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Taven ripping OC's pockets in defiance was a great spot. Bonkers main event that I originally had zero interest in, credit to everyone involved. 

Don't know what the fuck Darby was playing at, with that promo. What a pillock.

As @JLM posted, zero need for any extra back story.

Joe is the man. 

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Darby Allin has always been an awful promo, but that one may have been his worst. Jesus wept. 

A funeral show overall again. I feel they need to mix up the order of the shoes though. It feels like 4/5 shows open with a Jon Moxley match. 

The main event took me by surprise. I've never had any interest in Matt Taven at all but he put in a shift here. Barmy stuff. 

The Joe/Swerve/Hangman segment was fantastic. Clicking on all fronts these three are. 

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So I've read that aew attendances have declined even more in 2024. Now people do generally tend to have less money in January for not going to read to much into that. I'm not going to deny aew attendances are an issue but I don't think them dropping in January is to much of a concern.

Personally I feel like aew has got better since the turn of the year. Do you think the attendances will start to go back up again if the product is better or are there other factors involved? 

I do worry about aew at times. The deal wwe has with netflix is a good thing for aew. Loosing a TV deal was what really killed wcw. And that may have happened had it not been for the wwe netflix deal. 

2000 is actually not bad for a wrestling show. Obviously no where near wwe attendances but still good for a niche sport. However if you invest a lot of money you need to make more back. Aew may end up in to much debt. Also it is nice to have some big stars. If aew isn't making enough money it won't be able to afford them.  

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1 hour ago, no user name said:

Aew may end up in to much debt. Also it is nice to have some big stars. If aew isn't making enough money it won't be able to afford them

Sometimes people forget how much money the Khan's have. They don't have debt! He pays for everything that the company income doesn't cover out of his own insanely massive pockets. 

The educated assumption is that they're going to probably score a big TV rights increase this year which will likely make the company profitable finally.

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A billionaire who had a week off from producing pro-wrestling TV, so attended a fucking Rev Pro show. AEW fans have nothing to worry about in terms of company finances. His net worth is only matched by his fandom for this nonsense.

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1 hour ago, no user name said:

Personally I feel like aew has got better since the turn of the year. Do you think the attendances will start to go back up again if the product is better or are there other factors involved? 


I think attendances definitely will rise if they carry on putting on an entertaining show. The issue is that it will take time. Just from first-hand experience, I've got a few mates who used to watch AEW religiously who stopped watching last year saying it just wasn't for them anymore. Some of them have started watching WWE again, some have just stopped watching wrestling altogether. I've been telling them since the start of the year AEW is getting its shit together and a few of them arn't arsed, and the others have said they might check it out. I feel like it's going to take months and months of AEW putting on good shows to get people interested again.

Somewhat related, I do feel that the '2023 was a bad year for AEW' narrative is a tad overblown. It seem like the Devil storyline and the shite Worlds End PPV has overshadowed a lot of other good stuff. It was only 6 months back that the company put on one of the biggest shows of all time.

I also think that a company as in-ring/'workrate' heavy as AEW will always have a ceiling long-term, but I'm not sure where the ceiling is.

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12 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

Somewhat related, I do feel that the '2023 was a bad year for AEW' narrative is a tad overblown. It seem like the Devil storyline and the shite Worlds End PPV has overshadowed a lot of other good stuff. It was only 6 months back that the company put on one of the biggest shows of all time.

I'm not even sure it's that. I think it was just an overall lack of consistency meaning it was quite easy for people to give up on it. There's been great stuff from the company year on year since it existed. And a large percentage of the PPVs have been spectacular. But they've struggled to build up to them well and made it too easy for people to just dip in and out of I think.

Maintaining a solid audience who want to keep going and want to keep watching is something that hopefully comes with sustained quality.

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It's an investment in the long-term, but I think most fans would have preferred Collision didn't happen. It's by no means a cure-all but it might well have covered a few.

They don't go into as many smaller markets. A-B towns like Pittsburgh don't get used on the 2nd rate show. 5k+ for Dynamites, under 4k for Collision.

Roster doesn't get silo'd off. ROH still tapes at Universal. There's a week to promote Dynamite/Rampage.

Maybe Dynamite has a slight bump in ratings with it being the sole focus.

The company still would have expanded in 2023 into this year. Increased number of PPVs and live Rampages They had started to do house shows before Collision came along. House shows are a bit of a money pit, but it would have allowed them to experiment more with the inexperienced roster. HOOK was getting competitive reps and then it was back to TV squash matches half the time.


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Another really solid show I thought.

Best thing is that they have so many different talents across the show who are over with pretty clear and defined characters. I like the variety and I like that they're all succeeding in their own ways.

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Fun Dynamite this week, better paced than last week.  Good opener and good main event.  

I'm surprised at the prominence AEW continues to give (as a face no less) to a man facing a prison sentence for assault with a weapon, but perhaps Tony Sn--err, Khan is convinced the police and prosecutors have it wrong. Moxley seemed to be having a bit of an off-night, a little awkward looking, but the two teams work so well together, it sets up a good match at the PPV, court dates permitting.

Speaking off off-nights, it was lovely to see Madison Rayne (I had no idea she was IN AEW) but she looked like she was moving through treacle, was absolutely exhausted 5 minutes into the match and then nearly killed herself taking a simple bump.  Perhaps throwing her out on Dynamite was a mistake if she's not in ring shape.

Sting's promo was ace, awful that he's lost his Dad and it gives his retirement an extra wrinkle clearly.  Now I know Allin has to paint his face to cover that awful tattoo I can't take him seriously though.  I was also mesmerised by the sheer size of Ric Flair's EARS now, wtf.  Impressed that he's not even waiting for the match to turn on Sting, perhaps its a double reverse turn or something, who knows with Flair.

All seems right with the world when the biggest pop and the most credibility lie with the guy holding the big belt.  He is the sun around which the rest of the AEW roster can move, they'd be fools to take the belt of him any time soon because for those claiming to want to be champion, that championship is meaning more every week that Joe holds it.

I love 6 man tags as main events, especially ones packed with singles stars, so the main event was for me.  Everybody gets their shit in, everyone looks good, storylines are progressed.  RVD and Joe, lovely.  Send the crowd home happy.


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