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AEW Wrestledream PPV discussion


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6 hours ago, Loki said:


Christian Cage is one of the safest hands that's ever wrestled and even HD couldn't make that steps spot look anything but a license to cripple.  I dunno if they were originally going for a suplex onto the top of it but it was too far away from the ring, but both those bumps onto the steps were ridiculous.  Very cool but I'd be happy to never see anyone do that again to be honest.

At least they didn't use real glass.

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21 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

I'd rather glass than seeing someone, seemingly try to paralyse himself, every week. 

They could have skipped that spot altogether and the match would have still been excellent. Looked to me like Christian for some reason, was having trouble lifting Darby up for a suplex.

Yes. That was what I was joking about. 

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27 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

I'd rather glass than seeing someone, seemingly try to paralyse himself, every week. 

They could have skipped that spot altogether and the match would have still been excellent. Looked to me like Christian for some reason, was having trouble lifting Darby up for a suplex.

I think he was trying to execute it safely.

If you look when he first had him up for a suplex, he seems to realise that where the steps are and the trajectory of the fall that would be needed, Darby’s head is going to either spike into the floor or the steps. So he aborts, lobs Darby to the floor and then goes and does the suplex/slam from nearer to the steps.

I think when he’s lifted Darby up for the second slam there they’ve probably had a chat and decided to do it again. So when he goes up for the third time, he tries to take the suplex almost at a side angle as if he’s thinking “if I drop him laterally, side on, his head might be fine” but I think that lift became awkward to do safely, so he aborts and goes for a low slam.

It’s a really fascinating sequence to watch back, as I think the entire time Christian is just trying to get out of it with Darby still alive. It’s remarkable that they managed to abort and take two more bites of the Cherry without it looking staged or hokey. Just made Christian look even more of a nasty bastard.

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I need to watch the entire show I just skipped to the main event like a giddy school child too see if edge did debut and jesus was it worth it, it really did feel like a special moment. 

The main event though was really good and it feels unbelievable Christian cage at this point of his career is having a great main event like that. However Darby Allen has a fucking deathwish and the back end of the match just felt so uncomfortable with the bumps he was talking (the death valley driver from the top rope to the outside and steel steps was horrific) 

I do need to go and watch the entire card I'm thinking of downloading it on offline mode on my Plex account too watch on the flight and transfer on Thursday when we go on holiday 

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Incredible show. Regardless of the numerous continuous problems with booking and storytelling from a purely in-ring perspective I think AEW is having one of the best years in wrestling history. The top level matches they are putting out regularly are absolutely amazing. And from Forbidden Door to Wrestledream they've put on four of the best all round PPVs I've seen in a row! Bonkers.

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Not even watched the show yet, probably won't till it airs Thursday on ITV4 but Edge in AEW is brilliantly surreal. There are so many fresh matches for him, both in singles and in tag team action. Probably even more than Punk to be honest if I think about it, just because you've got the Edge and Christian tag matches too.

I think now is probably the time to do the Edge v Christian feud with how white hot Christian is, and then they can eventually build to a reunion down the line. 


Edited by AndyUK
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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

Incredible show. Regardless of the numerous continuous problems with booking and storytelling from a purely in-ring perspective I think AEW is having one of the best years in wrestling history. The top level matches they are putting out regularly are absolutely amazing. And from Forbidden Door to Wrestledream they've put on four of the best all round PPVs I've seen in a row! Bonkers.

That's all I've been thinking about since last night's show. Sure, the TV can sometimes not deliver, and the overall product has seen better days, but it's nothing short of incredible that they managed to put out All In, All Out, Grand Slam and Wrestledream in the space of a month. Back in the Monopoly Era you'd be lucky to have that amount of top-tier stuff in the space of years. I never want to take it for granted. If you're a fan of pro-wrestling, this is the fucking promised land.

And speaking of things that shouldn't be taken for granted, enjoy a supercut of Moxley having the best time of his life. It's like a whole new genre of commentary. Play-by-play, colour, and then just your funniest mate losing his mind, getting completely lost in the matches, buzzing his bollocks off.


Edited by Supremo
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Excalibur saying swear jar under his breath to Mox really cracked me up.

What a great show. 3 PPV bangers in a month is unparalleled. Just incredible work.

To think how we all laughed when Tony Khan hyped up the signing of Christian Cage as being a game changer. Well, we’re not laughing now. Well, only when he’s talking about your father (him watching the Inoki family backstage was a great touch). 

If I take anything away from the event it’s this:

- Edge looked rejuvenated. I think he’s going to be a great signing both in ring and backstage. 

- Julia Hart looked great. Yes, Statlander deserves credit for helping carry her through it, but she’s come on leaps and bounds. Quicker then most of her peers.

- Give me a Swerve title run, he deserves it. 

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Seen a lot of "AEW swapped Punk for Edge" stuff which I totally get but I think it's worth noting that Edge is a much bigger star than Punk ever was. Punk is big with a certain portion of wrestling fandom but pretty much everyone knows who Edge is. Talk to some random lapsed fan and they will absolutely know and remember Edge fondly, you can't say the same for Pepsi Phil.

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