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Pro Wrestling Contract Season


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This is why I could see KO go to AEW


But even besides that, strong argument there would be no AEW without Kev. When Cody left WWE it was Kevin who reached out to the Bucks and asked them to take Cody under their wings to help him on the indies. It’s also a great time for him to go. He’s pretty much hit his ceiling in WWE, sure he could remain there for life, be financially comfortable. But if he has a desire to do more, I can see him going.

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Kevin Owens said a while ago that he figured he only had one or two more Wrestlemanias in him; he's 40, and has been wrestling a pretty full-on style for a bigger bloke for 20-odd years now. I figured the last time his contract was up that it was almost a guarantee he would jump ship, and not only did he stick with WWE, he got a Wrestlemania main event with Steve Austin out of it! 

So I could see him being a lifer, but maybe, if he thinks there's only a couple of years left in it, he just wants to go and take the likely bigger salary from AEW, or to tick a few things off the bucket list that he's not able to do in WWE. Could easily go either way.

Edited by BomberPat
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Hard to see where KO ends up. Strikes me as a WWE lifer, given the great deal he has there, plus his age and the wear-and-tear of a long career wrestling a very physical style. On the flipside, he could fancy a couple of years in fresh surroundings (albeit fresh surroundings with familiar faces). I presume AEW will offer Owens a lucrative contract, should he become a free agent. 

Speaking of contract season, it appears the Lucha Bros are almost certainly heading to WWE when Fenix's AEW deal runs out. I look forward to seeing them doing something new and hope Fenix can remain injury-free. 

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On 9/20/2024 at 4:27 PM, BomberPat said:

Kevin Owens said a while ago that he figured he only had one or two more Wrestlemanias in him; he's 40, and has been wrestling a pretty full-on style for a bigger bloke for 20-odd years now. I figured the last time his contract was up that it was almost a guarantee he would jump ship, and not only did he stick with WWE, he got a Wrestlemania main event with Steve Austin out of it! 

Yeah I think this is the crucial point. Last time it looked a lot like he would jump, and then he didn't, and I don't think much has changed to make us think anything else will happen now.

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Someone posted this on Twitter, so obviously it’s now my ultimate fantasy.


I doubt it, though. It seemed far more likely Kevin would jump last time, when AEW had all the momentum and WWE was still half ran by a senile sex pest. You imagine it’s less likely now. Must be nice collecting tonnes of money and working to hot, full arenas.

But then you only have to look at Copeland to see the other side of the coin. A whole world of fresh, exciting options. Genuinely feels weird to imagine Kevin not feuding with The Bloodline! If that TV deal comes through I imagine Tony will offer him a blank cheque, too.

Be careful what you wish for though. Kevin Steen in AEW might break the record for how quickly someone ends up in the Vortex. Jericho’s probably already pitching ideas.

The true test of where the current climate lies will be if Miro gets his release and Hunter bothers to sign him. Years of being absolutely useless, it’ll be very telling if Rusev still manages to return. Anyone with any name value seems able to name their price.

*I would hypocritically pop for a return of Aiden English at the Royal Rumble, introducing, “RUSEV DAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUHH!

Edited by Supremo
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On 9/20/2024 at 4:22 PM, Hannibal Scorch said:

When Cody left WWE it was Kevin who reached out to the Bucks and asked them to take Cody under their wings to help him on the indies.

This is one of those things that if it's true it's very funny but if it's a total lie then it's very funny.

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I still love how Cody did the smoothest band wagon jumping in pro wrestling history to almost immediately latch onto the hottest non-WWE thing going (The Elite/Bullet Club) and use it to get him to where he wanted to be where he then straight away jumped off it. I am not a fan of Cody as a performer at all but love how much of a shameless carny he is.

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On 9/20/2024 at 3:43 PM, LaGoosh said:

He feels like a WWE lifer to me. They'll know AEW will be gunning for him and they'll offer him loads of money and I can see him taking it and being happy with it. 

Owens reportedly re-signed with WWE last time without asking for much (if any) more money, nor demanding any guaranteed push etc. Since then he's main evented two Wrestlemania's, once with arguably the biggest star of the last 30 years.

Only way I see him going to AEW is if it means he would get to spend more time at home with his family if that's something he wants to do at this point in his career.

From the outside it seems like he's having the time of his life doing his dream job, for the biggest company in the world, alongside his best friend.

Edited by TAFKA Jonny Vegas
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On 9/23/2024 at 5:48 PM, Supremo said:

*I would hypocritically pop for a return of Aiden English at the Royal Rumble, introducing, “RUSEV DAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUHH!

I was oing to say there's not much chance of that happening, but with the relationship between WWE and TNA maybe they could tempt Matthew Rehwalt into dusting off his old gimmick again.

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