he was laughing that he paid the equivalent of about

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Wreck It Ralph - Thought it was fantastic. On the surface, its a pretty basic story, but theres enough charm and clever/funny one-liners that make it really stand out. It also has top notch characters and some visually great scenes.



The Impossible - Thought it was OK, and nothing more. Thought the main boy was an annoying shit, which made it hard for me to find any sympothy for him. The end pushes the boundries of believability (wonder how much leeway they used from the true story).

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Didnt understand why the boy spent ages running around trying to find other people's relations in the hospital, but when his own mum disappeared, he just sat around doing nothing.


[close spoiler]

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Thought the main boy was an annoying shit, which made it hard for me to find any sympothy for him.


Really? I thought the opposite. He was annoying, but what little prick at that age isn't? For me as the film went on, he carried the whole movie on his back. For a wee lad, I thought it was an astounding performance.

Plus he got to see Naomi Watts' titty in person.

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Yeah, I read your review from a while back in this thread, and have to disagree. Theres a fine line between a loveable kid whose scared, and an annoying kid who moans far too much. Personally I didnt think it was pulled off. Compared to that girl from Beasts of the Sourthern Wild, which is a slightly similar role, then that girl is a hundred times better in my opinion.

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The missus and I saw Warm Bodies last night, and it's a really good quirky love story with a positive (albeit cheesy) message and interesting twist on the idea of zombies.


Most interestingly for me personally, though, was that after it was finished, my other half mentioned how Nicholas Hoult's zombie R's attempts to talk reminded her of me when my stammer is bad. As a stammerer (not a stutterer, lol), I often feel at the mercy of my voice-box, as all kinds of factors (including tiredness, stress, and plain nervousness) can work together so that on any given day I don't know how bad my stammer will be. Some days I can chat on all day with no problems; other days I won't even be able to say my name. In retrospect, watching R trying to force his voice to put words together resonated with me. Even the way he often breathed the words out reminded me of the old exercises I was taught to use. As I said, a good film, and personally poignant for me.

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Is there an online version of that article, Richie? Would be interested to seek that out.

I can now tell you that the article was from the June 2012 edition of the magazine (which also has a story about crazy Bolivian Lucha Libre).


It's not the full article, but a preview of the article can be found here. That page contains youtube links to some of the trailers for the films covered in the article. It tends to focus on the downright weird over the artistically merited, but there are trailers for the Coffin Joe films included there, amongst other, newer stuff.

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I downloaded and watched The Distinguished Gentleman this morning. This was a childhood favourite of mine that I hadn't seen for many years. An Eddie Murphy comedy from 1992 (I think) that never gets mentioned. I wanted to find out if it was a hidden gem, or total shite that wouldn't stand up well to rewatching.


Eddie plays a con man that gets himself elected to congress to make some cash blah blah blah, eventually has a change of heart and decides to do the right thing.


It was good. Eddie is his usual charming self, Lane Smith is great as always. Funny stuff all the way through, and even when it goes for the sappy moral bit it's executed well and stays light. By no means an amazing film but it's well worth a watch.

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