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Tim Healys Chutney Spoon

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Fair, I was thinking more news air time making him look like a viable candidate rather than someone who wants to be president cos of some perceived slight against him.

But yeah maybe he'd have got it either way - he's more visible than the others, none of whom have even appeared in a Home Alone film

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35 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

Obama mocked trump at the Whitehouse Foreign Correspondents dinner, along with mocking everyone else, that's what he is supposed to do at that dinner, mock the press. The thin skinned narcissist didn't appreciate the mockery and a whole MAGA movement was born. It was a funny joke involving birth certificates and the Lion King but not funny enough to rectify the nightmarish hellscape since then.Ā 

That may oversimplify why Trump decided to run, but its a definite contributory factor.Ā 

My memory, which may be faulty, is that he was going to run in 2012 and him getting roasted by Obama basically torpedoed his support because his main issue, the birth truther bit, got so thoroughly ridiculed. When he ran again I remember thinking something similar would happen again, but the torpedo never came.Ā 

EDIT:Ā https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/16/donald-trump-us-presidential-race

The decision comes after the businessman was repeatedly trounced by Obama last month over the "birther" issue. Trump took doubts about Obama's birthplace from the fringes of American politics to the mainstream, but the president undercut him by publishing the long form of his birth certificate, proving he had been born in the US. Obama humiliated Trump a few days later with a series of jokes at his expense at the White House correspondents' dinner, with the businessman present.

Edited by gmoney
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1 minute ago, gmoney said:

but the torpedo never came.Ā 

Story of my life but anyway...

You are probably right G, i dont know but its not how i remember it, but few things are. I blame growing up in the 80s, eating a lot of burgers and CJD. I think i could have a brain like Chris Benoit thanks to the mad cow.Ā 

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1 hour ago, King Coconut said:

No love for the pussy grabbing?

If you're famous, Coco, they let you do it. Ā An airtight legal defence.

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5 hours ago, Loki said:

Where's this "improving relations" stuff coming from? Ā 

He gave Baby Kim a huge PR coup by getting a visit from the US President, in return for absolutely nothing as NK continued its nuclear program and missile program unabated.

I'm glad you brought this up - it's mad that anyone treated it as a success, and it was clearly a bit of Trump wanting to show that he was a political force to be reckoned with (or, if he'd even be aware of its significance, that he was after his "Nixon goes to China" moment), but it was a disaster, and just showed that he had no aptitude for international relations whatsoever. He - or people around him - seemed to think that no US President had met with the leaders of North Korea justĀ because, I don't know, they hadn't bothered? Because North Korea had been to them? So instead he goes over there and legitimises them with a photoshoot, but gets nothing in return, no assurances that they'll dial down their missile program or aggression towards the South, no commitment to doĀ anythingĀ on an international stage, just shake hands and smile for the camera.

I don't find anything Trump does amusing - barĀ maybeĀ his pathetic little voice when he said "I did everything right, and they indicted me" - and find the suggestion that he's really funny, or really charismatic, absolutely mental. He obviously draws people in somehow, but he's a rambling mess squeezed into a bad suit, I don't get it.

I think looking for the "reasons" for a Trump presidency is missing the forest for the trees. He'd toyed with running for president years before Obama, and before the fame that followed The Apprentice (though obviously he was a public figure long before that), so you can't just place the blame all there (though Popbitch did a great series on the impact of reality TV as a reaction to writers' strikes on the rise of Trumpian politics - first in FOX's first big hit being COPS when they couldn't get new scripted material, and second in The Apprentice coming along during a strike). The problem isn't Trump, at least not in a vacuum, the problem is the grip that the evangelist Christian right have had on the Republican Party since the '80s, the existence of an entire right-wing media ecosystem from Fox News down to local talk radio, centuries of institutionalised racism and prejudice, and just how fundamentally flawed the American electoral system is. The whole system is rotten through and through, Trump is just a symptom of that, and seeing American liberals act like the Obama years were a golden age of acceptance and equality (much like our own liberals and the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony), or that Joe Biden becoming President was some great progressive victory rather than a compromise return to normality, and that the problems with America were somehow born of Donald Trump, doesn't give me much hope that things will ever get better. The question isn't how America ended up electing somebody like Donald Trump President, it's, given they have a political system and media landscape that seems almost tailored-made for funnelling a man like him into the White House, how did it take them so long?

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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

given they have a political system and media landscape that seems almost tailored-made for funnelling a man like him into the White House, how did it take them so long?

That really IS an interesting question. Ā I think that for much of its existence, the US political system was vastly more bipartisan than it is now. Ā I forget where I saw it. but there's some data on the amount of crossbench voting and bipartisan legislation in the US system, and it's really quite broad until the early 90s when it suddenly takes a nosedive. Ā Around the same time the Tea Party started and near enough to when Fox News also started. Ā 

So I suspect the US system got along for many years on an extremely strong sense of tradition and an honour system, which allowed the two-party system to somewhat self-correct, and kept real lunatics from getting to the top job. Ā Once you strip away that, it's a race to the bottom.

That's my theory anyway!

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25 minutes ago, Loki said:

So I suspect the US system got along for many years on an extremely strong sense of tradition and an honour system, which allowed the two-party system to somewhat self-correct, and kept real lunatics from getting to the top job. Ā Once you strip away that, it's a race to the bottom.

I'd say it's not much different from here, to be honest - a lot of what happens in parliament is based on convention and tradition, and is not actually legislated for; hence why we had all sorts of fuckery going on from BJ and his gang, like the proroguing of parliament.

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Surely the guys charisma isnā€™t up for debate. Thereā€™s no way he skirts along this far on money and privilege alone. The guy has so much charm and presence that he managed to convince the poorest Americans he was one of them and thatā€™s despite being a thin skinned petty odd ball who looks like if he unbuttoned his jacket heā€™d reveal the Muppets stood atop one anotherā€™s shoulders.

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25 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Surely the guys charisma isnā€™t up for debate. Thereā€™s no way he skirts along this far on money and privilege alone. The guy has so much charm and presence that he managed to convince the poorest Americans he was one of them and thatā€™s despite being a thin skinned petty odd ball who looks like if he unbuttoned his jacket heā€™d reveal the Muppets stood atop one anotherā€™s shoulders.

You'd be surprised just how far you get on privilege.

You're right that that wouldn't be the only reason, but, more than his charisma, it's worth remembering that, looking at the pattern of the Trump organisation's behaviour, it's more likely he's got as far as he has through links to organised crime.

Not direct proof in itself, but it's significant that, during the late 70s to 80s, all the major construction companies in New York were boycotting the cement companies because they were run by major crime families - hence why so many buildings had a lot more steel, plate glass, etc. All except one.

Basically, y'know the expression that white, rich, hetero, cis, straight, able-bodied, middle/upper-class males are playing life on the easiest settings? Donald Trump is doing thatĀ andĀ in all likelihood playing with cheat codes as well.

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4 minutes ago, BigJag said:

What's happening here? He seems to be threatening the courts and his charisma and charm have escaped.

A reporter asked him what he meant by bedlam and would he say to his supporters ā€œPlease, no violenceā€ and Trump just walked off.Ā 

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