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The Fortean/paranormal/conspiracy thread

Astro Hollywood

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Steak - what if it decides overpopulation/humanity itself is the problem and tries to solve that? ULTRON, that's what. And we have no Avengers to stop it.


Just had a quick read about The Singularity, nowt to be scared of, if it kicks off just unplug everything

I can't let you do that, Peter.



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Steak - what if it decides overpopulation/humanity itself is the problem and tries to solve that? ULTRON, that's what. And we have no Avengers to stop it.



Or we get a supercomputer constructing loads of androids to keep us prisoner in our own homes, to stop us from hurting ourselves, like in I, Robot. And we have no cyborg Will Smith to stop it. And he's too old to be the Fresh Prince any more.

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A bit better than your usual "OMG it's a ghost lol!!!" footage, but I'm still not convinced there isn't a bit of fishing line in there somewhere.


Yeah what doesn't help is that the cup moves in the direction of where something would be attached to the handle. Which is handy if, say, you want to tie something to a cup really.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did a bit of reading about the anti-vaccine movement, I tried to ignore it as it would only annoy me but decided to give it a proper read. As that's what Sunday's are for!


Needless to say, it annoyed me.


What is wrong with people? The anti-vax group are seen to be the most progressive in society and pretty well educated. Yet they happily ignore the evidence and think they are right, It's baffling. I wonder what they think of Scientologists because to me there's very little difference, both are getting most of their ideas from a terrible source and both won't ever hear a contrarian view on the subject. I mean this all started over a paper which was discredited, by a guy who was struck off the medical register.


They are actively spreading diseases to people (mainly children) due to their actions. It's insanity that this can go on, then again I just read Australia have taken their usual "fuck you" approach to things and are cutting welfare to anti-vaccine parents.


Is our ego so big, that if we the facts are telling us we are clearly on the wrong side of something, we can't ever admit that and switch sides?


These people would be the first to laugh at 9/11 truthers and those alike I reckon, whilst being exactly that.

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They're well educated in the way Freemen on the Land and Engineers/Scientists for 9/11 Truth are.


ie: They read a lot, and regurgitate a lot. They generally don't have the faintest idea what they're spouting though.

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As the next person, I can't confirm or deny that Johnnyboy has enjoyed McCarthy's knockers as much as me. I certainly enjoyed them a lot in the 90s.


The education level statement seems somewhat valid to me — a lot of the reporting in the U.S. focused on the outbreaks being in unexpected settings, like Disneyland. Normally, bullshit health denialism is religiously based, but in this case it seems to be at least close to evenly split between liberals and conservatives, the Fattypuffs and Thinnifers of America.

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The anti-vax group are seen to be the most progressive in society and pretty well educated.



By whom?

Washington, the state which has at the forefront of the anti vaccination movement, is also that state which is the most well educated and liberal in most studies.



I definitely wouldn't put them in the same category as tin foil truthers, I always see the people most against it would be like the ones in those comedy gap year videos. Well educated who think they know far more than they do.


For the record I don't think they are smart, it's just they seem to be well educated in a lot of cases.


Anyway funnily enough one of the main advocates for anti-vaccinations has apologised for believing all that cheap after her 7 children all contracted whooping cough because they weren't vaccinated.




Who would have thought?... Oh yeah, all rational people!

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I suspect that at times is the desire to be educated that leads to the leaps of logic. If you spend your time reading up on, for example, 9/11 there are loads of different sources websites, books, documentaries and so on about it and there's no way they will all agree on everything. So with time as they spot more and more inconsistencies with the "official" story and between these things and slightly different accounts they've obsessively studied, the paranoia and theories go deeper and deeper. I don't think you can really get in to conspiracy theories (or anything Fortean for that matter) if you haven't got an interest in reading this stuff and "educating" yourself.

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I recently got Anne Frank's diary out of the library which I found an interesting and ultimately heartbreaking read.  However, upon returning it I was told by another library user that the whole thing had been written with biros which had only just been invented and wouldn't be available to her.  I didn't engage the guy in conversation as I had a sneaking suspicion he was a crazy Jew hater who was casting doubt on the holocaust?  


He may or may not have been but has anyone else heard this?  I recently saw original drafts of the diary in Amsterdam but wasn't looking out for what they were written with.  I think biros were invented in 1938 so it's not impossible Frank would have had one about 5 years later?  But I'm not sure how quickly the took off?  The Franks were reasonably affluent before the war and Anne and her sister and were very scholarly so not unreasonable that they would be early adopters?

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There are Holocaust denial conspiracy theories perpetrated by right-wing loonies, but there have been forensic tests that have conclusively proven the authenticity of the diaries. They were not written in biro or ballpoint pen in any case. Fountain pen ink and pencils of various colours were used.

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