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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

Have they ever done Orange Cassidy vs. Darby Allin? Feels like a low-key TV dream match, if not.

I think matches like that were what I was hoping for when they did the Owen Cup. There's loads of low key dream matches in AEW that don't really fit a story but are absolutely perfect for a huge sprawling 16 man tournament. What we ended up getting was such a waste, Allin vs Hardy is the only match from it I can even remember happening. I'm hoping they do a second Owen Cup but do it properly this time. I hate the thought of all these great wrestlers being in the same company at the same time without meeting up. What if Danielson vs Darby never happens? What if Eddie Kingston vs Jeff Jarrett never happens? Orange Cassidy vs Samoa Joe? Omega vs Bandido? Absolute nightmare.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Heels in a post-match beatdown. Babyfaces after a while come out to their music for the save. Probably the worst offender in this was staggered entrances of Hayter & Baker. The pair of them have come out together to save people from the Outcasts a couple of times. Not tonight for some random reason.

Sting please no with the Ric Flair shoutouts! Of course the crowd lapped it up.

Jeff Hardy, fresh off some personal problems, making the slowest of surprise saves. While looking in agony after some moves. TNA! TNA! TNA!

Darby v. Swerve and OC v. Buddy were a lot of fun. Did actually enjoy the Elite return. Although the match that led into it went longer than needed. Could have just had extended pre-bell brawl and then have match over in seconds.

I was rather turned out by the time The Battle of the Wizards took place.



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While I have misgivings about AEW bringing Jeff Hardy back in, he does carry a decent amount of name recognition value even with casual fans (especially lapsed Attitude Era fans) which is probably something worth having in mind with the Wembley announcement. I just hope they keep him away from the ladders and limit/manage his physicality.  He does not need to be wrestling on TV every week. If anything he needs to be given the Sting treatment and fully protected. 

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11 minutes ago, mim731 said:

While I have misgivings about AEW bringing Jeff Hardy back in, he does carry a decent amount of name recognition value even with casual fans (especially lapsed Attitude Era fans) which is probably something worth having in mind with the Wembley announcement. I just hope they keep him away from the ladders and limit/manage his physicality.  He does not need to be wrestling on TV every week. If anything he needs to be given the Sting treatment and fully protected. 

I agree, if he can do one match, rest up and do the Taker type deal that's all you need from him at this point. Hopefully there's enough legs in the others to carry this fued with the firm that can limit Jeff in ring

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It’s hard to feel anything other than concerned about the Jeff Hardy return. I’d say that I hope that he was in the right place physically and mentally to wrestle without relapsing - and I do - but that wasn’t the case for him the last time he returned. Or the time before that. Or the time before that. Perhaps he’d be doing these things anyway, or perhaps the ingredient that Hardy needs to remove from his life to stay clean is wrestling, and the aches and pains that come with it. Ultimately, AEW doesn’t need him, and bringing him back is incredibly risky.

1 hour ago, mim731 said:

While I have misgivings about AEW bringing Jeff Hardy back in, he does carry a decent amount of name recognition value even with casual fans (especially lapsed Attitude Era fans) which is probably something worth having in mind with the Wembley announcement.

I’ve kind of lost track of his legal situation, and I’m certainly no expert on these things, but would he even be allowed in the UK these days?

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I'd assume as they'd need to apply for a Visa for him to come over that he's highly unlikely with his criminal record to be allowed into the country.

Plus would he even be allowed outside of America? I imagine whatever sentence he's going to get (he hasn't already had his court case has he?) will carry a probation period if he's not locked up that would make him unable to leave the States.

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13 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I’ve kind of lost track of his legal situation, and I’m certainly no expert on these things, but would he even be allowed in the UK these days?

It's a fair point, I'm not certain what the legalities would be, he might not be able to enter the country although I imagine there are ways around that if you're a billionaire and you want to bring him in badly enough. 


1 minute ago, Shy Dad said:

I imagine whatever sentence he's going to get (he hasn't already had his court case has he?) will carry a probation period if he's not locked up that would make him unable to leave the States.

Hi legal issues have been resolved, so he's not pending any sentencing. He can't drive for 10 years and has various stipulations on his behaviour as I understand it. Again, I imagine there's a workaround for a billionaire, but it depends on whether it's worth the hassle/cost. 

Edited by mim731
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Fuck Jeff Hardy. At least with CM Punk, you can see the dilemma. He's a knobhead but he's also really fucking good, having produced some of his very best work in AEW. You can argue back and forth on whether he's worth the headache. Jeff though? Nope. He's been an embarrassment since first coming in. That pay-per-view match with the Young Bucks should've been enough to fire him, never mind all the shit in his personal life.

A huge step backwards for AEW. I thought we'd gotten past this awful phase of bringing in every fucker who answers the phone. Who next? Bobby Fish?!

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2 minutes ago, Supremo said:


A huge step backwards for AEW. I thought we'd gotten past this awful phase of bringing in every fucker who answers the phone. Who next? Bobby Fish?!

Not that I wanted him back either, but He’s still been under contract the whole time so he’s not a new pick up. 

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2 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Who next? Bobby Fish?!

Don't fucking jinx it!!

I don't like the idea that AEW is becoming the place where people who can't pass WWE's physical tests come to eke out some ill-judged final hurrahs.  Jeff Hardy is an addict - and he's addicted to wrestling, which inevitably leads to the other dependencies he needs to get through simple bumps nowadays.  AEW has been burnt already on this, more fool them.  He cannot wrestle any other type of match than dangerous, it's a tragedy waiting to happen now.

Speaking of unwell looking wrestlers, Keith Lee is entering the Big Daddy V stage of being impressive live and in person (I'm sure) but pretty ropey for tv.  He put in a LOT of effort for this main event and the match went ok, but he looked FUCKED a lot of the time, doing the André lean on the ropes after every spot.  Whatever his underlying issues are, his weight cannot be helping, he's significantly larger than his WWE run.  If I was him I'd be looking at the early deaths of, well, all the other big men in wrestling, and thinking of a gentle retirement.

It really feels like AEW is in the middle of something of an identity crisis.  Is it the plucky upstart wrestling fed with its young, dynamic homegrown stars?  Or is it chasing the shadow of WWE, bringing in anyone who might pop some name recognition?  Both approaches are valid - TNA did good business for years off option B.  And with Wembley coming up, the thought of pumping the roster with WWE names is obviously attractive.

But the main event was the worst bit of the show, in terms of interest.  The real workhorses are Orange Cassidy, the Elite, the BCC (pace their own issues), Hobbs and Wardlow, Hayter and Baker... they're having the most interesting matches and feuds.  

Speaking of the women's division, it's taken a real nose dive recently.  It's not Hayter's fault but it's become obvious how thin the talent pool is.  Most of their roster would struggle to get onto NXT tv, that's how big the gulf is between the two companies at the moment.  Riho can work a match but she's not a star, Sky Blue can barely work a match.  Ruby Soho, for goodness sake, is one of their better performers!  Put it this way, imagine WWE snapped up Hayter and Baker... they'd be fucked.  

p.s I love Sting.  That is all.


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