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~*UKFF's Children Thread*~


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Good work on the baby-making, gents!


Perhaps not the right thread for it, but I gotta say as a recently married man it's really hard to get people to take you seriously when you say you aren't going to have kids. We keep getting all this "Ah, you'll change your mind.. I know best" bullshit that is more than a little condescending.


Kids are great, I love my nephews, but we don't want any of our own. Is that so hard for people to understand?

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Good work on the baby-making, gents!


Perhaps not the right thread for it, but I gotta say as a recently married man it's really hard to get people to take you seriously when you say you aren't going to have kids. We keep getting all this "Ah, you'll change your mind.. I know best" bullshit that is more than a little condescending.


Kids are great, I love my nephews, but we don't want any of our own. Is that so hard for people to understand?

Damn right, I don't want to have kids, I'm in my 30s in a strong relationship that's been going 5 years. People really don't get it. Fucking morons.

Edited by Call me Bellend
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Fully agree with Chest and Bellers there.


Personally, I never wanted kids. Got my ex pregnant when we were 21 and Jake came along.

I was bitter when she told me she was pregnant because I wanted to go to Australia and never come back to this shithole, but once he came along, it completely changed me (for the better too).


Then I got married, didn't want any more kids due to being too old (I personally believe once you're over 30, it's too old to have kids) yet Emily came along two years ago and now she's my pride and joy.

But, I despise people who insist that once you're married, you must have children. Like your marriage and love isn't valid unless you have children.


What's worse about these type of smarmy, idiotic cunts, is what if the couple they are preaching to, physically can't have children, are devastated about that fact and they're shiting on in that poor couples ear about needing kids to quantify their union? A friend of mine is part of a couple who are married seven years, have been through IVF three times and people still say "So no plans for kids then? You'd want to get the finger out!" I appreciate that these swines don't know their story, but why they haven’t the basic cop on or instinct to assume that something could actually be wrong with the couple in that respect, is fucking beyond me.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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Two babies under two isn't as hard as some would have you believe. You're body is already used to sleepless nights and you have that bit more self assuredness that you lacked the first time around.


Now the third baby, that's the killer!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our family & friends are mostly in the dark about my situation at the moment, but confiding in this topic where I don't know anybody in real life might be a way of getting advice:


My wife had a scan on Friday night (9 days before due date) and after measuring average all the way along this far, they said all of a sudden our baby was massive, potentially 10+ pounds.

We were shook up but told not to worry and there is the possibility of human error on the part of the midwives.


But 2 hours later we got the phone-call instructing us to go in to hospital first thing on Saturday morning for my wife to be induced.

So in our heads we got up Saturday morning believing that was going to be the day we have our baby.


Three days later she is still in there. Yesterday they inserted the third thingy that is supposed open the cervix over a 24 hour period (begins with a 'P' , can't remember the name) and if there is still no joy this lunchtime she will have a rest day before they try again.


Has anybody else been through this type of inducing?


My wife is really down and upset about how long it's taking, especially when other women on her ward are coming in and going into labour around her.


Basically I'm asking for advice on ways of keeping her positive and ways - other than the usual curry, bouncing ball, sex - of moving things on a bit?

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Hey Dopps, sorry to hear it's not progressing. I can imagine it causes real stress.


The bad news is: you're probably not going to placate Mrs D. This is the most anxious time of her life to date, with every chemical in her body yelling at her to get this child out but it's not happening. And you're stood there unable to help.


The good news is: everything is fine. If the midwives and doctors were concerned she would be in the operating theatre right now having a caesarean. She's being left on the ward for nature to take its course as much as possible. There are much, much worse situations to be

in on a maternity ward.


My son was induced. It seemed to take *forever*.

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Sounds pretty much word for word what happened with my wife for our first baby dopper, i wouldn't worry at all.


She was taken a week early as the baby measured big and had three rounds of pessary tablets to try and induce her but in the end it wasn't to be and we had a lovely, healthy baby girl by c-section two days later. 


She was 10lb 7oz but they put it down to human error on the midwife's part and the possibility my wife might have been borderline for gestational diabetes as she contracted acute pancreatitis on honeymoon a fortnight before she fell pregant so her insulin and blood sugars were all over the place.


Very common mate and try not to worry - all the bes to you both :)

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Baby boy was born on Thursday night, weighing 9lb 1oz.


My wife was given 3 of those things that work over a 24 hour period and after they didn't work - and other girls were coming into the ward, going into labour, and going up to delivery all around her - she was inconsolable when I left on Wednesday night.

But I got the call to head back there at 3:30am on Thursday and she gave birth 19 hours later.


Still getting used to being parents, it sometimes just feels like we're babysitting.

But after coming home around midnight on Friday we are just now getting into our rhythm.

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