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Main event was incredible the shield music hitting was a great touch everyone waiting for the glass to shatter and it was the gong instead 👏

That moment at the end with Cody and family going on so long was so un wwe it was brilliant. 
best moment for me was cole saying I love professional wrestling the man is so liberated post Vince so good to see.

bring on the first hhh raw after mania 

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10 minutes ago, Callum1993 said:

That may have been the greatest Mania main event ever. Goosebumps. 

we know certain ukff members wont be agreeing with your assessment......anyways night 2 was incredible, the opener was fantastic, the street fight was fun, the triple threat match was outstanding, womens match was a banger and then that main event was everything what pro wrestling truly is, stories, emotions and everything else that's pure cinema art form.

Edited by buba3d
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You knew it was going to be interference crazy but it was still magic. I had a Michael Cole “could it be?” moment when The Shields music hit. I thought for a second the impossible could be happening. Reigns hitting Seth with the chair as a callback was great though.

Much better night. Drew and Seth had too many finishing moves and a kick out but it was still decent enough. Everything after was great. Damian Priest remembered he could do something with that briefcase. 

Really enjoyed Bayley vs Iyo. 

Main event was great fun. Giving two stories a happy ending and doing the right thing for the fans? It really is a new era. Next wrestlers will be winning in their home town all the time. 

Edited by TheBurningRed
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Night Two was a far far superior event than night one. 2 duffers (LA Knight/AJ did nothing for me, at least the trios was treated as a comedy match).

Bayley and Io Skye had a great match. Woman’s match of the weekendSeth vs Drew pretty much went as well as I’d hoped, but did feel bad they gave him the Adam Copeland title run, though guess that will lead to his revenge at the Hydro (if he re-signs). 

Logan Paul is still impressive, as long as you ignore his matches are very samey and he has a limited move set.

The Main event. It will either be the best match you’ve ever seen or over booked nostalgia bait. I know you shouldn’t read to much into wrestling, but he was put through a table, thrown in the ring, superman punch and kicked out at 2. Come on, I had £18.75 resting on it! But I was enjoying it. But there was this air of waiting for the interferences, and as that had been the discussion for a while it was a case of who first and how many. Once we got to Rock/Cena I’d had enough. It felt like HHH/Sting from 32 at that point.

Anyway, Cody gets the win, he finishes the story. Samantha Irvin, because she can’t remain professional, can barely get her words out. He gets the belt. He’s done it, the faces run down, the family comes in. THERES THE WRESTLEMANIA MOMENT. I’m pleased for him.

Oh no, what’s he doing? Oh he’s not surely….

So the only thing I really hated was what was uttered by Stephanie McMahon at the top of the night. This is the Paul Levesque era. Look, steering away from Vince is best for business. But I already hate this is the choice, and Cody declaring it too just left me cold. He’s also the new voice for the opening and closing bumpers. 

So the good news, now I’ve seen the story finish and lost my £18.75, this is where my story ends. I’m not tuning into Raw or Smackdown. I may check out stuff down the road, but this sugar coating is too sickly for me. It’s been a rollercoaster of the last 34 years, but I’m ready to hop off WWE. Good luck in your future endeavours.

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It's not like for like comparing a two night show to a one night show, but this might be my favourite Wrestlemania end to end. It beats WM17 for me. Incredible and multiple feel good moments, amongst brilliant chaos.

What an incredible start and finish to Night 2!

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Get Snoop on comms more. He was great that time he did on I think Dynamite? And he was great again tonight. 

Going back to the main event, I did think Roman had it after the spear/Samoan spike combo. Just for a moment I thought they were going to keep the run going. 

If anyone kept the network on after it finished, they advertised a documentary all about the build up to the night 1 main event and all the background of it. It’s out on Wednesday. I’m sure Triple H will finally get some praise on it. 

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Didn't manage to really watch the first half of tonight as I woke up late, had the school run etc. The triple threat and women's match were both entertaining affairs that I enjoyed. Does Bayley have Egyptian heritage? I was perplexed by her entrance a bit otherwise.

The main even was the happy ending I've been longing for in WWE for years now. A proper blue eyed babyface overcoming the odds in an all encompassing main event. This felt like proper magic. I'm really glad they let Roman come out without the Bloodline and they got to have a good match before the clusterfuck came into play. Cena was a wonderful surprise, Rollins being nothing but a whipping boy was wonderful to see and Taker's surprise was pleasant although I'd have preferred it to be Austin. Post match was heart warming with everyone seeming genuinely pleased for Cody. Who would have thought 3 years ago you would have Triple H and CM Punk in the ring after Cody Rhodes wins the WWE title. It really shows when they do something well they can still knock it out the park compared to all the guff we've put up with over the last 10 years with Reigns/ Lesnar and other crap.

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As said a couple of times above, magic! Night 1 mostly bored the pants off me, but I enjoyed every match of night 2. I've already watched the climax to the main event three times, that's how much it made me smile.

Other highlights: Drew hilariously taking his CM Punk trolling too far, Snoop Dogg talking about Yogi Bear, the RKO on the announce desk, Io Sky and Bayley on top form, and Michael Cole's "Holy christ!" when the Undertaker appeared.

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