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52 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

calm down Vince

I’m not looking to get in an argument about it, if you see what was said on the show as fine then so be it.

For me though, we shouldn’t be expected to know what Takeshita has done before. It’s on Excalibur to put over Takeshita’s experience (specifically his Ladder Match experience in this case), and that’s the difference between telling the story and giving a wink to the Uber-fans.
Just saying he (or anyone else) has plenty of experience in Ladder Matches doesn’t mean anything in isolation. For all we know he could’ve had 50 of them and lost every one of them. Just give one example of a Lasder Match that he’s won, that puts him over as possibly being able to win this one.
Joey Styles used to do a great job in ECW of giving examples of people’s work outside of there, and how it was relevant to the situation/story that was unfolding, he didn’t just say “this lads done this before” and assume you knew what he was referring to. Granted ECW was still smarky as anything, but they also brought context to things for those not in the know when they needed to

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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5 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I’m not looking to get in an argument about it, if you see what was said on the show as fine then so be it.

For me though, we shouldn’t be expected to know what Takeshita has done before. It’s on Excalibur to put over Takeshita’s experience (specifically his Ladder Match experience in this case), and that’s the difference between telling the story and giving a wink to the Uber-fans.
Just saying he (or anyone else) has plenty of experience in Ladder Matches doesn’t mean anything in isolation. For all we know he could’ve had 50 of them and lost every one of them.
Joey Styles used to do a great job in ECW of giving examples of people’s work outside of there, and how it was relevant to the situation/story that was unfolding, he didn’t just say “this lads done this before” and assume you knew what he was referring to. Granted ECW was still smarky as anything, but they also brought context to things for those not in the know when they needed to

I suppose it can work two ways. Explaining can ultimately weaken it instead of strengthening the point.

There's actually an example in this episode when Butcher & Blade came out. Apparently they're the most dangerous team in battle royales with some stats thrown in there for number of eliminations. Something like that.

And i'm thinking to myself "They haven't won any of them!!!". It was like trying to big up Kane as a threat in the rumble.

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19 minutes ago, Mr.Showtime said:

Trent always looks pissed off.

Isn't that his character? He's always looked pissed off and miserable.

Best Friends have always been at this level and are pretty perfect for it. I don't think they deserve to be title contenders or anything but they work as a supporting act to Orange Cassidy. I think it's their position for life. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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Revolution, whilst only 8 matches, is still going to be a long night, isn't it? You would imagine 1 hour 45 mins roughly will be taken up by the Death Match and Iron Man matches with entrances etc. Jericho isnt going to go 5 mins, you wouldn't think and neither should Joe / Wardlow either. 

I've never been a fan of Iron Man matches so I may dip out prior to this match and catch it later on, but all in all, its still a decent card that should be a good show. 

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1 hour ago, WyattSheepMask said:

For me though, we shouldn’t be expected to know what Takeshita has done before. It’s on Excalibur to put over Takeshita’s experience (specifically his Ladder Match experience in this case), and that’s the difference between telling the story and giving a wink to the Uber-fans.

You don’t want them listing other promotions though as they’d essentially be advertising a rival product for free on their own show. Just say he won loads in Japan and that covers it. 

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Thought it was their best show in ages and flowed really well from start to finish. I always have a moan on here about how their original stars are always left to flounder when WWE/NXT guys come in, so to see people like Hook, Riho, Powerhouse Hobbs, Orange Cassidy and Pretty Peter Avalon up and down the card was refreshing.

Orange Cassidy vs Big Bill was a bunch of fun. Orange got all his spots in and Big Bill went along with them perfectly. Now he's in great shape and is motivated I think Bill is one to look out for in the near future. Always going to pop for a giant doing chokeslams and sidewalk slams.

The Mox promo got my interest in his match from 0-100. I love Adam Page and he's great at doing the sad quiet cowboy gimmick but when it comes to getting fired up and promoting a match, Mox is on another level. I'm sure the match will be good but this has run it's course and they both need to move on to opponents they gel better with on the mic.

The Ladder match was ace but not sure who Kommander is. He did some good spots but it could have been any masked Lucha in there doing them. Couldn't care less if it was Eddie having a shoot cry or if it was always planned but taking Kingston and Ortiz out the match made it so much better. Way less of a clusterfuck.
Action Andretti is shit though and him nearly killing Sammy with that Falcon Arrow hopefully sends him packing off to Dark or whatever. Takeshita's Blue Thunder Bomb was equally as stupid but at least they aimed it at the ground in the first place.
Hobbs was the right winner and the story with him, Joe and Wardlow is giving us great matches and moments from all three so fair play. That Ring needed to be a bit lower down though, poor Hobbs.

Great to see Riho. I was never huge on her at the start of AEW because she has some real weak looking offense but she's definitely got better and grown on me over time. Having a unique look has really helped her now the women's roster is bloated with NXT alumni. Once this brutal storyline is over and done with I'd really like to see Kris Statlander, Nyla Rose and Shida back in the mix. Also where are Layla Hirsch, Willow Nightingale and Serena Deeb?
Baffles me that of all the women they have at their disposal they're pushing Ruby Soho and Toni Storm who are utterly clueless.

Hook vs Hardy was what it was. Hook does need to be in there mixing it up with experienced stars but Matt Hardy is not the one to do it with, the lad's bones are Jenga stacks waiting to crumble and collapse. Hardy tapping to the Tazzmission before it was even locked on was a good laugh though.

Tag Battle Royal was probably the worst match on the show but it wasn't bad. The timings between entrants was all over the place, I thought everyone was in until after about five minutes Orange and Danhausen turned up then about 30 seconds later Butcher and Blade entered.
I echo the sentiment that I feel bad for Best Friends playing second fiddle to Orange and Danhausen. There was a time where Best Friends were arguably the top tag team on the show, having those unreal Parking Lot Brawls and Arcade Anarchy matches and closing out Dynamite. It seems every time I see them now they're having their matches cancelled or just knocking about. I'd actually go out on a limb and say the Arcade match where Statlander bust out the Crane Machine, Sue and Trent turned up and the show closed with them all doing a thumbs up to Pixies is the best ending to any Dynamite they've done. To say Best Friends should be support acts for Orange is doing them a huge disservice.

Jungle and Christian, Starks and Jericho and MJF vs Bryan feel like they've been going forever. Hopefully this weekend is the full stop on the end of all their feuds and they move on to other things. MJF vs Bryan is the worst. MJF's promo skills are regressing, Bryan's were never there, it's dull promos leading to a minimum of sixty minutes between them. Christ.

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30 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Hook vs Hardy was what it was. Hook does need to be in there mixing it up with experienced stars but Matt Hardy is not the one to do it with, the lad's bones are Jenga stacks waiting to crumble and collapse. Hardy tapping to the Tazzmission before it was even locked on was a good laugh though.


What was great was before the camera cut backstage was they caught Matt Hardy laughing as Hook’s win meant he got to face Stokely so it explains the early tap (plus the Twist of Fate counter to RedRum from Hook was something I hadn’t seen before and creative.

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38 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

Also where are Layla Hirsch, Willow Nightingale and Serena Deeb?
Baffles me that of all the women they have at their disposal they're pushing Ruby Soho and Toni Storm who are utterly clueless.


Leyla's still out injured as far as anyone's aware. Didn't have her surgery until the end of May. Haven't a clue when she might be back at this point. 

Willow was on Rampage last week or the week before facing Toni Storm. Ruby came out to make the save.

Serena Deeb is a mystery.

Going into the PPV one women's feud, one match. Two titles. To think you had people talking up the last PPV because they had 3 matches. It's been a real regression.


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1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

You don’t want them listing other promotions though as they’d essentially be advertising a rival product for free on their own show. Just say he won loads in Japan and that covers it. 

You can't go around saying he was good in Japan unless Takeshita is Japanese for Albert. You don't want to tar him with that brush. 

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18 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

You can't go around saying he was good in Japan unless Takeshita is Japanese for Albert. You don't want to tar him with that brush. 

“He’s good in Japan? He must put the shit in Takeshita”

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I know at some point Jungle Boy needs to drop the Jungle Boy and become Jack Perry (or some kind of new grown up gimmick) but I kinda' want him to stay as Jungle Boy for a while. It's refreshing to just have a basic and wholesome young blue eye babyface in wrestling for once that doesn't come across as completely phony and unlikeable. The more serious he gets the less I like him. And I definitely don't like spooky bollocks videos of him digging graves in the desert, just doesn't fit. 

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4 minutes ago, Version1.0 said:

What happened to Luchasaurus?

There's an ongoing lawsuit around merchandising rights to his mask, between AEW and the company that designed the mask. I assume he's off TV while that's happening.

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