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CM Punk chat


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13 hours ago, David said:

Some people in this thread long ago stopped talking about Punk, and have started discussing some imaginary caricature version of the guy that they've dreamed up in their heads.

I stick to talking about the real Punk, who I met some years ago at International Showdown.

He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.

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1 hour ago, air_raid said:

He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.

Hey, a reference that gives me an excuse to post this! Limmy's Show deserves far most visibility than it has outside of Scotland. One of the best sketch shows the UK has ever produced in my opinion. Limmy's Homemade Show is also excellent. 


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1 hour ago, air_raid said:

I stick to talking about the real Punk, who I met some years ago at International Showdown.

He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.

I was training with Stevie Knight at the time and he came in the next day talking about what a twat Punk was - and this was coming from a guy who was friends with Alex Shane. 

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Funny thing is, that YES, it was an intentional reference, but word for word it's actually accurate. Punk was understandably a bit crabby (he'd hurt his elbow in the match) but soon he was laughing and joking with Joe, Foley and fans alike. He was pretty quick witted. I've often wondered if his time inside "the machine" turned him into the miser we all know he is today.

@Snitsky's back acne


I was training with Stevie Knight at the time and he came in the next day talking about what a twat Punk was - and this was coming from a guy who was friends with Alex Shane. 

.... wow. Context is king.

Edited by air_raid
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Punk was backstage at NXT last night, offering counsel and advice to the young stars. What a mensch. Some people from within the wrestling media world are even suggesting Punk's long term play is to be the next HBK, which I think is about as likely as me being the next Megan Fox, but funny nonethless.

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16 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

It's not that surprising. He has always seemed to want to help and get involved. He just doesn't like it when people don't listen to him.

It might not be that surprising that that's what he wants, it'd be utterly astounding if WWE decided to give him - with all his quirks - the sort of power HBK has over the future of the business.

HBK might have been a difficult sod backstage, but he's famously always been a Vince fave and is Triple H's mate. I don't think Punky has such advantages.

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Punk ending up running Developmental is not something I’d ever considered, but it‘s actually one of those perfect, everyone-gets-what-they-want, they-all-lived-happily-ever-after scenarios.

He obviously wants to be seen as the revered legend, imparting invaluable wisdom, so there’s no better place for him than a warehouse full of rookies being paid to say, “yes sir,” expected to shake his hand before, during and after. We agree, Mr Brooks. Hangman Adam Page action figures don’t sell particularly well.

Also, if you ignore all the bullshit drama, at his core Punk’s one of the best promos of all time, with an incredible mind for this business, with a one-of-a-kind ability to get himself over and make himself the main character. I’d be a thousand times more interested in a generation of workers created in Punk’s image. I’ve had my fill of HBK’s factory line of boring all-rounders, obsessed with the hard camera, doing bad amateur dramatics, talking to their hands and taking stupid ladder bumps six months into their career.

They’d probably need to bring in an outside contractor for the, “don’t be a fucking nutter,” seminars though. Not sure Punk is best suited to teach those.

Plus, if nothing else, it’d be really fucking funny if CM Punk ended up as a cog in the WWE system, Regal as his right hand-man, stooging about. They all eat shit eventually. Like Winston at the end of 1984. Everything was alright. The struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved B̶i̶g̶ ̶B̶r̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶The Game Triple H.


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