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7 minutes ago, Daddymagic said:

Wade Keller is reporting that something is about to come out about CM Punk that's "not going to help matters" and "it's one of those weeks for AEW." 

Whatever that might mean 

I'm not really sure this counts as reporting. Transcribed from a podcast.


Wade Keller on CM Punk: "I am under the impression between now and Saturday, there's going to be something that comes out that media wise that is not gonna help matters, probably. I don't mean to be cryptic but I haven't heard the details or seen enough to say much but yea, I just don't know. I just think it's gonna be one of those weeks, I'll put it that way...From what I'm hearing behind the scenes in AEW, it's just gonna be one of those weeks."


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19 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Pro-wrestling journalism is just posting a vague, "OMG, absolutely seething," status on Facebook.

"What's the actual story Meltz/Alvarez/Keller/Sapp?"

"I'll DM you, babe."

Yeah, except you'd have to pay to see the DM with a Pro Wrestling Journalist

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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This seems to come from CM Punk doing an interview with ESPN. That's not going to air until Friday.

There's enough wrestling knowledgeable people at ESPN they would be out in front with this if they thought it was particularly newsworthy. Not letting the dirtsheets trickle out any bits of news.

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If it is the ESPN interview...then chances are CM Punk/AEW is the source. If ESPN had anything they wouldn't be running off to the dirtsheets. That leaves really Punk, AEW's PR and Tony Khan/upper management.

Whole thing just screams more worked/shoot bollocks. Which at least means we might get something on screen.

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I was watching Dynamite and saw the trailer for his comeback.  "I don't know what I'm going to say... ooh live mic... ooh sit down in ring... ooh pipebomb".

Fucking tiresome already and he's not even re-debuted.  His act is so stale.

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