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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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I stopped watching when I realised that I despised Alan Sugar, and wanted to throw his deliquesce bollock-chops through a plate-glass window.


Apparently one of the contestants is from WARMINSTER!!! The second shittest town that I've lived in. Once known as 'the glue sniffing capital of the South West'.

Edited by Gus Mears
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When I pull a sickie, the first thing on the telly is Magnum PI on ITV 4, often followed by a good slab of Columbo before we head off to the MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING in Midsomer Murders or perhaps some Poirot. Astonishingly, I have had full penetrative sex before.


EDIT: Some truly sterling news here. The actor who played Higgins in Magnum is still alive. I thought he'd been dead for about ten years. This is up there with when I found out Jim Bowen was still going when I thought he died in 2003.

Edited by Gus Mears
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What's everyone make of Luke Cage? It seems to have way, way less chatter about it than Daredevil or Jessica Jones did. Maybe people are burned out, being that there's 40 hours viewing between the aforementioned already. I'm a couple of episodes in, so it's hard to tell. Seems watchable enough, and hopefully not as dull as Jessica Jones, but it's way less blaxploitation than I'd hoped from early talk. Also, I was already bored of night-time NY as a setting before Daredevil came out.


Update: Luke Cake is boring.


edit: Cage. Luke Cake would have been better, especially if he was a lovely cherry bakewell, or one of those hen night cakes in the shape of a william.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Some choice viewing on in the Mears household this evening. The QVC Christmas pie collection is here with interviews with artisan pie makers. Someone just uttered the phrase "we've got pork pies coming up" followed up with "these ones here have two and a half kilos of meat". Both things I want emblazoned on my tombstone and possibly tattood onto my body.

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Why the fuck have they replaced repeats of Stars in Their Eyes that were on at 10pm on Challenge with The Chase with Bradley 'fuckwagon' Walsh?

Bad news. They have stopped selling meat on QVC. Evening has peaked.

Often worried about the meat and pies sold on QVC. I know they are packed with drug ice and other magical shit, but it took 3 weeks for my aunties birthday card to get to me from 2 1/2 miles away, so surely by that time they will be maggoty as fuck.

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'Thou shalt enter the meat raffle' is up top on my ten commandments. But I do wonder where they get it from sometimes.


Even if the meat is gone off a bit, you're still getting meat delivered to your house. They need to sweeten the deal more by actually depositing it into my gullet.

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