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Kinda sad all this situation. Would love to know the full story of how it soured between him and the Bucks (Kenny was pretty much missing for all that time)

I was looking forward to the full heel run, and him V MJF again at some point. All seems so silly over bloody Jungle Boy but it is what it is. It all seems so chaotic with him.

I do hope he gets one last run. He will as he sells a shit load of merchandise and he's a genuine name and star in an era that lacks quite a few. Maybe a Mania match and ride off into the sunset.

My favourite bit of bullshit over all this was Bischoff saying how he would have handled someone like Nash doing something similar. Like Eric could have fired Nash!

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Punk in the NWA would be funny. Matches with the likes of Tyrus, Aron Stevens, Austin Aries, TAFKA Bron etc. Shame the Question Mark passed away as I bet Punk knows a bit of Mongrovian Ka Ra Tay from his MMA tenure. 

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5 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

Problem with Punk is you just don't really know what mood he'll be in. He can be a vindictive bastard but does that mean he'll deliberately go to WWE to piss off TK/AEW? Or does that mean he'll still hold a grudge with those in WWE and refuse to go there? Honestly could go either way. I'm sure he doesn't have a fucking clue what he's going to do either really.

There's every chance he's went to AEW and quickly realised that the grass isn't always greener. Maybe having to deal with the younger guys in AEW while he's old, tired and sore will give him a newfound appreciation as to what Triple H and others had to put up with when he was acting the prick in WWE years back.

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24 minutes ago, David said:

There's every chance he's went to AEW and quickly realised that the grass isn't always greener. Maybe having to deal with the younger guys in AEW while he's old, tired and sore will give him a newfound appreciation as to what Triple H and others had to put up with when he was acting the prick in WWE years back.

Honestly think this is likely. He went there, keep in mind as early as last year, he was pitching ideas to come back to WWE. Triple H for all his faults, is willing to do business if it means making money. 

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The Tony Khan announcement on Collision seemed so weird and out of place. Would a promoter/owner really come and say such things openly on TV about being "scared for their life" over a private matter such as a firing someone. Surely that leaves them wide open to beind sued?

All of CM Punk's merchandise still seems to be available directly from AEW where he was by all accounts their top seller. He hasn't made any comment whatsoever so far to my knowledge.

Is it beyond the realms of possibility that this is a really shitty work?

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1 hour ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Honestly think this is likely. He went there, keep in mind as early as last year, he was pitching ideas to come back to WWE. Triple H for all his faults, is willing to do business if it means making money. 

Triple H, for all his faults, isn't one to hold a grudge I don't think. WWE as a company tends to be willing to do business where there's money to be made, so I could see him coming back if he made the right noises in any discussions with Triple H.

26 minutes ago, Jonny Vegas said:

The Tony Khan announcement on Collision seemed so weird and out of place. Would a promoter/owner really come and say such things openly on TV about being "scared for their life" over a private matter such as a firing someone. Surely that leaves them wide open to beind sued?

All of CM Punk's merchandise still seems to be available directly from AEW where he was by all accounts their top seller. He hasn't made any comment whatsoever so far to my knowledge.

Is it beyond the realms of possibility that this is a really shitty work?

If it is a work, it would be one of the most notable in wrestling history. An angle drawn out over that long? Even to the point where it's had the dirt sheets and their sources all buying in?

I can't see it, but if it was, it would be astounding.

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8 hours ago, Jonny Vegas said:

The Tony Khan announcement on Collision seemed so weird and out of place. Would a promoter/owner really come and say such things openly on TV about being "scared for their life" over a private matter such as a firing someone. Surely that leaves them wide open to beind sued?

All of CM Punk's merchandise still seems to be available directly from AEW where he was by all accounts their top seller. He hasn't made any comment whatsoever so far to my knowledge.

Is it beyond the realms of possibility that this is a really shitty work?

It's not weird and out of place when you consider what happened after All Out last year. Sometimes there's just enough awareness that not everyone lives in a wrestling bubble and it has to be explained why people have mysteriously disappeared.

As for the wording leaving him open to being sued. I'd say it was specifically chosen to support terminating Punk's contract for cause.



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1 hour ago, Infinity Land said:

As for the wording leaving him open to being sued. I'd say it was specifically chosen to support terminating Punk's contract for cause.

Nah. It was said at the recording of a scripted tv show recording in front of fans of said TV show. If you’re thinking about suing someone on those grounds,  every single promo broadcast in history is open for litigation. 

Say Sniff came out and said “I fired his ass and then kicked his ass”, Would Punk have a case for wrongful termination then? Of course not. But hE fEaReD fOr HiS lIfE!!!

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One of my greatest fears as a pro-wrestling fan is to become of one of those maniacs who thinks everything’s a work, regardless of all sense or logic.

Imagine, “working it,” so that your company sounds like a fucking dumpster fire backstage, filled with petty, immature idiots, the owner sounds like an absolute bottler, completely in over his head and terrified to make a proper decision, one of your top stars is a toxic arsehole nutter, your top merchandise seller is no longer employed and that the show built around him - that the network is paying top dollar for - is now tantamount to Rampage 2.0.

Melts my brain, honestly.

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8 minutes ago, Supremo said:

One of my greatest fears as a pro-wrestling fan is to become of one of those maniacs who thinks everything’s a work, regardless of all sense or logic.

Imagine, “working it,” so that your company sounds like a fucking dumpster fire backstage, filled with petty, immature idiots, the owner sounds like an absolute bottler, completely in over his head and terrified to make a proper decision, one of your top stars is a toxic arsehole nutter, your top merchandise seller is no longer employed and that the show built around him - that the network is paying top dollar for - is now tantamount to Rampage 2.0.

Melts my brain, honestly.

Yeah but how do we know TK hasn't paid YOU off? This whole damn board is a work.

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