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Gary Albright should be Head Of The Table.

Also, The Rock is legitimately a High Chief apparently, he was made so by King Malietoa Tanumafili II in 2004.

Edited by Loki
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17 minutes ago, Loki said:

Another reminder that The Rock is still younger than Hulk Hogan was when he came back to wrestle Shawn Michaels in a fantastic 20 plus minutes match.

I think the difference is that Shawn was conditioned to play rubber ball for a traditional company style bump and feed match which suited The Hulkster perfectly. Most of The Rocks comeback spots used to have him being the more energetic guy in the ring, bouncing madly around doing clotheslines, occasionally throwing in a nip up or - if we were lucky - the Maivia Hurricane, and so on. Would there be enough time sat in Roman’s chinlock to get his wind back after an inevitable spirited opening fisticuffs, plus inevitable shenanigans? Or would we be lucky to get a Rock Bottom and a gentle amble to the elbow?

Maybe he should have taken that Orton match after all. Even longer a chinlock to recuperate.

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9 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Just seen someone suggest that they should have Austin in Cody's corner and Rock in Roman's, in the ultimate 'YES 1999 WAS BETTER BUT THESE ARE THE CLOSEST WEVE GOT NOW' type match.

I'm in.

They could even do Rock and Roman v Cody and Austin for the tag match on night 1 instead 👀

Tag match to decide which of Rock or Austin becomes special referee on night 2. Rock and Roman win just to stack the odds against Cody that bit more, but Rock does a Darth Vader as referee and turns on the Bloodline resulting in Cody winning the title and Rock v Roman next year.  Absolute cinema.

Anyway, they did make a mess of things and clearly picked the wrong time for Roman v Rock as much as I want that match, but as long as they still do it, this way of getting there is likely to be infinitely more interesting than what we were going to get this year.



Edited by AndyUK
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Well, I fucking loved that press conference. Note perfect chaos and a distinctly more interesting version of Rock than the re-heated juvenile shite he's been spewing the last few returns. Rollins being treated as the berk and complete afterthought he is was the icing on the cake. Bravo!

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In the spirit of full transparency, I'm currently a little off centre as I'm spending Mon-Fri each week at a Travelodge* on my own as my wife is yet to be convinced by my big career move from the Oval to Portman Road. Couple that with little sleep and I fear you didn't get the sober analysis you've come to expect from me last night.

So, having had a day to cool off and watch with fresh eyes, I have thoughts;

Ultimately, they've ended up back where I wanted them to with Cody/Roman, so I'm happy and looking forward to Mania again.

Also, if last night can be considered as Day 1 of the Wrestlemania build, then I think were in for a treat as - like people have said - wrestling can be at its best when it's at its most chaotic.. providing there's a clear, consistent sense of character, which there definitely wasn't prior to last night, and which they now seem to be moving towards.

That said, I struggle with people who believe it was a work, as we certainly haven't ended up in a better place for anyone. Cody is potentially not quite as popular as he was, as there's definitely going to be people who'd prefer The Rock to be in the main event, and that wasn't a binary choice they needed to be presented with; The Rock is now filling a bit of a square peg role, as though he'll undoubtedly be more interesting as a heel, it's probably not the best use of such a big star; Roman seems diminished next to The Rock, like a little brother or the support act for The Beatles; Seth Rollins is somehow more pitiful.

I just don't see a world where this was a work, as they've ended up exactly where everyone always thought they were going - only with potentially some more pissed off fans than were necessary. They've basically gone from London to Coventry, via Azerbaijan. A completely needless, defeatist detour.

The only argument for it being a work is that they did only care about pushing Vince out of the press, and the bruised reputations of their biggest stars were a price they were willing to pay.

Still, they've got me back in my Cody bed spread. So that's good.


*Yes. I know. How very Partridge of me.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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1 hour ago, Loki said:


Gary Albright should be Head Of The Table.

Also, The Rock is legitimately a High Chief apparently, he was made so by King Malietoa Tanumafili II in 2004.

I don’t know how I’ve managed to reach this point in my wrestling fandom without realising that Rosey and Jamal/Umaga were not brothers, Rikishi and Umaga ARE brothers and that Rosey and Roman are also real life brothers.

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To be fair, if they’ve figured out a tag is all Rocky can do at the minute and they can persuade Reigns to wrestle twice, and they DID do Cody & Seth vs Reigns & Rock on night 1 as an hor d’oeuvre for Reigns vs Cody on night 2 (plus say Rollins vs McIntyre) … I’d be quite excited for that all in all. It would frankly piss on the show Vince decided was “the most stupendous two night WrestleMania of all time”… after they’d only done two before.


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I'm sure if The Rock couldn't go 20-30 mins they would keep it short, have Rock/Roman trade a few big moves and have it done inside 10 minutes, think Brock/Goldberg a few years back, less is more etc. 

Also when did the whole Pivot thing become a terminology in wrestling? Is this a new trendy word now?

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15 minutes ago, Briefcase said:

I'm sure if The Rock couldn't go 20-30 mins they would keep it short, have Rock/Roman trade a few big moves and have it done inside 10 minutes, think Brock/Goldberg a few years back, less is more etc. 

Also when did the whole Pivot thing become a terminology in wrestling? Is this a new trendy word now?

 I like to think people are just really nostalgic for Ross from Friends.


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49 minutes ago, Briefcase said:

Also when did the whole Pivot thing become a terminology in wrestling? Is this a new trendy word now?

I for one think it’s stupendous.

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